Meta Question

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Is it fair that aliens pushed my question to editing because I was getting a little too close to the truth?

Asked by Derrikfanboy (340points) April 25th, 2017
Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0

110 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Which aliens? What question?
Whose truth?

Derrikfanboy's avatar

If I tell you Patty this question will disappear too.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Ohh, aliens just moved this to the section nobody looks at.
Thanks Patty, but I I should keep my mouth shut.

Coloma's avatar

@Derrikfanboy The Meta section is for questions about fluther, which this one is. You asked about modding, that lands the Q. here, in this zone. Close to what truth? Nah, you’re giving yourself too much credit, more likely your question was poorly written and needed revision and editing. The guidelines here have nothing to do with the mods banning questions on personal bias.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No, your question did not meet the writing standards or wasn’t detailed enough, probably.
What was your question? They usually won’t delete a question unless it violates writing standards and/or is spam.

Sneki95's avatar

Oh look, a conspiracy theorist!

I thought you guys died out somewhere in the late 2010s.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

We’re in over our heads guys.
Just let the aliens win and maybe if I don’t disspear too I’ll live to expose their plots another day?
Thanks and be safe.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Thanks for the heads up.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Huh, there doesn’t seem to be any record of your question being removed. I wonder if [redacted by the CIA].

chyna's avatar

The truth is out there.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe we’re underestimating the spidey sense. lol

janbb's avatar

I have a feeling the OP has been here before…....

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Now all of my questions are disappearing and the staff don’t like me anymore.
I’m trying guys, but I’m just a little too wild for fluther and I don’t do good with rules, but I love you guys.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@janbb, see my link above. I think OP knows, and forgot. Shhhh.

janbb's avatar

I see no link.

chyna's avatar

^You have old penguin eyes. It’s there. You just have to look really hard. It’s teeny tiny. Get out the bifocals.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

I see it. : )

Patty_Melt's avatar

Shhh. Aliens are near sighted. That is why I micro posted.

Becca543's avatar

I think the OP is trying to say that there is no aliens and he’s being oppressed by the fluther staff?

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Help me please they’re kinda being assholes, but I can forgive if they post my question about beautiful women please?
No more alien talk I promise. : )

Patty_Melt's avatar

Awwww, c’mon. I was having fun with the alien thing.

janbb's avatar

There’s a “Contact the mods” button for a reason.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, the best way to find out what the mods have in mind is to ask them.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Oh, I contacted them from my bathtub after a few Coronas and I think they got the point.
@Patty_Melt for you I will continue exploring the alien theory.
I think aliens took over this site and couldn’t understand my questions and required a lot of Editting.
They obviously still can’t undersrand shit cause I’m still waiting.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Why does autocorrect give me “Editting” as the correct spelling of editing?
Fucking aliens!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think the Coronas might be your clue.
Friends don’t let friends post drunk.
Wait, autocorrect is the domain of gremlins, not aliens.

Derrikfanboy's avatar

I think fluther should get rid of the meta section and start a drunk section.
So I can post whatever and if people get it cool, but under no circumstances should I be edited in the drunk/alien section.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Drunk posting is the way to go….

MrGrimm888's avatar

I figure that the mods assume that I must have had a few sometimes. But they are polite aliens. Maybe they are mod ing under the influence as well….

Derrikfanboy's avatar

They fuckin hate me!
How many profiles do I have to make and how many Q&A sites do I have to visit before I get my way??
I am one of those people that you either love me or hate me online.
Maybe I’m a fucking alien?
That make’s a lot of sense.

Coloma's avatar

^ Or maybe you’re a weenie. Maybe you need to buy a big weenie costume.haha

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
MrGrimm888's avatar

You just have to behave a bit. I’m quite vulgar, and usually offensive. Here I follow the dress code, and the rules. I push the envelope some, and try to back off when I’ve gone too far.

Becca543's avatar

I don’t see how @Derrikfanboy has gone too far?
He was nice to me and @Coloma is antagonizing him.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I didn’t say he/she went too far. I was making a declarative statement, about how I try to stay off the mod’s shit list…

MrGrimm888's avatar

edit – mod’s or modses’ or modseseses’s

Derrikfanboy's avatar

Let’s all just relax.
Fluther is turning people against each other with super strict moderation policies.
It’s always been this way.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m not against anybody. I like the site. Sorry you’re having issues.

