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rojo's avatar

Can you tell me about your personal hamburger (or soyburger) that you make when you fire up the grill?

Asked by rojo (24182points) April 17th, 2017

What do you add to the meat? How do you make the perfect patty? What extras do you pile on? Condiments?
What makes it yours?

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I take a hunk (between a third and a half of a pound). I roll it between my palms into a ball. And then I smash it down onto the counter (which is covered with waxed paper) so it is flat.

That is the patty.

I put it on a grill that has been heated to high heat, but i turn the grill down to low.

Five minutes a side. Cheese for the last two minutes of side two. put onto a lightly toasted bun.

A big leaf of iceberg lettuce, a good slice of onion, a nice slice of beefsteak tomato. Ketchup on the patty, mayonnaise on the bun.


Patty_Melt's avatar

am the perfect Patty. That said, grill away, @zenvelo. Just please leave the onion and mayo off mine.

Seek's avatar

I make a pepperoni pizza stuffed burger that’s a big hit in my house.

But for just a regular patty, for myself, I mix in steak seasoning and minced onions, cook over high heat until it’s just starting to char on the outside and barely warm in the middle, cheese (preferably Swiss or Muenster), and sauteed mushrooms. Also it on a grilled bun and Bob’s your uncle.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Local grass fed beef, salt cooked over lump charcoal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We had grilled burgers at my son’s on Saturday. I was super, duper hungry until I saw the patties. They were those pre-pressed ones you get in bulk, in a box at Walmart. They look great but from experience I know they’re tasteless.

The best burger I ever had is one that didn’t seem to want to cook on the campfire. Rick grabbed a basket thing and shoved the patties right in the middle of the fire. They cooked really quickly, very brown on the outsie and OMG. They were the best burger I’d ever had. I think the secret was that they weren’t cooked on the inside much at all. Juicy, boy.

filmfann's avatar

I chop an onion, and add it to the uncooked meat before grilling. American cheese. Served on an English muffin. Tomato, mayo, mustard, mushrooms.

rojo's avatar

We usually mix in a little chorizo with the beef before making the patties to give it a more spicy flavor.

Then you can dress it any way you want. My son likes to make his with salsa instead of ketchup and slap a couple of slices of avocado on it… tasty!

A couple of things I want to try next time is to add mashed potatoes to one and also to toast the bun in the toaster before assembling the burger (not necessarily at the same time, just two new ideas).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I cooked a hamburger last night. I got the pan nice and hot, then threw the patty on and seared the hell out of it on both sides and ate it. I cooked it for less than 5 minutes. It was good. Nice and juicy.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I give people two choices, well burned or medium raw. For me, just cut off the horns, slap it on the ass, and toss it on the plate.

Strauss's avatar

When I can’t get @Patty_Melt on the grill…

My go-to burger is mixed with finely minced onions, bell peppers garlic and bacon. (If you like burgers extremely rare, you may want to use precooked bacon). Grill them to desired doneness, along with grilled onions. When burger is almost finished, melt a slice of Charp Cheddar. Served with mustard, pickles and tomato slices on a Kaiser roll

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^ Sounds good. I also sometimes put shredded cheddar in the meat before I cook it.

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