Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's new in your world?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) April 26th, 2017

It can be anything really. A new favorite recipe? A new perfume? A new book? A new pet? A new route to get to work? Anything?

My new favorite word is aplomb. I love the way it looks and the shape my mouth takes when I say it.

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50 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I finally got new living room furniture, after years of castoffs following divorce.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s good to be comfortable at home.

chyna's avatar

I just ordered an outdoor water fountain. I have wanted one for ages and just couldn’t justify the cost. Screw it. I only live once. Can’t wait to get it and sit out back listening to the soothing waterfall sounds.

Sneki95's avatar

I got a bit into Norwegian literature. Currently I’m reading Sigrid Undset’s Kristine Lavransdatter. A very interesting book. Before that, I read some works by Knut Hamsun, which brought me to Norwegian literature on the first place.
Besides that, I’ve got a lot to catch on from linguistics, history and literature, all in several flavours.
Lots of books to read.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

This week, I’m transitioning my mother to hospice care.

As many of you know, she’s been struggling with Alzheimer’s disease for 6 years. This past winter, she spent 2 weeks hospitalized with pneumonia. Although she made a remarkable, physical recovery from the illness, the trauma pushed her A.D. much further into decline. She barely eats anymore, has lost a tremendous amount of weight, and is beginning the final stage (weeks? months?) of her life.

Amazingly, though, she still recognizes me and always smiles and reaches for a hug. This likely won’t last for much longer, so I need to cherish it every day.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Love_my_doggie HUGS for you in this difficult time.

Seek's avatar

With the help and constant cheerleading of @Cazzie, I’m attempting to start a small creative business venture. I’m having a blast building stock, and I’m looking forward to setting up my first sales.

jonsblond's avatar

I will be going back to school in the fall to study medical coding.

chyna's avatar

@jonsblond That’s great! Around here the pay is high and coders are very much in demand.

Mariah's avatar

@jonsblond I’m a programmer in the healthcare space, let me know if I can ever answer any questions or help out in any way.

I’m doing a rotation through a new team at work, but that’s temporary.

I’m a new age, as of yesterday. 25. Feel old. :P

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you! I’ve heard good things about the work. I’m excited.

Blackberry's avatar

Just watching a lot of quality TV: Westworld, Legion, 30 Rock, and recently 13 Reasons.

I know 13 Reasons was polarizing but I actually liked it.

janbb's avatar

Retirement and French lessons. The French is a challenge but I’m enjoying it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I got my eyes tested. I’m near-sighted and I passed all other tests. Will get my glasses on Saturday April 29.

Stinley's avatar

I got new sandals for summer. Looking forward to it!

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: So happy you’re going back to school. Congratulations!!

@RedDeerGuy1: Ooh, hope you get some stylish specs.

@Seek: That’s awesome! Let us know when and where we can buy your stuff.

@Love_my_doggie: Sorry to hear that. ((HUGS)) Certainly not easy.

anniereborn's avatar

In 9 days I am trying out for a community theater production of “A Chorus Line”! I’m so excited!

tinyfaery's avatar

One of the clients at my firm just tried to record a phone conversation we were having. It is illegal to record someone without their knowing in CA. So yeah. That happened.

Rarebear's avatar

Severe encephalopathy due to prolonged hypoglycemia. Never seen that before.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@cookieman I have frameless ordered.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Nice. Minimalist.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just got a new direct drive pump for my pond. This one is big enough to run a few water features and filter the water. The fish will love it. I should have done it years ago.

(I now have more pumps than Exxon.)

Brian1946's avatar

I just joined Nextdoor.

Unlike most social media sites, where most of the people don’t share your locale, Nextdoor is an online neighborhood network, where we can share alerts, local concerns, and become acquainted with a lot more of our neighbors than we would otherwise.

I posted a question about uninvited cars parking in my driveway, and so far I’ve received 22 replies.

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 I’m on there and find it very useful. It’s a clever use of the internet.

Brian1946's avatar


It sure is useful and I appreciate the hell out of it.

I got a message from a mechanically-inclined woman, who’s offering to help me remove the next unwanted car I find in my driveway. If I was single, I would have already called her. ;-)

Is there a way to directly go to my question? All I can find is my inbox for private messages, and the section (General) where I posted it. For the time being, I’ve made a browser bookmark for it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Being able to breathe! I’ve had a horrible cold for days and have been trying to breathe through a snot-filled head. Today, I can breathe again, my ears aren’t sore and itchy, and my brain, which was obviously suffering from a lack of oxygen, is working much better!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I am 3 months ahead of my graduation.

@Brian1946 there isn’t a Vietnamese version?

Brian1946's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Congrats on your excellent progress. ;-)

I don’t think so, but enter in your browser and see what happens.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I’m looking for a new job, as I lost mine several weeks ago.

chyna's avatar

@lonleyheart807 I’m sorry you lost your job, but maybe you can find something you like better this time. Good luck!

jca's avatar

@Lonelyheart807: I wouldn’t normally say losing a job is a good thing, but in your case, you hated your job so maybe in the end, things will turn out better for you. They fired you or you quit?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m very excited because I’m going to Costco tomorrow. I’ve never been to Costgo because it’s quite a long way from here, but people keep tellling me how fabulous it is… so tomorrow is Costco day!

chyna's avatar

^It’s the little things in life…

canidmajor's avatar

Today is the first spring day that I devote totally to putzing about in my yard and garden. Warm enough, no other plans, just me and the doggies and my hands in the dirt. It’s a late start for me this year, I need this day! :-)

@Earthbound_Misfit: have fun! Keep us apprised!

Response moderated
RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit typos
Dental hygienist is happy with me
Got two blade steaks for $12.72. Cooking one now.. edit was wonderful praise for the chef.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I was fired…trying to uphold policy.

jca's avatar

@Lonelyheart807: Please share the details if you’d like to. I don’t think you’d ever returned to any of the threads where you asked questions about your job.

canidmajor's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit: Did you go? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Did you go “meh” and regret the long drive? Are you thrilled! Disappointed? What? What?

tinyfaery's avatar

Got tickets to see Hamilton.

Brian1946's avatar


Are you going to see it at the Pantages? We saw the Lion King there about 3 years ago.

jonsblond's avatar

@tinyfaery Emily would be so jealous. She knows the lyrics to every song.

anniereborn's avatar

I just found out that my sister’s breast cancer (that had been in remission for years) is back.

canidmajor's avatar

@anniereborn: So sorry to hear that. I hope for her that she beats it again, hugs to you and your family.

chyna's avatar

@anniereborn I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. Praying that she can beat it again.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I found a quick way to make a grilled cheese sandwich by using the microwave for a minute with pre-shredded cheese.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Same ol’, same ol’. Shit shower and shave, and back to the salt mine for another day in paradise. No where I’d rather be. But I lie, too. They call me Pinocchio.

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