Peace n love.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Always been that way?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Who were you origonally?
Who used to do NSFW fridays? Was that you?

Becca543's avatar

I think he left fluther?

Patty_Melt's avatar

He made it sound like he’s been on Fluther for years.

janbb's avatar

He’s the ogling at the jogger guy who’s been here about two times in the recent past and gets pissy and leaves, not someone from long ago.

Brian1946's avatar

The jelly who posted the “NSFW Friday” questions migrated to Quora, but unlike the OP, he still has an account here.

Mimishu1995's avatar

He was a Fluther member?

Now that explain a lot about the Spiderman question…

Coloma's avatar

@Becca543 I was being humorous, you know, the “haha” should sorta give that impression, but hey, if someone really is a weenie I have no problem saying so.

@janbb Inspector Penguin is quite on target methinks.

Personally I think reincarnating multiple times is just, well, stupid and disingenuous. Sorry, call it what you will, that’s my opinion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I agree. Man up. Take responsibility for your rhetoric, and play by the rules.

janbb's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I agree. I don’t care for it when people delete and rejoin multiple times under different names.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Like I said, I try to play by the rules. I’m a natural “cage rattler,” so I can accidentally go too far, and need to reign myself in.

Sometimes, I have to have someone tell me that I’m out of line for me to realize that I’m rattling the cage too much. But, I usually have no malicious intent.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@MrGrimm888 @janbb I did a lot of stupid things here when I was new. Some things I did were so idiotic and horrible that you could never imagine they came from me. But as you can see, I’m still here using my one and only account.

What gets on my nerve is that some members angrily delete their account when they can’t win an argument. Some even leave insults to the ones that most actively disagree with them. I mean, come on! Leave because some people don’t agree with you?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t see myself coming back, if booted. I don’t see the point.

Coloma's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Agree, if you’re that onoxious to be banned just stay banned.

ragingloli's avatar

Do not blame me for that, human.

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Not sure if they were banned or just up and left in a huff like others do here. If you’re banned and try to come back, the mods usually do suss it out eventually and reban you.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think being mean to someone when they want help so bad they still keep coming back is awful.
When we know each other well enough, the digs can be fun, but newbies should all be treated like, well, children, sort of. I don’t mean talking down to them, or treating them as stupid, but we don’t yet know their pain, their triggers, their way of processing.
Jellies need to reign in that snarky, rough stuff until new jellies have developed their Fluther skin.
That’s how I feel.
I love being here. I have come to care about most everyone here.
However, sometimes when I see newbies being treated a certain way I feel embarrassed, and ashamed.
When somebody comes here they want two things, acceptance and help. Okay, the silly girl with the story was different. She barged in blasting both barrels and thought it was funny. Everyone else though, should not be made to squirm because they want to work through something. If you think a question is weird, or stupid, stay away from it. Me, I don’t want to be mean to someone who is crying, “help me.”

jonsblond's avatar

I’m really tired of people who complain about or criticize those who “leave in a huff.” It’s more like “tired of this shit” for some users. It’s easier to take a break when you delete your account if you get tired of the same people giving you a hard time because they don’t agree with you. Some people here do not know how to disagree without getting personal and it’s tiring, especially when you have many other negative things going on in your life. No one person here is better than anyone else because of how they decide to take a break from their identity here. It’s this cliquey attitude that many have here that turns people off.

just sayin’

jonsblond's avatar

*made a slight edit

SavoirFaire's avatar

Just for the record, @Derrikfanboy did not actually ask a question about aliens that got moderated. This was a purposely silly question that he asked just for fun. Also, the reason he left has nothing to do with this question or the responses he got to it.

Coloma's avatar

I have never felt a cliquey attitude here and those that wish to leave are free to do so but to leave in a “huff” is immature at best and attention seeking at worst IMO. If I were to leave I would just quietly leave, get contact info. for a few I have come to enjoy here and not childishly reincarnate multiple times under pseudo-names. I don’t play mind games and I don’t like those that do. To reincarnate once under a new name and let others know of your original identity is one thing, but to play games and return over and over again under a new identity is off putting to me. Just what are you trying to do/prove anyway?

