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flutherother's avatar

Are presidential tweets a good idea?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) April 28th, 2017

Regardless of who the president is do you think this is a good way for him or her to communicate with the country?

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18 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

Sure, why not?
Just don’t make a fool of yourself.

kritiper's avatar

Tweets? Like tittie twisters? Purple Nurples? Sure why not?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Publicly making declarative statements, with little thought, is unwise. Putting anything about who you really are, and something perceived as negative on social media, is unwise.

CWOTUS's avatar

I can’t even bring myself to consider that presidential Administrations are in any way wise, so my answer is going to be “No.”

Any appeal to modern populism in the USA is bound to be a disaster. Bound to be.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Trump seems to think so.

Coloma's avatar

No, A President should comport himself as a president not a grandiose attention seeking teenager.

Zaku's avatar

Yes, They are wonderful for exposing what a demented clown is in office.

Coloma's avatar

@Zaku You got that right, lol

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Twitter caters to the lowest form of communication, the sound bite. It is for communicators who are toddlers. It is not fit for any person who strives to comport himself or herself or themselves as an adult thinker. Our current President is an emotional toddler, so it’s tailor-made for him.

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cazzie's avatar

I’m always in favour of enabling a fool to expose himself. He’s doing a fine job. The rest of the world is laughing at the joke that the US has become.

LostInParadise's avatar

Occasional use of Twitter to connect with the public is fine. Using Twitter to make major announcements while hiding from press scrutiny is downright creepy..

zenvelo's avatar

Judicious, positive use of social media is one thing. Using it for policy tantrums is becoming the modern version of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Strauss's avatar

I agree with the two posts above. POTUS (as the holder of office) should maintain at least a modicum of restraint. Use of a social medium, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or “” to post official announcements, and then using the same medium for name calling and other bullyish behavior tends to cheapen not only that which is posted, but every other public statement by POTUS.

Pachy's avatar

No. No. No. No. Trump’s lemming base aren’t the only people who read see his tweets. They may believe in him, but with every tweet not a day or tweet friends and foes alike are getting a fuller and fuller picture of how rash, self-centered, undiplomatic (add whatever adjectives you wish) he is—in short, how unfit he is to be leader of the country, let alone the free world. I shudder to think about the damage this so-called president is doing to our nation.

Pachy's avatar

Apologies for the typos…

The Trump lemmings aren’t the only people who see his tweets. They may believe in him, but with each passing day and every new tweet the world is getting a fuller and fuller picture of how rash, self-centered, undiplomatic (add whatever adjectives you wish) he is—in short, how totally unfit he is in brainpower and temperament to serve as leader of our country, let alone the free world. I shudder to think about the damage this so-called president is doing to our nation.

flutherother's avatar

It doesn’t seem a good idea to me but who’s going to stop Trump doing it? The President’s announcements provide leadership and so should be carefully considered and consistent reflecting the mature views of government. I think they also deserve a suitable level of formality. You get none of that with a Trump tweet.

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