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flo's avatar

Does Christie Blatchford want no such thing as civil suits?

Asked by flo (13313points) April 20th, 2017

Does Christie Blatchford want to bring an end to any and all civil suits of any kind? I don’t see that in the article below. I only see that she wants women to stop _ suing men and not men suing women for sexual harrassement.
What Iā€™m saying is how lovely it would be if just once in a while, such a put-upon woman did the right thing for its own pure sake ā€” either quit, there being no conscription at Fox or any other network; or blew the whistle on the man publicly and contemporaneously and had the gumption to put her name to it; or just, you know, moved on, the way that people used to do ā€” without first trying to leverage the situation to her advantage, whether financially or otherwise.”
Men can be victims too.

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2 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Isn’t this the same woman who dated Anthony Wiener? No one is fooled here.

In order for the number of tweets and complaints these advertisers received in the boycott, internet bots had to have been used,

Trump’s comments about grabbing a woman in the “pussy” didn’t dissuade many voters, and Bill Clinton’s actually assaulting at least three women in the oval office actually RAISED his ratings.

O’Reilly has aN EXTREMELY loyal following. I personally do not know what happens in these cases, but the boycott had something rigged. Most people reserve judgement or just don’t care when such things are said. And yes, I believe 13 Million is awfully good incentive to make an accusation of sexual harassment. Even choirboys who were raped their entire childhood don’t get that much.

If you can survive Anthony Weiner, nothing O’Reilly did was forced u[on you.

flo's avatar

@Yellowdog So, what is your answer to the question? Should there be no such thing as civil suits ever, period? If you were sexually (or otherwise) harrased or if your neighbour does something worth suing, ... your doctor malpractice/negligence, your offspring dies, you shouldn’t sue them?

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