What would happen to me if I did this?
I thought that as a hobby maybe I could start training and gain a lot of muscle, go to a really high-end costume shop and get a very good quality Spider-Man costume and then go out in the city at night and kinda fight crimes.
Like just small stuff like if I see someone about to drink and drive I could run in from the shadows, take their car keys and rough them up a little or if I saw a car being broken into I could sneak up as Spider-Man and attack the thief and tie him up with duct tape and leave him there with a snapshot of him and Spider-Man.
Or if I see a couple arguing in a parking garage I could like throw a net on them from up above and tell them to keep it down.
Just some ideas I had.
How would you react if you saw a fully grown man in a legit Spider-Man costume running through dark alleys at night?
Would you call the cops or be supportive?
What would happen to me?
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26 Answers
You would be killed on your first sortie.
If the police caught you (which is likely) they would most likely arrest you for hindering police activity, impersonating a police officer, or something like that. It is unlikely that you would be welcomed and supported by any police department.
It is much more likely that they lock you up as a lunatic.
For your second example (arguing in the parking lot) that isn’t even illegal. People can argue at any volume they want. Your interference would not be desired.
There is a term for what you are describing : Vigilantism (Being a vigilante)
The law tends not to support vigilantes.
I did this as a teenager. I had fun fighting bullies. I would suggest taking a first aid class and martial arts. You could hang outside of bars at 2 – 3 am, after last call, when most problems happen . Get a nonviolent crisis intervention certificate
In my state, someone would shoot you. You might get lucky and live, and then get sent to the loony bin.
Best case scenario is that you get charged with assault. Leave the law enforcement to the police. If you want to cosplay there are conventions for that.
Haha..well A for noble intent and novel idea but F for foolish fantasy. You’d probably get the crap beaten out of you or worse pretty quickly and arrested as a vigilante too.
It was grade 5. I was eleven and I wore my He-Man Halloween costume with mask ,shield ,and sword. I took on the drug dealers in my neighbourhood. The shield hurt when attacked and the sword broke on first strike and I did not breathe properly with the mask. I switched from a Casey Jones equipment approach, and switched to martial arts. I practiced Yoga on the couch at home and brought all my books in a duffel bag for exercise all school day. I was lucky to have a growth spirt and was 6’5” in Junior High. I quit at age 15 because I learned diplomacy and I talked and reasoned with people. Also I focused on my studies and made it to university.
Honestly, I’m finding that story a little hard to swallow.
One thing I dislike about superhero flicks is that they make the police looks like a fool and glorify a random dude running around busting people like it’s his own city.
The police force doesn’t exist for no reason. And it’s hard to believe an organization of professionally trained law enforcers and investigators is no match for one dude with expensive toys.
You are much better off reporting everything you think is criminal activities to the police instead.
I’d call the cops.
On you.
I guess you guys are right it is pretty dangerous and the cops might get pissed at me, but sometime’s I feel like I want to be a hero.
Maybe I could work for The Red Cross or be a an EMT or a first responder of some kind?
I just don’t like organizations or politics or rules or guns and I’d prefer to work alone and I still kinda wanna wear the Spidey suit.
I think it’s funny and if I ever did end up in the right place at the right time and I managed to help a woman that was being mugged as Spider-Man I think it would be kinda hot.
She’d probably think I’m crazy, but maybe she’d dig it you never know?
I think maybe I have some kind of fetish where I want to be this dark, mysterious, dangerous and strong hero, but really a sweet person who would risk his life to save someone.
If you want to be a hero woke wearing a Spider-Man suit, try this:
Get the suit.
Get really good at being Spidey in character.
Get permission to visit the children’s hospital.
Chicks dig guys who visit cancer kids.
@Derrikfanboy now this where you need to draw the line between fantasy and reality. Not all fantasy can be safely translated into actual action and there is a good reason for it.
I tell you what, I have a similar fantasy to yours. I have a fetish where I am a cold, mysterious film-noir detective who sits in the office and wait for a client in distress to ask for help, and then goes out in the dark and engages in shootouts with the villain while the police has no idea what to do. But you will never see me in a trench coat and fedora waving a colt and looking hideous.
If you really want to help, at least try to gather necessary skills for what you want to help with. For example, you want to work for the Red Cross, you need to have enough medical skills. People appreciate your noble intention, but what they need more is a good result. No one likes to see someone offering help then mess everything up even further.
Or at least just start with small things you can do. Giving people a seat on the bus, helping elders to cross the road… why not just go for small random act of kindness while you can, instead of dreaming about being a superhero fighting unthinkable crime?