Who the fuck cares, stay, go, but don’t play the community.

jonsblond's avatar

It would be nice if some people would quit being critical and try to understand instead. A little compassion goes a long way.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond I agree but…there are certain situations where a persons behaviors merit some criticism. What is taken as criticism by one person may just be another persons matter of fact communication style. One thing I don’t like is a user that primarily uses the site to mostly entertain themselves and/or enjoys stirring the shit.
If someone is going to be a shit stirrer they shouldn’t cry when someone shovels some shit back at them. The old dish it out but can’t take it thing you know.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks @SavoirFaire for classifying. I came late so I didn’t know the full context. I even thought he was legitimately raging about a question being modded.

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma Sure. I’m mostly speaking about long time users that take breaks from the site. You may not recognize the cliquey behavior but that does not mean that others do not experience it. I am long time friends with many past users that have left because of this behavior. None of these people are shit stirrers or weak because they can’t handle a disagreement. They just tire of the petty drama and bad attitudes.

And taking a break by deleting an account is not immature or seeking attention. It is the exact opposite. By deleting your account you are removing access to the negative attention that brings you down.

Patty_Melt's avatar

OP didn’t say the mods took off a Q about aliens. He asked why aliens took his Q, then said it was the mods. He didn’t say what the question was about.
Geez, people.
And yes, a bunch of jellies gave him a hard time, right from the get go.
Name calling is no way to avoid guilt. Some people are non confrontational. That does not make them pussies.
If you want to own a spot online, get a blog. Fluther is supposed to be open to people who are seeking advice, or various other help.
We have a certain amount of freedom here, but that does not include the freedom to treat Fluther as a private club.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Almost everything is subjective. Fluther is no different, and I think the mods do a good/tough job.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Patty_Melt “OP didn’t say the mods took off a Q about aliens. He asked why aliens took his Q, then said it was the mods. He didn’t say what the question was about.”

First, the question @Derrikfanboy complained about us moderating was asked after this question was posted (and he refused to correct it). Second, the title of this question implies—even if it does not outright state—that the (non-existent) moderated question had something to do with aliens and/or the truth about them. It seems to me that a reasonable person could easily (and understandably) be confused about what brought this question about. My previous response, then, was merely an attempt to clarify the matter.

Hubaz_Linker's avatar

Ok, I guess there’s some confusion about this question which is fine.
I asked a question about technology and I did reference aliens in the details.
I swore quite a bit in the question and it was more of a statement than a question.
It got moved to editing so I wrote this question for fun, but it was loosely about the original question.
I understood why that question was moderated and changed my mind about wanting to ask it or edit it so I abandoned it.
Then I asked another question about how beautiful women are?
People started answering it, but it was immediately removed for editing.
I got a little annoyed because there was really nothing wrong with that one compared to all the other questions I had asked that never got moderated.
Anyway it was a good question and I did try to edit it, but in a sarcastic way, but I don’t feel the same way today as I did when I asked it so I don’t really care if fluther digs it up or not.
As for changing profiles, why not?
This is supposed to be anonymous, but I have gone on these type of sites before as myself with my actual photo and first name and I do get treated better when people can see my face and are reminded that I’m a real person with feelings etc.
I usually don’t remain anonymous to everyone.
I have met some really great people on these sites and will usually let them know who I am whenever I decide to drop in.
I feel Iike it’s not really necessary to let the moderators or the bullies know who I am everytime, why would I?
Anyway, thank you to the people on fluther who have been nice to me as always I appreciate it.
Have a nice day. : )

Coloma's avatar

@Hubaz_Linker Meh…you’ve lost all credibility with me. Your motive is to play games and play the system here. Remember, if you have nothing to hide you hide nothing. Trying to dodge the mods is game playing.

