Meta Question

Kardamom's avatar

Have you ever left in a huff?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) April 26th, 2017

Have you ever left Fluther, in a huff, only to return later as your same identity, or with a new identity, and if so, why were you in such a huff? Did some other Jelly pick a fight with you? Or perhaps you simply didn’t like one or more of the answers? Tell us what pissed you off so much that you felt the need to leave.

If you came back, are you still mad at the person/people who upset you? If so, do you avoid interacting with those specific people?

If you came back, do you still feel that you were treated poorly/unfairly, and if so, how does that manifest itself with regards to your Q’s and A’s?

If you came back, did any of you come to the conclusion that no one was treating you poorly or unfairly? That maybe it was a mistake on your part, or that maybe there was a misunderstanding?

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26 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

People do this all the time by stating they are leaving a thread when they are tired of arguing, but if someone deletes their account to take a healthy break from negative attitudes they are considered weak.

Just about everyone here has left “in a huff” one way or another.

I’m going to unfollow now.~

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think there’s a massive double standard about gender. I’ve grown so tired of it, that I rarely participate in any threads involving gender. That seems to keep me out of pointless arguments, where people abandon all logic for insult, and lack of insight…

The angriest I’ve ever been was on a pit bull thread. I said my piece, and stopped following the thread…

I’m not here to make friends, so I don’t usually take things that personally. That being said, I do have what I consider “Fluther buddies.” These unfortunate souls have me as a buddy, weather they want me as a friend or not. I just respect their opinions, and have grown to appreciate them, even, or especially when they disagree with me…

Peace n love.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I left for a long time. It wasn’t so much in a huff as feeling that I couldn’t turn a blind eye to something I saw happening. I was a moderator at the time and I felt someone was being bullied and I didn’t feel I could just ignore that situation. I couldn’t bring about any change, so I left. When I came back I felt I needed a fresh start and a new name. It was a really interesting experience.

Sneki95's avatar

I left threads when I got tired of all the mental masturbating.
If I leave the site, it will be for good. I won’t be coming back.

jca's avatar

I’ve never left and I don’t believe I ever will. I’ve been annoyed at Jellies but nothing enough to make me quit. In a few months it will be ten years I’m here.

I’ve tried not to participate in threads where people get into big arguemnts, for example years ago when there would be thread after thread of paragraph after paragraph discussing Christianity. I don’t have time for that and I don’t feel debates like that are really fruitful.

I’ll either go down with Fluther when she sinks like the Titanic or Fluther will be iwth me till the day I die.

syz's avatar

I don’t tend to huff.

janbb's avatar

A very few times on here I’ve felt attacked or misunderstood on a thread. For example, I ws jumped all over on a thread where I refused to blame the mother without more info when her child climbed into the gorilla cage. I was attacked pretty viciously by some who always claim to be compassionate. I was hurt but I didn’t quit or leave in a huff. I just lurked for a while and became ,more active again when I felt better. Any of us may occasionally feel victimized or become judgmental with others, nobody here is perfect and pure as the driven snow.

canidmajor's avatar

@janbb, I got slammed pretty good over that as well.

The phrase “left in a huff” is, IMO, just silly. If someone leaves suddenly because they are, for whatever reason, not enjoying it here, or disliking a prevalence of attitudes in general or in a single thread, they get vilified by some. There are countless comments that they should “grow a pair” or “have a thicker skin” or somesuch.
When someone leaves quickly, they are not quitting a job! They are not leaving a child stranded in a dangerous situation. They are not abandoning their families to chase their dream of joining the circus. They are simply choosing to not participate on a site on the Internet. Even if they announce at the moment that they are angry or hurt, then leave, doesn’t that make sense that they would?
“Leaving in a huff” is a term that infantilizes the feelings of the person.
Maybe, as @jonsblond says, they are just leaving to get some perspective.

No, I have never “left in a huff”.

Seek's avatar

I left for about 18 months.

It was to avoid several members who are no longer involved in the site.

rojo's avatar

No, I was once picked up in a Limo though.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m not a huffer. But I have left from time to time while slightly drunk. I’ve seen what can happen, and it ain’t pretty.

I’ve also left in a funk once in awhile, but I accept that as completely normal, since I am pretty funky from time to time.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I agree wholeheartedly with @canidmajor. “In a huff” is incorrect. There are many reasons to leave a site on the internet.

I left Fluther once for 18 months. I was involved in a thread that was vilely homophobic in the Social Section, but the mods were forcing us to answer as if it were in the General Section. They were openly protecting homophobia. It was blatant. I had a gay acquaintance who was murdered for his homosexuality. Another good friend was beaten with baseball bats and almost died. Homophobia is not a game, and it must never be sanctioned as it was on Fluther.

I returned when Gail died, and I stayed. My participation here is a mere fragment of what it used to be. It will never return to what it was in the past. I do not trust this site or those who govern it.

Soubresaut's avatar

I’ve never left in a huff.

I have peeled off from time to time, but that isn’t about Fluther as much as it is about whatever happens to be going on in my life at that point.

I’ve also never had something directed at me that upset me personally. I’ve been frustrated by what I feel are weak arguments or sources sometimes. I’ve been dismayed by the way some discussions turn out. But during my time on this site, far more often I’ve been prompted to rethink my assumptions about issues because of jellies who’ve articulated points more clearly than I usually manage to mine… And I find that immensely valuable.

Of course, I’ve also rarely had something negative directed at me at all, so it would be hard for me to take things personally. I can only think of one incident where someone poked a bit at my character, and I found it rather amusing.

I do sometimes get rather zealous, perhaps overzealous, in discussions, but I like to think I stay focused on the arguments, and I hope I haven’t frustrated anyone too much.

chyna's avatar

I was jumped on in the gorilla thread, too.
There were many Christian vs. non Christian threads that I was bashed in.
There were many times that I had to step away from Fluther and some of the bullies on here. But for the most part, I love Fluther and the people on here and eventually I came back and try to stay away from flame bait questions.

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ucme's avatar

Haha, not likely & as for bullies…bring it on!
I did once leave in a wheelbarrow, our gardener does love his little pranks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I left angrily once, after Jellies started mindlessly ganging up the way they do.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yep. I left, but I’m back, and the make up sex is great.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve never left Fluther in a huff. I have been absent for some times that were lengthier than I wanted, but it was due to be extremely busy with a lot of other stuff, not because I didn’t want to be here.

Pachy's avatar

I did, some years ago.

janbb's avatar

@Pachy You have gone through some various changes over the years!

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve never left in a huff, but I will be leaving in a minute and a huff to search for that gorilla thread.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Nah, I’ll leave in a cab. If I can’t find a cab, I can catch a bus. If I can’t catch the bus, then I can leave in a huff.

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