Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Who cares to play TJBM game, The Jelly Below Me, #78?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) May 2nd, 2017

The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me is a cheese addict.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese killed my family!”
“True! I live on cheese.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me likes sleeping.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.

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508 Answers

Coloma's avatar

TJBM will arrive here in the next 60 seconds. 59,58,57,56,55,54,53….

Patty_Melt's avatar

Did I make it? I was reading up on hot flashes in general.
TJBM wants to visit an island right now.

imrainmaker's avatar

I have become like island myself..So no need to visit one..) TJBM is thinking about
work to be done tomorrow!!

Coloma's avatar

Ugh…yes, a super busy day.

TJBM likes watching emergency room trauma documentaries.

Strauss's avatar

No, they evoke too many memories.

TJBM has some memories they’d like to forget.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Quite a few, like my time in high school…
TJBM has some memories they want to remember forever.

AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet's avatar

No, in fact I want to forget most memories.
TJBM wants to go to the moon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sort of. If I could be certain an O ring hadn’t been installed incorrectly.

TJBM can’t sleep.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have been plagued with insomnia for most of my adult life. I have always refused prescription medication and most OTCs. So, I read boring, factual shit or watch extremely boring films to go to sleep and have become a trivia expert and the ace of the B Film genre. When sailing solo this works in my favor, though. I can go a few days on cat naps and still be sharp.

TJBM lives in the mountains.

Strauss's avatar

Not in the mountains, but I can see them ( the Front Range’ of the Rocky Mountains) from my neighborhood.

TJBM likes the mountains.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Morning, music man.

Very much. I missed them the whole time I lived in Florida. The highest point in FL is 350 feet. Boring landscape, except for some of the beaches and old Florida towns like Cedar Key. I get all the flat I want on the open sea. I prefer a mountainous coastline, with cliffs and violent wave action pounding the rocks below.

TJBM will describe their favorite landscape.

Strauss's avatar

So many to choose from…the coastal mountains of California, the Front Range where I live, the tall-grass prairie preserves in Illinois, the bayou country in Louisiana, the Texas hill country, the badlands of South Dakota; just to name a few. And realizing that these are only here in the US, and that there’s a whole world of natural beauty to be seen.

TJBM loves nature.

Morning, Skipper!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes, as long as I’m completely in nature, like going climbing or something.
And I don’t want to take photos, I just want to enjoy the moment.
Morning everyone!
TJBM is waking up.

imrainmaker's avatar

Yeah I’m awake that’s why able to respond! TJBM is planning to go on World Tour ..)

Coloma's avatar

I wish, but…my daughter leaves this Sat. for Amsterdam, Poland & Rome so I’ll get a little vicarious travel. haha

TJBM is dealing with a bank error and is frustrated. Effing DD problems, gimme my money! haha

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, thank goodness.

TJBM would prefer a root canal to driving carpool to the elementary school.

Soubresaut's avatar

Oh my god no. I’ll take the carpool to elementary school every day! (Me: listen to music/radio, talk to the others in my car, people-watch those walking to school or crossing the street, imagine backstories to the other drivers on the highway.) (Also me: terrified of needles, no tolerance for people taking sharp objects to parts of my body, especially in the mouth… and laughing gas has no effect on me until it makes me hallucinate so I can’t just have the worry drugged out of me.)

… I know you were saying it in jest. Root canals just really freak me out… And I’ve been lucky enough to not be caught daily in horrible traffic.

TJBM is not squeamish about something that most people are.

Coloma's avatar

True. I am not squeamish about bugs, rodents and animal poop/vomit, but…human secretions repulse me. haha

TJBM could never be a caregiver changing adult diapers.

Sneki95's avatar

No. I can’t even change baby diapers, much less adult ones. I’m not a person to take care of others.
Maybe I’d get used to it if I really had no other choice, but I could never do it voluntarily.

TJBM witnessed a woman giving birth. Not gave a birth, but witnessed a woman doing it.

Coloma's avatar

No, only on video.

TJBM has witnessed an animal giving birth in real life.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Many, many times. Cats, dogs, sheep, rabbits, humans, a cow, but no horses as yet. I’ve also seen chicken eggs and loggerhead turtles hatch.

TJBM has witnessed an animal giving birth in real life

Strauss's avatar

Cows, horses, goats, dogs, cats.

TJBM thinks live birth, in most cases, is a better than a “C” section.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. Especially those that are arranged around vacation times, etc. Vaginal birth, unless medically necessary is healthier and less riskier for the child and the mother.