Yeah you guys are right @Seek I should think about what you’re saying.
Doing something for sick kids is really being a hero.
This is all just a fantasy I have a child of my own to care for and if I did ever get a Spider-Man suit it would be just to impress my son on Halloween.
Yeah sick kid’s would get the biggest thrill out of seeing Spider-Man, that’s a good suggestion.
I think mentally I feel powerless, underappreciated and just a touch suicidal at times and I guess the thought of going out in a blaze of glory doing something crazy like imitating a superhero, helping people and getting attention for it has more appeal than just drinking and fading away.
None of this matters anyway because I’m a single parent and I can just try my best to be a hero to my son in real life.
This question was just a fantasy or a plan B if everything else goes to shit.
Thanks for your input guys.
@Derrikfanboy _“I think it’s funny and if I ever did end up in the right place at the right time and I managed to help a woman that was being mugged as Spider-Man I think it would be kinda hot.
She’d probably think I’m crazy, but maybe she’d dig it you never know?“_
The damsel in distress isn’t going to jump into bed with you.
Especially not of you are in a spiderman costume.
“Kick Ass” the comic by Mark Millar tackles this very premise. Young kid puts on a homemade suit and plays at being a super hero. It does not go well to say the least.
Check out the first volume.
She doesn’t have to jump into bed with me.
It’s not just about sex, if I want to hook up I could just go on Tinder or something.
It’s more about living out a fantasy, doing something unorthodox, shocking people and seeing someone’s reaction after having an encounter with a Spider-Man that look’s a little too real, LoL.
I would like to save someone and remain anonymous as they watch Spider-Man run off into the darkness and wonder “What the fuck just happened?”
I’d assume you were a gimp about to cause me sexual confusion & so i’d be forced to kick you square in the nuts, immediately disabling you & keeping my virginity intact until that special someone comes along…maybe Wonder Woman even
@Patty_Melt I got an “invalid video ID” message when I tried your link.
Try again. I got two digits switched, but I edited. It should work for you now.
I always double check my links for just that reason.
Yeah, that’s pretty cool and those guys are doing a sweet thing for those kids.
I want a better costume though.
Like I want adults to look twice and say “Is that?” and then look at each other and say “What the fuck?”
I could wash windows by day and fight crimes at night.
If you want to fight crime, first you have to get a badge.
Maybe you could go into the secret service, get assigned to the President, then get his permission to guard him wearing your costume. That would create a media sensation, you would be legal, and you wouldn’t have to bulk up much, because you would be wearing bullet proof gear under.
Orrrrrr, wash windows, and be happy with bringing joy to suffering children.
Yeah I see what you mean Patty.
I’m honestly kind of a chicken shit when it comes to sick kids.
I love my son so much and I’m really overprotective and it just breaks my heart to think about innocent children suffering.
I’m so scared of cancer and to see a child with cancer is more than I can handle because I’m scared for them, I know I can’t fix them and as a parent I can’t imagine what their parent’s are going through.
I’m so thankful for my child being healthy so far, but I guess I would have to stop being a coward and try to make a sick child feel good for at least I one day if I get the chance.
I kinda have a past of not being able to let go of tragic things involving kids.
After I heard about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings I cried.
My son was 5 at the time that those 1st graders were murdered and I couldn’t stop imagining how horrible it was for those poor little kids and how heart wrenching it must be for the parents.
I was very angry about it for a long time and was scared when I’d drop my son off at school even here in Canada.
I would wait by the door until the bell rang everyday just in case a shooter came in.
Being at a children’s hospital and seeing kids suffer would definitely fuck me up, but it’s nothing compared to what they have to go through being sick so maybe in the future I should explore helping kids somehow.
It honestly scares the shit out of me though because I love kids so much and I don’t know how to handle it.
I can understand your fears 100%. What is a superhero though? A superhero is not someone who doesn’t fear, it is someone who does good even though they feel afraid. Those super powers, or gadgets, depending on which hero you emulate, does not make them indestructable. It is tools they use to help them achieve success.
Any doctor will tell you that a patient’s chances depends heavily on their frame of mind. By bringing joy to those kids you are helping to reduce emotional and physical pain, and possibly giving medical efforts an extra boost by making them happy.
Think of this; suppose twenty years from now you see a firefighter on the news. They are being called a hero because they saved someone’s life, and they say they were inspired as a kid when they wete sick and Spiderman came to the window and waved. They say that they became determined to get better, so they could be a hero for someone else.
Just by cheering up sick kids, you could give them joy, and maybe a little exyra strength, and the determination to grow up and do good for others.
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