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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Do you ever feel like you are going to do something really stupid?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13506points) April 25th, 2017

How did you prevent yourself from doing it? What if it’s something that might be too late to turn back on, and you have to do it, but you really truly don’t want to?

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9 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

Yup 20 minutes ago. I was thinking about doing a procedure on a patient and decided against it. I thought long and hard and made a decision not to do it because I have 25 years of clinical experience and got that “sinking feeling” that it all could go pear shaped if I did.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I am feeling that way right now.
I don’t really know what to do.

janbb's avatar

Do you want to elaborate? It’s hard to be helpful without details.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. The fact that you know it’s stupid should raise a flag.

As @janbb said, it’s difficult to give advice with such little detail.

I suppose I would weigh the risk vs reward. Your chances of successfully executing the “stupid” thing you are considering doing. Also, not just the legal, or ethical ramifications, but your ability to live with what you did, or tried to do….

Most importantly, I would consider other, non stupid options carefully.

Whatever is going on seems to have you spooked. Good luck.

Peace n love.

Pachy's avatar

Every time I get ready to make dinner for my S/O.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’d rather not give exact details. I got myself out of the situation

CWOTUS's avatar

I usually feel that in the past tense.

Kardamom's avatar

@SergeantQueen You are anonymous here on Fluther. You can change names and locations if you want to, but unless we know the details, we can’t really give you any specific advice.

If I knew something was stupid ahead of time, I’m pretty likely not to do it. I don’t want to get hurt, or get in trouble, or cause serious repercussions that can’t easily be fixed.

If I had already got the ball rolling with something, that I later came to realize was probably something stupid, I would try to think of all the possibilities that I could to either stop that ball rolling, or talk to someone who could help me, or try to think of ways to either fix the problem that was going to be caused, or at least ameliorate the problem after the fact.

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