General Question

Kardamom's avatar

Do you ladies of a certain age get both hot and cold flashes?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) May 2nd, 2017

For about 5 years, I got hot flashes. This started around when I was 48, I’m 53 now. I was warmish most of the time, and then I would get hot flashes periodically through the day and night. Then about 6 months ago, the hot flashes kind of stopped. Then about 2 months ago, they started up again, but now, I get hot and cold flashes. It’s mostly at night, whereas when I just had the hot flashes, it was at any time of the day or night. So now, when I’m trying to sleep, I will wake up about 2 hours after I’ve gone to bed and then have hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold all night long until my alarm goes off and I get up.

I had insomnia for about 10 years, then about a year ago I started taking Melatonin, and that helped a little bit, in that it would make me sleepy enough to actually go to sleep, but then several hours later I would wake up about every hour on the hour, with a little bit of sleep in between. Now, it seems like I only get about 2 hours of sleep in the beginning and then this hot/cold business starts up and never lets up, so I can’t sleep.

I have a ceiling fan, and in the days when I was just hot all the time, I literally kept that thing running all night long. Now, I’m up and down turning the fan on and off all night long. Pulling the covers up, kicking the covers off. What’s a girl to do?

Do any of you ladies have this problem? If so, what do you do to solve it? I am not a good candidate for HRT because of the stroke risk.

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17 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel like I can’t get warm, then I’m roasting hot. I do what you do, throw the covers off and pull them back over me for most of the night. And I too seem to run a degree or so hotter most of the time. I’ll be interested to see if anyone has any other solutions.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It is less frequent lately. Hoping it is almost over.

Kardamom's avatar

On a lighter note, when I was in my 30’s, my mom gave me the first book in this series called The Hot Flash Club. She told me to disregard the title, because these books are an excellent read for anyone who loves great female bonding/mystery novels. I love the author, Nancy Thayer, and have read many of her other books, which are completely not like this series. She has incredible depth and ideas. Some of her stuff is kind of dark and painful, but still excellent reading. The Hot Flash Club is the opposite of dark, it’s delightful and delicious. My favorite one of the series is The Hot Flash Holidays book, because one of the characters goes to Scotland and they go into great depth about that. Each book has sections that focus on one of the 4 characters, then it has chapters showing them interacting and bonding. And there’s always a crime to be solved : )

I always recommend the Hot Flash Club series to anyone who wants to read some really good books. They rarely even talk about actual hot flashes like we are tonight, it’s just that the main characters are a wee bit older than we are now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I will check into them. It sounds entertaining.

Coloma's avatar

I’m 57 now and can experience the same thing now and then but not as frequent as the flash years.
I sleep really warm though so I sleep naked and put on and take off the layers.
Just changed out my bedding today from velour sheets to cotton again as it will be in the 80’s tomorrow. I am under the ceiling fan now in a skimpy little summery dress. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never have and I most certainly have gone through menopause by now. I guess when I did I never noticed. I often wonder why that was.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I asked my gyno about this when I was in my 30s. He said a female friend said hot flashes were like an orgasam. You know it beyond a doubt when it happens.
I thought about that for a moment then perked right up and said “Well bring it on!!!”
He cracked up and said “Well she didn’t mean it felt like an orgasam! She meant you can’t miss it!”
We just laughed.
I, of course, apparently missed it.

cazzie's avatar

Yep. My feet and hands are freezing just as I go to bed. Then, I sweat like a beast. Went to a meeting last night with a bunch of strangers. Sat down and flashed hot. Embarrassing. I don’t look my age so it super confuses people.

snowberry's avatar

I’ve been perpetually cold my entire life. I used to look forward to menopause because I figured I’d be warm once in a while. And then I entered menopause. I didn’t cope very well until I started using the hot flash to warm up my cold feet. I would pull the covers and blankets over my head, and wait for a hot flash. I didn’t ever have to wait long. It seemed like the heat from the hot flash was just enough to warm up my feet and as soon as they were warm, I was asleep,

JLeslie's avatar

My entire adulthood I’ve been cold, except when my thyroid is overnedicated (basically making me hyperthyroid temporarily) and now I think I’m having flashes from menopause. Both things feel very similar. Most women I know, when they flash, want to fan themselves, but I don’t get hot in my face.

During the day it rarely happens, but when it does I usually can just take my jacket or cardigan off and I’m fine. At night, if I’m asleep, I don’t realize most of the time I think, but I wake up sweaty sometimes, and then if the air conditioner pops on, and I’m uncovered, that can result in being too cold. My husband has kind of dealt with that his entire life. The blankets are too warm for my husband so he throws them off, then gets too cold and pulls them back over him.

I wouldn’t say I’m having cold flashes. Not yet anyway. When I’m cold it just feels like how I have always been. I hate being cold, it’s much worse than dealing with these little warm rushes I’m experiencing.

jca's avatar

I have never had one and I’m 51. My mom didn’t have hot flashes either and I read somewhere that it tends to be genetic (if your mom had them, you’ll likely have them too).

I tend to be cold but that’s due to thyroid issues. Not cold when it’s hot out, of course, but when it’s chilly, I need to wear socks to bed, make sure I’m wearing a warm shirt, maybe a dressy scarf, etc.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m cold blooded too, @jca, but I don’t have a thyroid problem.

rojo's avatar

I remember thinking that hot flashes were some kind of made up or exaggerated malady until my wife had them.

I can attest that there were times when I could not sleep in the same bed with her they were so intense. Even when she had kicked off the all the covers and (at times) even her night clothes she was generating, and radiating, an amazing amount of heat.

It was enough to make me give credence to the theory of spontaneous combustion (which does seem to occur to females in much greater frequency).

Glad that’s over with.

She never mentioned any Cold Flashes but she is pretty cold natured to begin with; always wanting a blanket or jacket even on days I am running around in shorts and teeshirts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What causes hot flashes?

rojo's avatar

^^^ Hormones.

Q: How do you make a hormone?

A: Refuse to pay her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You are very bad @rojo!

Kardamom's avatar

@rojo Ha ha ha : )

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