Hubaz_Linker's avatar

Honestly Coloma I don’t care what you think.
My motive is to ask questions that I want to ask and to get honest answers without being pre-judged based on my sexual orientation or ethnicity.
Sometimes I ask nonsensical questions and I do have fun, but you are free to ask your own questions and you don’t always have to participate in mine every single time if you don’t like them.
This isn’t my first rodeo Coloma.
Everyone here is hiding or you would show everything.
I’m not playing you, but if people want to follow me around and make snarky little comments then I can see how you might get upset at someone like me who just does what he wants regardless of your efforts to control me.
Good luck. : )

jonsblond's avatar

I do get what @Hubaz is saying. There are users here who won’t help certain users because they don’t like the person, and other users who never answer the Q and just reply with snide remarks because they don’t like you, then you have those who just ignore your questions all together because of who you are. When you create a new account you can start fresh without being automatically judged because of your previous activity here. I get it.

You can’t play the mods. If you’ve been here before they will know who you were. As long as you play by the rules there should be no problem.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblonde I’m always helpful and friendly but after 3 or 4 reincarnations within a few weeks, well…I lose interest. It is attention seeking and childish behavior nothing more.

@Hubaz_Linker Show everything? What does that mean?
Fluther is not about “non-sensical” questions, it’s not a relationship forum, asking those types of questions are fine, on occasion, but I think I can speak for most of us, in that we prefer a little more substance for the most part.

jonsblond's avatar

If you believe it is attention seeking behavior wouldn’t your best option be to not give it attention?

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Yes, which is now what I am doing. I was just sharing my perspective on what I think Fluther is about and my sentiments on reincarnation of past fluther lives. haha

canidmajor's avatar

Wait…what happened to the aliens? Did somebody report them on that hotline?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think Hodges turned them in.

LindsayBeck791's avatar

There are no aliens.
What we think are aliens is really just humans from the future traveling back in time because we have time machines in the future.
The reason “aliens” or futuristic humans look strange and have swollen heads, shrunken bodies and big eyes is because that’s what human beings will look like after a few hundred years of global warming and cell phone radiation.
Big heads, little bodies, grayish green skin and no hair.
Don’t get me wrong there’s probably life on distant planets now, but they’re more scared of us than we are of them and rightfully so.

ragingloli's avatar

I am not a human from the future.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Hubaz_Linker Since some of the people here are disposed not to believe you, I just wanted to confirm that I was able to find the technology question with its reference to aliens. It was an older question, and the reference goes by quickly, but it’s definitely there. My fault for missing it previously. And yes, there were a few confused people who sent me messages asking why we were taking down questions about aliens (thus my earlier clarification). But I don’t blame you for asking a fun question.

As for your other question, the problem was that the title did not explain the question. A quick look at your question history doesn’t yield any obvious problems of the same type, but the moderators certainly are not omniscient. If you have other questions with bad titles that weren’t moderated, it’s not because we let them pass. It’s because we didn’t notice them and no one else flagged them. And in any case, “but I got away with all those other murders!” isn’t really a good defensive strategy.

I would also suggest that sending insulting messages to the moderation team when you send a question back for review is probably not the best way of handling things. Just as we are not omniscient, we are not omnipresent. Not all of our time is spent waiting for questions to review.

On the subject of multiple accounts, I would like to note—more for the other participants on this question than for you—that there is no rule against it. In fact, this is what the guidelines have to say on the topic:

Can I have more than one account?

Provided that it is not used to game the lurve system, deceive, confuse or cause trouble, we allow users to create more than one account.

Whatever some people may personally think about the changing of accounts and/or usernames, then, it is quite clearly allowable according to the site’s rules (within reason).

That said, I would disagree with you when you say “this is supposed to be anonymous.” Whether or not you want to be anonymous or not is entirely up to the individual jelly, and there is no presupposition in favor of one or the other. Indeed, the first users of the site—Ben and Andrew—were not anonymous. Nor were many of the other early users (though some adopted greater amounts of anonymity later on).

But again, it’s up to you. I completely understand why you might not want to tell everyone who you are. It’s fairly difficult to be anonymous to the moderators, though, even if some people think they have us fooled. This site makes it easier for us to identify linked accounts than any other I’ve been a moderator on.

Benjamin_Wonderstone's avatar

Sounds good, I think if I wanted to fool the moderators I would just use one of my other phones with a different profile, email and password, but anyway I’m a single dad who has a job and better things to do than mess with you guys all day long.
I will play nice, thanks. : )

MrGrimm888's avatar

^What an odd 1st answer. Welcome to Fluther?.....

