If you wanted to meet an intelligent person where, in real life, would you go to find them?
If you were looking for a mate and the #1 quality on your list was intelligence, where can intelligent people be found just hanging out? For purposes of this question, no internetting is allowed!
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49 Answers
Well, there are plenty of smart people wherever you look. I know a lot of very smart people who have like zero motivation or drive. You will find them delivering pizza to your house or working whatever shitty job that does not drug test and pays just enough for them to eat said pizza, smoke pot and talk a bunch of shit with each other. They tend to den together in packs. You will find them at music festivals and your local high gravity tavern. They do this apparently into their 40’s
Others who do have drive you will find working in areas that offer variety and challenge. University graduate programs are an obvious choice, technical fields such engineering and computer science are another. You will not find too many of those out in the wild. Your local harbour freight or home center is a likely place to run into them.
They often can be found online or your best bet is to work adjacent to them.
For me choosing again I would probably easily find one of the female engineers working in a different dept single and datable.
I’m afraid I can’t tell you. We have a code.
Libraries, especially on college or university campuses.
My significant other has just joined MENSA and I know there are tons of outings and things they offer. Can this person perhaps approach MENSA and ask to write the test? (Or, would that be too intelligent? I took the question very literally I know!).
Depends on what you mean by “intelligent”.
It’s just a hypothetical question @LornaLove.
I guess there are a lot of different types of intelligence, @Sneki95. Good point.
Forbes. Insane asylums, genius comes hand and hand with insanity. Fluther.
Looking for an intelligent person and searching out a life partner are two different things.
And it’s funny that the question is phrased this way. I met my life partner in a virtual world. He is one of the more intellectual people I know.
If you live in a larger size city you can attend some meeting with the local academy of science.
In Western NY the Rochester Academy of Science has many different events and outings. It is a very worthwhile organization with great people.
It depends what you mean by intelligent. Given the number of degree holders who think vaccinating your kids turns them into cripples, one can’t really take education seriously any more. Frankly, as someone with an IQ higher than 95% of idiots, i think intellect is very over-rated. Give me a pretty girl with a nice personality over a brainiac bitch any day.
Right @ThePigman. That was pointed out. But looks are not at the top of my list for a mate. Not at the bottom, but not at the top, either.
Looking to dump Rick, are ya? ;-)
^^probably looking to instruct daughter or neice
An astronomy club meeting.
@janbb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
No you guys! It’s not based on real life anything! It’s just a question that fell into my mind for some reason. I was thinking back on my college days and how we spent so much time at the bars, and why were we there? Well, I was there to shoot pool and play foosball, but I think most were there to Meet Someone. Then I wondered what kind of person they hoped to find at a bar? Well, at that age it would have a pretty diverse population. And THEN I wondered how different it would be if you were in your 30’s and above. Would you really go to a bar expecting to find someone of some caliber? But then again, maybe one could. Maybe. Do intelligent people hang out in bars? I know that as a single woman I wouldn’t be hanging out in bars.
There were plenty of smart people hanging out in bars, ladies included. Like my previous answer, they pack together at them. Most drop off around age 30 but in my 20’s there were regular dives where you would find them. Nightclubs not so much.
Right. Especially in college towns. But what about people who are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s?
Agree on the Kansas thing
Agree on the Kansas thing
See above answers. Smart folks have hobbies and hobby clubs are a good place to find them at any age.
^^ I guess not on smart phones then either.
Ooooo!!! If you have to go to a bar go to one that holds Buzztime trivia nights. They are fun.
i know Buffalo WildWings does it but I’m sure there are others all over the country.
Protests. Musicals. Museums.
Okay. I will break the code and tell you.
Pokemon Go
Tried that. They were all 15 or so!
Book clubs, continuing classes for adults, volunteer work, political activism groups—to name a few.
Don’t you think you can find them over here?
Well, I was with my mate when I was hunting them.
I think you can find intelligent people everywhere.
They don’t look a certain way or talk a certain way you just have to be open-minded enough to talk to a variety of different people from different walks of life and really get to know them and I think you’ll be surprised at how unique and intelligent some regular, everyday people are.
It’s not always the people that love to talk about how intelligent they are and about their education and accomplishments.
Sometimes it’s the quiet, shy one’s that actually have a lot on their minds.
Good luck in your search.
I’m not looking. I was just idly thinking the other day of people who go to bars to meet someone. In college you can meet almost any kind of person at a college bar, but when you get into your 30’s and beyond I don’t think you’d have much luck finding a quality person in a place like that. But, I don’t know. I’ve been to a few bars with Rick since we got together and it seems like there are always a handful of 40+ people just hanging out by themselves and it seems kind of sad.
I don’t know if your odds of finding an intelligent person are less or greater at a bar or anywhere, but your odds of finding an alcoholic at a bar are probably way higher than most other places.
I guess it just comes down to who you would consider to be a “quality” person?
If you go to places that you enjoy then at least you may meet an intelligent person who share’s your interests and maybe that person would be a quality person for you?
How do you define “quality” in a person?
Everyone has their own definitions of quality. For some it’s as simple minded and shallow as simply looks. For others they want someone they can discuss science and ideas with.
Geocaching . com just listed their 3,000,000th cache and issued this infographic .
You might find it interesting.
Well don’t look in Texas, A lot of these morons bought in to the Jade Helm hysteria of a few years back, when Obama was gonna git them guns and out all the white folk in jail in Wal-Mart basements.
Yeah, I read a book once.
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