Could you ever bring yourself to stay in bed all day, just because you wanted to?
I am SO tired. I could stay in bed all day, literally, but I would feel like a sloth! So I’ve just been dragging around the house all day. Could you stay in bed just because you felt like it?
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36 Answers
With a comforter and good pillows I could sleep for a week with small breaks for food and to pee. I have been in a bath for 23 hours while I read a whole textbook. I can’t do that anymore. I’m to big and tall and would get tub sores . Like bed sores.
Uh, yeah. That sounds like heaven.
Done it countless of times already.
It’s a piece of cake for me. I’m a humanoid sloth.
You do know that sloths are known to enjoy bathing in human excrement?
It makes me feel, mentally, like I’m sick, since that’s something I typically only would do when sick. Don’t like it for that reason.
That too @Mariah. Don’t like feeling lazy either.
Even when I have a horrible hangover I can’t just stay in bed. I’m up being productive.
Just done it today.
Sleeping is my hobby.
I can lounge around all day, have a PJ day but not actually stay in bed. More like lounge on the couch or a big chair but not just lie in bed.
I’m just waiting for my bedtime now!
I’m all screwed up again now that the time has changed I am staying til 11–11:30 and then am chronically tired. I AM going to bed at 9 tonight, I am, I am, I swear…. famous last words. lol
In the distant past, I was confined to a bed when I was very sick, but if I were to try to stay in bed for more than 6 hours straight, I’d probably go nuts.
Only if I am very sick. Otherwise, there are too many interesting things to see and do in the world!
A friend of mine used to say that they’d sleep-in when they were dead.
Easily, but I’m dealing with another mysterious medical ailment that is causing extreme fatigue. If I don’t set an alarm or have my husband wake me up I end up sleeping until noon. I’m always tired and have no energy. I’ve had blood work done and that all came back good, so I might be looking at a sleep study next.
I love my bed right now and the rainy days we’ve had help me to not feel so bad about it.
In winter, yes. In nice weather, like we have now, I’d probably be on the deck all day under the big umbrella. Could I lounge around all day at home? Yes. I might feel guilty but I’d tell myself that I work hard all week and deserve a day of rest.
It sounds wonderful, ‘cept for the hot/cold flashes and the insomnia.
It used to be I couldn’t stand to be in bed long.
I am making up for it now.
I’f I had a penny for every day in my life I did that, I would be rich.
Certainly. Last Sunday I was up at 6, had breakfast, and was back in bed by 6:30
Easily. I just acquired a tv in my room so now there’s no reason to ever leave it, except to eat.
Yes, but then I remember my bed isn’t a toilet and my food just won’t come to my bedside and after 2 hours of lingering in bed, I start to feel achy and bored.
Typically, once, I’ve had 7 hours of sleep it’s hard for me to stay in bed. Even when sick. That’s why I pray I never get bed ridden. I would just want to die. I can’t even sit and watch tv for more than 2 hours without getting bored out of my mind.
I could never just lay in bed all day. That seems absolutely disgusting to me.
Four years ago I had heart surgery and was up walking the halls the next day. Nurses kept tabs on my heart with a remote ECG and kept telling me to slow down. I had to behave myself or they would confine me to my room. Every morning of my 2½ weeks in the hospital I was up at 0530 to give myself a birdbath in the bathroom sink while juggling my ECG wires and IV polls. Then I was out walking the halls ASAP .
I retired 2 years ago and I never sleep past 0600. I have to get started with my day.
I’ll have plenty of time to sleep when I’m dead
Ish. I’ve been aching for bed all day….AND NOW I CAN’T SLEEP! It’s all @mrgrimm’s fault.
I know what he means. It feels useless and lazy.
@Dutchess_III I, apparently have no problems being useless and lazy :p
I just had some serious dental stuff done on Friday. I got home Friday at around 2PM. Ate some pills and went to bed. I had to catch a bus to Portland Sunday morning at 7AM. All I really did between those two events was have 8 32oz bottles of Fruit Punch Powerade next to my bed.
Drink some, eat pills, pee in my empties. sleeeep.
I didn’t eat for about three days.
Here is the funny part. So my sister picks me up at the train station so we can check out the house she is buying. I feel like complete shit since I haven’t eaten for three days. It is a miracle I was able to walk the two miles to the train station. So I get to Portland and I was thinking a soft taco from taco bell would be soft on the mouth. Soft taco acquired!. Oh fuck, they put tomatoes on it. So I had to go back in and have it redone.
So a few bites in of the one without tomatoes I look down and see a bunch of red on the tortilla. For a second I thought stray tomato. Nope.. It was blood.
My sister, the legend that she is ran to safeway to get stuff to make make maniccoti. Manicotti is pretty perfect when you need a soft food that you can swallow and has some calories.
I can’t do it. I need to get up and do something. Anything. Even if I am sick I still need to get up and vertical.
Yes, I could. I never do but I have stayed until late afternoon due to feeling ill or being exhausted.
I love rainy days, permission to lounge as much as I want unless I have to work.
^ That is why I live in Oregon. That and no sales tax.
I couldn’t do it unless I was seriously ill.
Yes,I’ve been sleeping all day recently
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