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ha. Nobody got my sarcasm….Should have added a ”~.”

jonsblond's avatar

I’m not one to judge another user for creating a new account. I’ve done it many times over the 8+ years I’ve been here. But 5, 6, 7 accounts in one week? Is that what you mean by better things to do? ;)

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Benjamin_Wonderstone Next time if you want to fool anyone, use a VPN. IP address is something you can’t change no matter what device or email you use. A high-tech mod can always know whether someone is using several accounts to mess around in a few minutes.

But VPN isn’t enough. You have to assume a completely different personality if you really want to get away with anything. We have a lot of observant jellies who are able to detect which account link to which just by observing responses. Changing personality isn’t something you can master overnight and there is a high chance that you will slip up somewhere. Unless you have multiple personality disorder, it is very likely for this community to discover who you are in the end.

So hey, why waste so much energy just to play guess-who-I-am with us if you really have better things to do? Go take care of your child, it is in need of some daddy’s attention right now.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. there’s a lot of Tom, Dick and Harrys goin’ on here, mostly Dicks lol

LindsayBeck791's avatar

1.I’m not trying to get away with anything here, if I was I wouldn’t be talking to you guys about it.
2. Yes I do have better things to do.
I have time to check this phone a couple times a day and honestly there’s 3 or 4 people on fluther that I think are pretty decent so I thought maybe I’d invest a little time here.
If you don’t like me changing my profile I guess that’s your problem?
3.Don’t talk about my kid or assume that he’s not cared for.
That’s the kind of snarky shit I was talking about that makes me not want you to know who I am on here.
4.Coloma you only come around when you feel like there’s an opportunity to bully me.

jonsblond's avatar

Dammit. I’m usually good at being Nancy Drew with new/repeat users but you got me. grrr

I hope I’m one of the 3 or 4. :D

Liamdeleted's avatar

I think they’re starting to get deleted and locked out so I make more just to respond to my own question.
Thanks everyone, but I maybe forced out and I don’t feel like putting minutes on my other phone or making a new profile everytime I login just so I can defend myself.
Oh, well. : )

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks so much @Brian1946. Very informative. ~

According to @jonsblond‘s logic, which I wholeheartedly agree, users who do reincarnation want a fresh perspective for both themselves and the rest of the community, so that they don’t have to deal with their history with the site and start a fresh beginning, hopefully better than the last accounts.

Which means that they have to do anything not to let people, ordinary users at least, link them to their previous accounts. No one must know that their several accounts all belong to one person.

But in the OP’s case, they use several accounts just to go to this thread and defend themselves several days in a row, which inevitably lead people to connect the dot and link the accounts together. Not to mention these several accounts sent insult messages to the mods as @SavoirFaire pointed out just to defend themselves.

Now what’s the point of the multiple accounts if they don’t serve the very function that they are supposed to provide in the first place?

This type of behavior is exactly what I have been against in the beginning of this thread. Using multiple accounts to give people the false impression that they belong to several people just to increase the validity of your argument, and assuming everyone who doesn’t agree with you hates you and is plotting against you. This is very immature of your part. I don’t have any problem with multiple accounts at all, but when you have that much time to change to a new account in every response and keep on defending yourself and calling people assholes, then you seriously have a problem.

When did this question change from “Let’s make a joke about alien modding my question” to “This whole community is ganging up on me and I have the right to fight against everyone”?

Patty_Melt's avatar

For all of you
Mimi, you just tried too quick. I had to change a digit.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Patty_Melt Can you find an international version? This video isn’t available in my country :p

Liamdeleted's avatar

@Patty_Melt thanks for the song.
Who am I?
My actual name is Chris thanks for asking. : )

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Liamdeleted Your last few accounts were banned because you were using them to give lurve to your other accounts. That is literally the first thing the guidelines regarding multiple accounts warn you not to do.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have never been more confused in my life. Who are all the other accounts for @Derrikfanboy? This is strange.

Everyone on this site is human. If you have an issue/question for the mods, be polite and specific in your answer, and you are more likely to get a response. Sending insulting messages will not make them answer you any faster. Being rude to someone over a mistake you made isn’t how you should go about solving things.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So far I got @Benjamin_Wonderstone @Liamdeleted @LindsayBeck791 @Hubaz_Linker @Derrikfanboy are all the same people. (Is your name really Chris? Ben, Liam, Lindsay, Derrik? Not even close to Chris, and one is a female name.)