TJBM is old enough to have had a driver’s license that looks like this

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

*unless medically life threatening…

Sneki95's avatar

I’ve never had a driver’s license.

TJBM does not know what most people his/her age know.

Coloma's avatar

I know what I know if you know what I mean. haha

TJBM will name the artist of that song lyric.

snowberry's avatar

Not sure. Several songs come up when I search. The closest seems to be by Paul Simon, “I know what I know”.

TJBM had/is having an awesome day.

Coloma's avatar

The artist is Edie BrickellT the song title is What I Am.

Not really, no. haha
I had a crazy morning, banking issues, a bunch of phone calls and emails then ran amok doing errands and picking up things for the next few days of house sitting and still need to pack and leave by 6 p.m. I didn’t eat a bite of food until about 1:30 p.m. and now have a headache.
I am relaxing now for awhile until round three commences.

TJBM has weekend plans.

snowberry's avatar

No, I rarely do.

TJBM doesn’t eat certain foods and will tell us what they are.

Sneki95's avatar

Animal “insides”, like heart, stomach, genitals (there are some dishes made of genitals of certain animals), brain, eyes, cheese (unless it’s very well hidden), spinach, pizza and some local dishes.

TJBM doesn’t drink beer.

Strauss's avatar

Not unless it’s there in front of me.

I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than have a frontal lobotomy.

TJBM agrees or disagrees.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree and disagree. Depends on the situation.

TJBM teaches their grandkids new words to take home to Mom and Dad, like “Enema.”

Coloma's avatar

LOL…no, no grandkids yet.

TJBM has grand pets.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Dave, the younger border collie is the grandson of Sam, the older border collie.
TJBM is having a nice e’en.

Coloma's avatar

I am having a hot, run around e’en. Off and running again now. I think an ice cold Cerveza might be in order soon. It is freaking HOT here, 85 or more today. Not-ready-for-the-heat yet.

TJBM loves, loves, LOVES, fresh strawberries. Dinner: 2 beers, salad, strawberries and cheese-n-crackers. Viola…dinner is served. haha

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ll drive 500 miles to find a good strawberry festival. Mmmmm fresh shortcake.

TJBM bought a used electric keyboard today and will be contacting Strauss for some advice.

Brian1946's avatar

No, but I suppose TJAM has and will be.

TJBM has never seen the prison that can hold them.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, yes I have. Venezuela, 92 days, 2007. 400 guys sleeping on mats 12 inches from each other’s snoring faces, 12 toilets, 3 showers, in a windowless, concrete building about the dimensions of a high school gym without A/C. Prisoners had to stand between 5am and 10pm, or be beaten by the guards. Food was rancid and not enough of it. One. Long. Fucking. Nightmare.

TJBM has had experiences that they couldn’t talk with anyone about for years.

Coloma's avatar

Though I am waay beyond it now, I had a “funny” Uncle that found my blossoming 14 yr. old self to be irresistible. Nothing horrible ever happened but, I dreaded those after dinner “walks” where his hands wandered into uncharted territory.

TJBM knows how common sexual molestation really is.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It is touching in a sexual manner, using sexual flirt, without anyone’s consent. Am I right?
Don’t tell anyone, but I was a victim once. It was scary and I’m glad it didn’t turn into something worse.
TJBM has been in a dangerous situation.

snowberry's avatar

Many times. Today I was teaching my dog to swim at a dog park on a local creek. (I took your advice, EC. I held her tightly against my side as I walked around in the deep water. I talked calmly to her and she relaxed slightly. We will do it again and again all summer long until she figures it out.)

20 feet from the banks of the creek I found out that there was a hollow tree full of snakes that were denning up (it’s mating season). It was a huge tree with buttressed roots all the way around, and it was hollow from top to bottom. I know it was hollow all the way up because there were snakes coming out of holes in the top of the tree. We’re not sure exactly what they were. One looked like a water moccasin (cotton mouth). It was as big around as my upper arm, and was charcoal colored. They were two smaller ones with pale yellow bellies that were winding all around each other. Hubby said the other two I described were most likely rattlesnakes. The whole thing was surreal. We had to walk under the tree (and watch where we put out feet as well as look up) to get back to the parking lot.

It was interesting to watch the birds because they were sort of fluttering around and didn’t know what to do with these snakes writhing around up there in the branches.

TJBM can tell me if various species of snakes den up together to mate.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, many species do but I am most familiar with the western snake species here in CA. We have a lot of rattlesnakes around of several species. My neighbors dog just got her rattlesnake vaccine today.

