Could NK be trying to tell us something else, discretely?
Could it be Kim is trying to tell us to be on guard not because he has intent toward the US, but he knows something about China he is afraid to say aloud?
I am putting this in social because I want jellies to feel free to muse or imagine.
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18 Answers
And why exactly would he give a crap about China’s intentions, or America’s well being?
Because he is stuck between.
If he doesn’t trust China, he might want to know if he can turn to the US.
I don’t know. That is why I asked the question.
I heard him say something on the news. I can’t quote him, I don’t really remember his words. I just know that when I heard it, it didn’t seem like the US was his main concern.
He seems very kooky sometimes, but he sounded rather coherant and earnest.
Anyway, I just wanted to know if any other jellies thought he might be putting out feelers to see where he should seek out allies.
No, he’s not wanting to be “friends” with the US. His entire dynasty has been villifying us to their people for like 80 years.
He can’t hold on to power without a great evil figurehead to “protect” his people from.
Ahhhh. The power of propaganda. How can anyone take the threat of North Korea seriously when the US has been bombing at least 7 countries and occupying who knows how many more? We need to become more aware that we are not immune to propaganda. We threaten several countries on a daily basis…
A deputy ambassador from North Korea had this to say yesterday at a UN assembly, and I do not disagree with them at all, “The deputy ambassador, reading from a statement, told reporters, “The US is disturbing the global peace and stability and insisting on the gangster-like logic that its invasion of a sovereign state is ‘decisive, and just, and proportionate’ and contributes to ‘defending’ the international order in its bid to apply it to the Korean Peninsula as well.”
Send us more food or we will do more crimes against humanity, starve more of our people and shoot more dud missiles into the sea.
I know North Korea has been a writhing snake for a long time. How does one face running a teeny little country without frustration and an inferiority complex?
Still, same country, but different leader.
Could Un be trying to take his country a new direction without losing the trust of his people?
He had his own half brother assassinated with deadly neurotoxin.
What kind of “direction” do you think he wants to take his country?
Who knows? Perhaps drastic measure was required in order to take it a new direction.
You are asking me as if I wrote the question with some resolve of my own. I asked the question because I want to know what others think.
We don’t know his motivation for that killing. Maybe it wasn’t political at all.
I hate to ignore the little prick because there is so much suffering going on there. Everytime I see his evil, fat ass on the news it makes me want to beat the living crap out of him. If there ever was a time or place that I’m ok with the USA knocking off a dictator and installing a puppet this would be it. Someone really needs to knock his dick in the dirt.
There ^^ all, opinion, just what I asked for.
That their fascination with mahoosive military weaponage lies in their deep shame of the needle dick epidemic inherent since time began.
NK wants to be recognized as a nuclear power.
They want America to ignore their human rights violations and I assume drop any sanctions against them and allow them to become more powerful.
I think NK’s leader actually desperately want’s attention especially from the United States.
I heard that he uses many products from the US, watches CNN, loves the NBA and Dennis Rodman etc.
You may be on to something with this question, but their leader is out of control and murders and Imprisons and starves his own people in work camps etc.
He would love to meet with the American President because it would give him credibility as a power that he want’s so bad.
I get the impression he is torn between the traditions of his predacessors, and wanting to move his country a new direction. It would have to be very difficult to take an entire country accustomed to particular sociopolitical values, beliefs, and traditions, and go an entirely new way without losing power, or the confidence of the people.
Well, I’m not sure if he wants to lose total control over his people.
They think that he is everything and that he give’s them everything and that the US is evil.
I think he wants the rest of the world to see NK as powerful, but he doesn’t want his people to know anything about the outside world.
It’s a truely scary place and situation.
There’s the thing. He wants to retain control, but maybe differently.
The people are accustomed to certain behavior from their leaders. If he does want things to change, he would have to be very careful to not lose the trust of his people as he does any attempt for change.
He is in very close proximity to some very powerful forces. It must be quite intimidating. Any leader of that country would have to display a highly confident attitude, and brave resolve for maintaining his homeland.
It must make any thought of aquiring allies a tricky situation.
Yeah, I guess it is challenging for him?
He keeps NK locked up like a prison and I heard if you escape they will kill or imprison any of your family that’s left behind for generations.
NK’s major trading partner is China.
The US is trying to get China to cut off supply to NK so they will behave, but China doesn’t want to lose that trading partner and they also don’t want a war in that part of the world so they’re kinda playing both sides.
As for your question I don’t know of any evidence that shows NK is trying to warn us about China or even gain an alliance with the west.
He has met with Putin I believe and who knows what the hell they talked about?
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