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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Should the United Nations have a standing army?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) April 21st, 2017

So that they can intervene against atrocities. Instead of just talking about war crimes ect.

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10 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No. No place to keep and train it. Besides, the “Nations” of the “United Nations” have armies to use.

cazzie's avatar

They do. They have their trademark light blue berets. Why don’t people know this? They’re called ‘Peace Keepers’ They are most used to stand between fighting factions. I knew guys from New Zealand who volunteered for this work and they worked mostly in the Middle East.

janbb's avatar

@cazzie Some of us do.

imrainmaker's avatar

To add what @cazzie said they have done a wonderful job in African countries which are hit by internal conflicts.

cazzie's avatar

@janbb I know some do, but there seems to be a mounting group of ‘America First’ people who think the UN and NATO are evil institutions that the US shouldn’t be involved with.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@cazzie Other than peace keepers. A real army that can enforce international law, and stop atrocities. One that rivals the greatest armies in the world. Instead of having the USA pay for and lead every time.

Sneki95's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 That army does exist. It’s called the US army and those “peace keepers” mentioned above.
If the law has to be enforced, it’s a bad law, and atrocities can not be stopped with weapon and force.
It’s real pretty to think army can keep peace, but it doesn’t work. All you’ll get is people being even more jaded towards the “peace keepers” who march into their land like they own it and decide who can do what.
Problems of the state would be left for that state to deal with it. Other states can only support or not, and only international problems are where countries should cooperate. Cooperate, not let one country or a vague organisation decide shit.
People are not stupid, they know what is good for their country and they don’t need a “big daddy” from the outside to force them how to think and behave.

cazzie's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 No country really has the right to go in and tell another sovereign nation what to do. There is no real way to stop the internal civil wars. The Congo, Sudan, Palestine-Israel – All horrific numbers of deaths, but yet… No big police action to take over these areas and get rid of the assholes allowing the killing to continue. @Sneki95 Thinks the US can do it, but, in reality, they pick and choose what to get indignant about and the rest of the world knows it’s about oil and money and when they have gotten involved in areas, they fuck it up. The truth is, nobody has the ability to stop it. Because: People are stupid and violent and horrible and are going to keep killing each other, nothing is going to stop that, but we are actually killing each other less than we used to. (If that makes you feel better.)

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