General Question

flutherother's avatar

What does it mean when a password screen wobbles?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) April 29th, 2017

I don’t get an error message and I don’t get access. The screen just wobbles momentarily when I try to log in. I’m sure I have the right password.

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12 Answers

si3tech's avatar

@flutherother I think it wobbles when the wrong word is entered. That’s what I get, shakes side to side.

flutherother's avatar

OK cheers, but I am pretty sure I entered everything correctly.

whitekn3's avatar

I think you are describing “screen flicker”. Fairly common, and what is usually happening is the software is doing something in the background that results in it dropping one or more keystrokes from the entry. In other words, the shaking causes the problem, not what you typed.

Most frequently seen when you have just entered a new web page, or woken a computer from sleep and it has a lot to do when you wake up.

flutherother's avatar

@whitekn3 So you mean giving the page time and trying later might resolve the problem? Worth trying anyway, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for replying and welcome to Fluther.

janbb's avatar

Too many pints at the pub, laddie!

Brian1946's avatar

If you’re using a computer:

One way to see if a page is done loading, is by observing the symbol on the far right of the URL box.

If it’s still an X, then the page isn’t done loading. If it’s a circular arrow, then it’s done and should be ready to process your entries.

I use Firefox, but I’m fairly sure other browsers also have page-status indicators, but might use slightly different symbols to represent them.

Login pages are usually simple and don’t have a glut of imagery and links in their load, so it shouldn’t take as long as one from the Daily Kos or my email.

flutherother's avatar

@Brian1946 I checked and the page is fully loaded. It is a very simple page as you say. I also tried logging in sober @janbb but that didn’t work either.

whitekn3's avatar

>> So you mean giving the page time and trying later might resolve the problem? <<
More like if you had waited a few more milliseconds it would have been ok. And yes, waiting for the busy indicator to go away is always a good idea, but I was thinking about background processes that may not have anything to do with the actual page loading, It’s the “Shake” comment that suggested that to me.

I bet you can retype your password and it works. If not, it’s not what I am suspecting.

I’ve seen and been asked about a lot of strange things in my 40+ years of working with both software and hardware, and I’ve seen the symptoms you describe. That said, the only sure way to tell is with debuggers and/or sniffers like Wireshark that let you really know what’s going on.

But then maybe I’m just a crazy old man.

flutherother's avatar

@whitekn3 thanks for your responses. I am in China and the website is very slow to respond so the problem may be as you suggest. I have typed in my password many times and have even changed it to no avail. I will email the company that operates the site to see if they can help.

janbb's avatar

Is it possible that there is a firewall of some sort because you are in China and the web site will not load there?

NomoreY_A's avatar

Maybe the password is halibut. As in, halibut you slow down on the beers?

flutherother's avatar

@janbb the website itself loads OK though it is slow it isn’t blocked. @NomoreY that is trout of the question.

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