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Hs03's avatar

My cat gave birth in unknown area?

Asked by Hs03 (39points) April 23rd, 2017 from iPhone

So my pregnant cat escaped when my gardeners where letting the dog back outside and she came home with no babies and her belly shaved. It’s pretty hot where I live and my cat is a wild one so I’m pretty sure that she gave birth in someone’s garage and they are just trying to help. I didn’t want the kittens to starve wherever they were so I let her go to see where she went but she waits for me to leave then takes off. Should I put up signs or ask around? There is also green marker on her stomach but I think that is from when they shaved her.

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39 Answers

jca's avatar

Walk around the neighborhood and talk to people. If, after an hour or two, you get nowhere, then make signs and hang them up.

Sneki95's avatar

What was written above.
Although, it’s very likely no one would know. Animals are secretive about their young, they don’t like people being around their babies until they grow up a bit.
Your cat has probably hidden them very well.
And if you find the babies, I suggest leaving them there and let the mom take care of them. It’s for the better.
When they grow up, they’ll follow their mom and come to you eventually (although you’d need some time to gain their trust).

jca's avatar

To me, someone shaving the cat’s stomach is weird and a red flag. Someone in the area must know.

Coloma's avatar

Why would someone shave her belly? That is usually done when a cat is spayed. Have you looked closely at her stomach to see if maybe she was spayed instead of giving birth?
Not much you can do but try and follow her to find where she has her kittens or wait until they are old enough to follow her home. Yes, I would also put up signs and maybe someone will spot her or find her nest and contact you.

jca's avatar

If she has been missing for long periods of time, it’s definitely possible that someone else has been feeding her, thinking she is feral. It’s possible she has been spayed, good point by @Coloma. There are vets who work through feral cat programs that do “TNR = Trap, Neuter, Release” and they’d definitely spay a cat who is pregnant in an effort to keep the feral cat population down. Look at her stomach.

Coloma's avatar

^ Yes, my thoughts exactly. If her stomach area is obviously shaved then the incision from the spaying should still be visible.
@Hs03 It will be fairly small, a few inches long n the lower abdominal area.

anniereborn's avatar

How far along was she in her pregnancy? My guess is that she was spayed as well.

cazzie's avatar

I bet the kittens are no more and she’s been spayed. Is you cat chipped?

jca's avatar

Does she have a collar with a tag?

si3tech's avatar

@Hs03 This sounds odd to me. The shaved tummy likely was a vet. I agree with @cazzie that the kittens are no more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They said she’s a wild cat so I doubt she’s chipped. Is it possible you’re mistake the areas when the kittens have been nursing as being shaved?

Who would put a collar on a cat, especially an outdoor cat??

anniereborn's avatar

@Dutchess_III HA! I thought she meant wild one like energetic/nutty.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: You’ve never heard of safety collars? You’ve never heard of flea collars?

Chips are great but not everyone is going to take the animal to the vet to see if it has a chip.

There’s a dog that was lost in the area I work in, a few weeks ago, and the owner took it with him for a car ride. The dog bolted out of the car and has not been seen since. FB has the dog’s post and I helped make signs, hoping the owners would come and hang the signs up and get out and about talking to people on the street. The dog has a chip but not a collar. Not everyone is going to take the dog to the vet to check for a chip, but if it had a collar, it would be immediately known that the dog has an owner and they could call (in other words, there’d be no misunderstanding that the dog has an owner). I’m afraid someone in the housing project took the dog and is either keeping it or using it for dog fighting. The dog is a friendly, young pit bull. It’s been over 3 weeks and no sign of the dog anywhere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would never put a collar on an outdoor cat. I would be afraid they’d hang themselves.

jca's avatar

My cats have usually had collars and have never hung themselves. Like I mentioned, there are safety collars that are designed to release. My cats’ collars have not been safety collars. They have climbed trees, but not usually or if they do, not so high. Usually they run around in the grass and look at flowers and look for rodents.

CWOTUS's avatar

Of course she was spayed. Someone else who probably also considers this “their cat” now knows about the birth, and took the cat to a veterinarian to have the procedure done to at least stem the flow of feral cats from one channel.

So you’ll have better luck asking local veterinarians, “Have you seen this cat?” (with a photo, of course).

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III They make safety/breakaway collars. My cats have the elastic versions that will pop off their heads if they were to get hung up on something.

