Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What is your favorite vegetable?

Asked by Kardamom (33637points) May 1st, 2017

What do you like to make with that veggie? Maybe it’s a soup, maybe it’s a salad, maybe it’s a Galette.

Now I’m getting hungry!

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16 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Broccoli . Beef and broccoli.

chyna's avatar

Carrots. I just like them raw.

Sneki95's avatar

Actually, only one.

Kardamom's avatar

I think I’m going to have to go with cauliflower. It’s so versatile, and relatively neutral in flavor, that it can be used in so many different things. I’ve taken to using cauliflower instead of noodles in “mac” and cheese. I also like to chop it up super fine (sometimes called ricing) to make a salad dish that is similar to tabouli, only I use cauliflower in place of, or in addition to the bulgur wheat. And my favorite way to eat cauliflower is roasted, then blended into a soup. Yum, yum!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

So difficult to choose. Broccoli. Or lettuce. I eat a salad at least once per day, it’s possibly my favorite food. Broccoli is my most common go-to quick meal veggie and the side I’m most likely to order if I go to a restaurant. I don’t have any fun recipes, I just like to eat it.

jca's avatar

String beans, boiled.

jonsblond's avatar

Green beans or carrots.

I simmer the green beans in chicken broth, then drain and mix them with sautéed onions and crumbled bacon. I like my carrots steamed.

Raw veggies upset my stomach.

gondwanalon's avatar

Purple yams is my favorite. I like them baked and eaten plain hot or cold.

FYI: Cucumbers and beans are fruits

Kardamom's avatar

@jca and @jonsblond I always get hungry whenever I see this Del Monte Green Beans Commercial

jonsblond's avatar

@gondwanalon There are few veggies that I enjoy. I feel like you just told me that Santa isn’t real.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Oh so many. I love aubergine. Cauliflower and broccoli are delicious. I do love potato, in pretty much any form. Peas, spinach, sprouts… the list is endless. I can’t really pick.

cazzie's avatar

I can’t pick. I love kumera, brussel sprouts…..all sorts. I miss good fresh vegetables. Last time I got kumera from the store here they were full of little worms. The box said they were grown in West Africa somewhere. Almost nothing grows locally. People shouldn’t live this far north. It’s inhuman.

rojo's avatar

Ok, this will probably get me in trouble but it was the answer to a very old joke: My favorite vegetable

cookieman's avatar

Squash in all its permutations.

Buttercup, Blue Hubbard, Acorn, Butternut, Delicata

I love them all.

tedibear's avatar

Spinach. Like it best as a salad, but I will eat it in whatever dish it appears.

sone's avatar

Bell pepper

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