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wrestlemaniac's avatar

What happens to you when you die?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 9th, 2008

i wonder….

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49 Answers

eambos's avatar

You stop living.

Delirium will give the best answer.

delirium's avatar

Decomposition. You revert to your basic chemical makeup and simplify.

You’re dead. The end. No fear, no pain, no blackness. Just nothing.

delirium's avatar

damn you eambos! I flinched! ;)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well what happens spiritually?

jrpowell's avatar

How would we know?

delirium's avatar

You hope that your invented post-death-happy-place is real and don’t have time to realize that it’s not.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

That’s assuming there is a spiritual aspect of life.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i believe in it.

damien's avatar

Nothing happens “spiritually”.

Your body cieces to function and so your brain can no longer think “spiritually”.

It’s a nice idea that there’s something else, but considering that our brain is just a series of electrical impulses, when those impulses stop, so does our body and our existence.

delirium's avatar

Good for you, WM. What do you want? A cookie?

AstroChuck's avatar

Why?! Have you heard something?!

tinyfaery's avatar

If you want to be buried, they rip out your guts, drain your blood, and fill you with embalming fluid, then they put your biodegradable remains into a non-biodegradable box, and put you into the ground. If you prefer to go the cremation route, well, that’s pretty obvious.

AstroChuck's avatar

God, I’m getting hungry.

syz's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

The one thing I find appealing about dying is it’s something I can do lying down.

TheHaight's avatar

WM, you got the answer you were asking, but obviously you meant “spiritually were do you go”. It’s whatever you believe in and hope for the best..I know it sounds a little to unrealistic but that’s just my opinion. Syz left a good link.

Maverick's avatar

We have every reason to assume that your after-life existence will be exactly the same to you as the billions and billions of years of before-life that you experienced before being born.

buster's avatar

I put in my will that I want to be mummified when I die.

eambos's avatar

Egyptian style? That’s expensive! but even more awesome!

Randy's avatar

I really don’t have a clue. Sure your body returns to the Earth but no one knows what will happen to your “being”. I believe in an afterlife. I’m Christian in beliefs, so I believe as I do but that’s the beauty; no one knows. Believe in what you want and hope for the best. If your beliefs are right, that’s awesome. If you just cease to exist all together than what’s the hurt in believing?

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arnbev959's avatar

My soul will begin to dissipate the moment my heart stops.

ebenezer's avatar

has anyone heard of the “body farm”?

MarshallO's avatar

We came from nothing; we return to nothing!

Religions we’re only invented to help mankind cope with the fear of death. . . .

Animals don’t have any religions, and THEY don’t fear death! So, too, should it be with us.

aaronou's avatar

Actually, I think it could be argued that animals do, by instinct, fear death. When life is about survival, death becomes an enemy. Thus, when approached with impending doom, an animal will cower in many cases.

Besides that, I’d rather not take my life lessons from and emulate a less intelligent being.

Aside from that, it is true that we should not fear death, and I’m sure some do not. But in reality, most of us do. The unknowable, unsearchable, abrupt ending to what we call life just seems to haunt the vast majority of humans.

delirium's avatar

yes. The body farm is incredible.

cyrusbond's avatar

Light switch on, light switch off. Lots of decomposition…sorry I’m not being nhilistic here, you have serious responsibilities while you’re alive, and you should make the absolute most of every damn second…or else you’re already dead.

P.S. @Randy, if you believe in something just because there’s a 50/50 shot, that either makes ya a oppurtunist or delusional! Love ya brother!

seVen's avatar

There’s eternal place called heaven (dwelling place of God) or eternal separation from God called hell.
Source: Living Word of God The Holy Bible.

allengreen's avatar

@delirium, way to go, tell it like it is——folks want to think some Cosmic Disneyland awaits them. I think they better buy tickets and make time for Disney now.
Although, there is a movie called “Defending My Life” that explores a view of karmic consequenses, that raises some interesting points about getting it “right” or having to do it again and again. Rent the movie,

gailcalled's avatar

@tiny; Jews have always buried within 24 hrs whenever humanly possible, in a linen shroud and a pine box. That way everything is returned to the earth. Embalming is not done and a metal-lined coffin is never used. I have always felt comfortable with that. Many secular Jews today choose cremation.

allengreen's avatar

wrong thread

tinyfaery's avatar

The Jews where I live have lavish funerals, with no pine box in sight, or a Shiva—well maybe for a day or two. But they also eat ham, drive on Saturdays, and date goys. Go figure? : )

gailcalled's avatar

A lot of Jews have dropped the traditional ways; I know. But the intent was one that many of us like and try to follow. My daughter has had serious relationships with only goys who are also Canadians.

There is the concept of the Shabbos Goy who, for a fee, will do the forbidden chores on the Sabbath (like turn on the lights, TV, etc.)

gailcalled's avatar

My mother-in-law (RIP) used to eat bacon and shell fish when she went to a restaurant , but never in the home. It’s all pretty confusing.

allengreen's avatar

…and all this has to do with the original question, how?

gailcalled's avatar

Sidebars for Theology 101.

buster's avatar

If you accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour before you die you get a ticket to heaven. If your a good person, have strong morals, and always help other people at all times but don’t accept Jesus as the way, the truth, and the light, then you burn in hell for eternity.
Thats what they told me in Sunday School anyways.

allengreen's avatar

@don’t forget, if you don’t vote for Republicans you will burn for eternity too.

MarshallO's avatar

@buster: Do you always believe everything you’re told?

buster's avatar

@marshall, Do you got a problem with my post or belief system? Im just stating a fundamentalist christian view that noone else really expressed. Your new but if you have read some of my past post you would understand I was raised Southern Baptist and attended church 3 times a week for 15 years and then left the church when I was 15 due to the fact I base my beliefs more on science than faith in a God/ Jesus/ Holy Ghost. Their was a lot of sarcasm directed at christians in my answer. The question to you is do you believe everything people say on fluther?

Randy's avatar

In my opinion, Marshall, there is feeling connected to the “brainwashing” us Christians receive.

TheHaight's avatar

Well that answers my question buster and Marshall. Everything you said in that previous post Buster, is what I believe. I just chose not to go into such depth because I knew someone would say some smartass little remark like what Marshall said. But that’s okay, that’s life and we all have different beliefs. I just don’t want mine to be taken as “sarcasm” like what your point was Buster. In thee end it’s all gravy. We die and don’t truely know were we go until it happens. Oh well.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I think it would be cool to be a ghost!!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Or a Shade!!!!!!!!!!!!!

allengreen's avatar

” I used to think that I was cool, crusing ‘round in fossel fuel, until I saw what I was doing, was DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD TO RUIN” when I die, I don’t want no coffin, I’ve thought about it all too often, just strap me in behind the wheel and burry me in my automobile! J. Taylor

wrestlemaniac's avatar

what good would that do?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i think i would go to where ever it is i’m set for and take control.

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