@jca Poor puppy, are the owners checking all the local shelters every day too and reading the “found” ads on like C’sList?

jca's avatar

@Coloma: I don’t know. I spoke to the owner before I went on vacation, which was last week (so I spoke to him two weeks ago). I don’t think he’s that high tech. I sent him an email the other day and asked about his progress but he didn’t respond. He sounds like an older guy. I made the signs because not everyone is on FB and even those who are, not all are receiving “Lost Pets” group posts. I really feel hanging up signs is the best way and gets you out and into neighborhoods where people might know someone who has the dog or may have seen the dog. It’s sad. I feel like there’s no hope since it’s over 3 weeks now.

jca's avatar

And the owner is from Queens, @Coloma, so even if he is coming around, he’s probably not able to, too often, since Queens is a ride from the city I work in (at least 45 minutes each way).

jca's avatar

I was really feeling like to take a dog out in a car, in another city, with a chip but not a collar and a tag, you have to be an idiot. I found it both sad and annoying.

Coloma's avatar

@jca I agree, I mean you’d think the owner would have a collar with ID tag and a leash on the dog before it just bolts from the car. People are pretty clueless sometimes.

Coloma's avatar

^ he is cute, poor lttle guy, lost in a crazy city. Hopefully he didn’t get hit by a car. :-(

Darth_Algar's avatar

The cat has almost certain been spayed. The kittens were most likely aborted. Still, I’d ask around the neighborhood. If the kittens are alive then she’s not going to venture too far from them. Most cats will tend to stick within a territory of a few hundred feet radius as it is (unless driven away for some reason) even when “flying solo”. A mama cat will try to stick even closer to her kittens.

Darth_Algar's avatar

FWIW: Those breakaway collars don’t always work like they’re suppose to. Personally, I won’t put any kind of collar on my cats, but they’re strictly indoor anyway.

jca's avatar

My cats have no collar right now, but they stay within my yard and the neighbor’s yard (maybe 50 feet in each direction).

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cat does the same. My corner lot = 2 lots, so my back yard is pretty huge for in town. She has a forest of trees to climb, climbs up on the neighbor’s roof and bravely chases other cats away if we’re watching her. So many birds and squirrels to chase, so many places to climb and hide. Sleeps in a cozy water bed at night. She really has a great life for a cat.
She’s chipped, spayed and shot, but no collar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To the OP, if your cat considers your house to be home she’ll bring the babies there. But it kind of sounds like there are no babies.

Coloma's avatar

My cats don’t wear their collars either and they stay close to home, but, I am on a rural property, no danger of them getting “lost” in a neighborhood/city situation. The best cat collars are the stretchy elastic ones that slip off their heads easily if need be but are snug enough to stay on minus an emergency.

Hs03's avatar

@jca @Coloma to most of your questions my cat did have a collar but she came back with none,it was not an expensive one so I assume she took it off because she doesn’t like it very much. Also she was pregnant to the point that you could tell she was and I was expecting her to give birth that week. It has gotten weirder this week. I still had hope for the kittens so I let her go outside and she came back with the tip of her left ear sliced about a half inch off.

Hs03's avatar

Well,I found her in LA and brought her to another city she had a collar on so unless someone took her collar off (she came home without a collar) then did it which is a possibility that could be the case.

Hs03's avatar

@Coloma however animal control is tight on my street,my black cat got out and the pound got him. I never knew what happened to him until this year when my mom found out they put him to sleep. So it could be a possibility that someone neutered her.

Coloma's avatar

@Hs03 Was her ear actually sliced or is there a little notch in it? Notching the ear is a sign the cat has been trapped and neutered/spayed and re-released.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, interesting. My cat has a notch in her ear. I wondered where it came from. I’m the one who got her spayed, and I didn’t do the notching.

Hs03's avatar

@Coloma as in there was nothing left or as in just a little tick on the side like someone cut half way? The tip is completely cut off.

Hs03's avatar

@Coloma unless someone could have tried to notch it and ended up taking off the whole tip.

jca's avatar

@Hs03: If I were you, I’d start keeping the cat in the house.

anniereborn's avatar

This Is what it looks like when a cat is spayed/neutered in a TNR situation.

Hs03's avatar

@annieborn ok thanks for the conformation. That is what happened,I found out online from neighborhood watch 30 minutes ago. Thanks for your help.

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