Hubaz_Linker's avatar

My name is Chris.
I don’t care about Lurve I just noticed that sometimes the bullies will pile on if they think a person has no support so if I give one like to a response of mine or of someone who’s being supportive usually the bullies shut up.
That’s what I noticed.
I also noticed that I can ask a relationship question as a guy and get attacked, but if I ask a similiar question as a woman I get supportive, honest answers and even if someone is being rude they promptly apologize out of fear of looking like a jerk for being rude to a woman that’s hurting.
I hurt as a man too.
I just think that fluther has the potential to be the best of all these type of sites. I like a lot of things about fluther, but the sexism and over-editing and tendancies to pile onto people that are vulnerable has to stop.
Then I would love to be myself on here.

chyna's avatar

@Hubaz_Linker Ok, so let’s start over.

Hi @Hubaz_Linker Welcome to Fluther. Hope you can look around, ask questions, answer questions and be a contributing member here.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I hope you will grow to feel comfortable here, and finally feel okay with one profile.
I think your gender experiment has proven interesting. I hope jellies have learned enough about ourselves from that so we can be more compassionate in the future to you, and others.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The gender thing, I kind of agree with….

Hubaz_Linker's avatar

Aww..thanks guys.
I appreciate any support and I probably will try to be myself on fluther eventually.
I know that some people will never change and will always have a little animosity toward me and will try to make it hard for me here, but I’m proud when I see people trying to make progress.
I use multiple profiles not to hurt people, but rather to protect myself because I am very sensitive and I get hurt easily.
The internet is an incredible place where I can get honest reactions and read about people’s real life experiences.
Unfortunately to be online you have to take the good with the bad.
I’m just not thick skinned especially when talking about relationship problems etc.
The questions I ask are usually personal stuff about my real life so it hurts a little more to get shit on.
If I was just here to ask random Political stuff or just wacky questions for fun all the time I guess I wouldn’t care what anyone thought about anything, but I do come here for help and for some reassurance that women are not all like my ex wife and that I am actually worth something and hopefully I can get through this and not end up cold and looking for someone to blame.
When I met her I was told I was the sweetest guy she ever met and I want to recover after being betrayed and find a way to be sweet again to the next woman I’m with.
I don’t want to be empty inside, but it’s hard after being abused.
I get it.

I can argue with people, there’s tricks I’ve learned to arguing on these sites but I don’t like to and it just ruins my day when people are being mean on fluther.
I hope everyone who read’s this thread will try to make fluther a little more accepting and a little less contentious.
In my opinion I like sites where the moderators are less concerned about grammar, spelling and the way questions are worded and are more concerned about whether users are treating each other with respect.
I’ve seen it done, there are sites that take being respectful and kind to one another very seriously and it doesn’t hurt anyone.
They still give very opinionated, edgy answers, but they are not allowed to ask sexist or racist or homophobic questions or engage in attacks of any kind toward one another.
Play nice or comments, questions etc. just disappear.
Granted that site doesn’t function as well as fluther and the mobile version hardly works at all.
Fluther is very efficient.
Anyway I just like people to be honest and say what they wanna say without attacking each other or ganging up on newbies just because they feel strong within in their group.
Thanks. : )

Brian1946's avatar

I think this is the OP’s latest user ID:

jonsblond's avatar

If we were high school seniors @chyna would be voted sweetest classmate. :)

Coloma's avatar

^ Yes, cheers to @chyna for extending the Olive branch but but we’re not H.S. seniors, at least some of us anyway so I say what-ever, in my best high school girl voice. 5,6, 7, I’ve lost count reincarnations in a few weeks, yep, that merits a whatever. Fer sure.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Let’s hope that we will have no more drama this time. And remember @Hubaz_Linker, follow the guidelines and if you have any question, ask the mods in a civil manner.

rojo's avatar

Yeah, well, you are lucky. I as so many questions that they don’t even give me the opportunity any more. I ask a question and when I hit continue everything comes to a crashing halt. Nothing. Nada, Nil. I can sit there all day and it will not let me add details or question the fluthersphere.

So, count your blessings.

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