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Mom is forcing me to go to church?
I am completely fine with Sunday church,I grew up waking up early and going for an hour. Now my uncle is wanting to ‘bond’ with me and pick me up after school on Thursday but I know it’s a ploy by my uncle’s wife (I refuse to call her my aunt) to convert me to be a little saint and to stop playing my ‘violent’ videogames. My mom usually bails me out with lies but now she is agreeing with her. My aunt has made me fear going to church and is separating me from my faith. The Thursday junior service also treats their kids like little heathens and I’m not used to their ‘hip’ teachers trying to understand us by prodding for information when I don’t feel comfortable speaking. When I do speak my ideas are completely shot down. I’ve been tossing the idea around to tell my counsoler how they are pressuring me but I get nervous that my mom will think I’m just trying to get out of it. Should I tell my counselor or suck it up and stay silent?
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