TJBM is finally relaxing after a busy day.

Strauss's avatar

I’ll be relaxing Friday afternoon, after my last class of the school year.

TJBM knows I will give free lessons in exchange for a round trip ticket.

Mimishu1995's avatar

And what kind of thing will you teach?
TJBM knows what @Strauss will teach.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I wish I could afford to send him a ticket. Whatever he teaches is okay with me, I trust him.
TJBM is careful about who they trust.

snowberry's avatar

I surely am!

TJBM finds it difficult to trust someone who can’t- or won’t- apologize.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nah. I understand that kind of pride and I won’t push it. No need to make someone the bitch.

The big red flag for me is when they go back on their word on anything. No matter how slight. They either aren’t taking the people around them seriously, themselves seriously or they are just plain weak and used to being around weak people who let them slide. Unreliable. They get about three chances and I’m out.

TJBM has some music for us.

snowberry's avatar

Here ya go!

TJBM has yet another song!

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM notices that I like weird videos.

snowberry's avatar

You and a lot of other people.

The Jelly Below Me loves twin videos like this one.

Coloma's avatar

That was funny.

TJBM likes this funny little guy.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM it reading a book outside his or her favorite genre.

Coloma's avatar

No, not in the moment.

TJBM has already had a full day before 11 a.m.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No, just a regular day feeding animals, but no pasture today. The sheep shearers are here, so after lunch I’ll take Shy down to run on the beach, then to the boat and do some work on it.

TJBM loves a prodigy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh sure. As long as they aren’t stuck up.

TJBM doesn’t care for stuck up people.

snowberry's avatar

I try to work with them, but I have my limit.

TJBM is allergic to…what?

Sneki95's avatar

Nothing, except a few people and gusle ( a musical instrument)

TJBM hates a certain sound.

Coloma's avatar

I hate the sound of sirens, I hate the noise the weed whacker guy has been making for the last 3 hours now cutting weeds out here and I hate barking dogs, especially when they make that shrill, high pitched, bark. It is a sound that makes me want to kill. haha

TJBM is sensitive to sound.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have really good hearing, much to my husband’s chagrine, but I’m not overly sensitive. Although my hearing is good, it’s not as good as it was before I accidentally blasted Tone Loc in my ear while wearing headphones in my late 20s. Before that I could hear the “hidden” security cameras in the store.

TJBM can hear things many people can’t.

imrainmaker's avatar

Sure I can hear things said in low pitch as well sometimes on purpose..) TJBM is enjoying cup of coffee right now!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I have less than one cup a day, and only in the mornings. I am enjoying a small cherry Diet Coke from Sonic.

TJBM knows the Tooty Ta song. It’s hilarious!

Sneki95's avatar

No, but it reminds me or a sound-poem Primiti too taa

TJBM is familiar with sound-poems.

Coloma's avatar

Like this nutty dude. haha

TJBM cannot get into that video at all.

snowberry's avatar

I sure can’t. I lasted about 60 seconds.

TJBM likes bugs, creepy crawlies, and bugs of all sorts.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Uh, uh. We’ve had this conversation before, Spider Lady. LOL. No. I see them more as invasive things that can despoil a food supply, cause open wounds, infection and poisonings, carriers of germs and damaging to my garden. In short, a pest, an enemy, at best fish bait, providers of protein for my chickens who provide protein for me and which they convert to nutritious fertilizer for my garden. I have little interest in their life-cycles unless it is to better understand how to eliminate them. Excluding the earthworm.

TJBM understands the important, natural role the earthworm plays in oxygenating and enriching soil, composting, and providing protein for chickens.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I love earthworms too.

TJBM knows what Andalusian horses look like and where they are from. My neigh-bors were just walked over to graze in a couple of our unused paddocks that are knee high in luscious grass, they are mother and daughter Andalusians, Adraina and Aleta.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not that knowledgeable about horses. All horses are the same to me, sorry.
TJBM has knowledge of a different thing.

imrainmaker's avatar

Here’s link for 10 day to day items someone may not be aware of.

TJBM knew all those things already.

Strauss's avatar

I knew all but #9.

TJBM knows the significance of #9 to fans of The Beatles.

Coloma's avatar

Been done with that for a few years now, yay!

TJBM is off to bed now. zzzz

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has a long lost relative.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I am the long lost relative.

TJBM is just waking up.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m waking up…
TJBM will help me wake up.

snowberry's avatar

A light hearted one!

TJBM has another light hearted video.

Coloma's avatar

How ‘bout this. My favorite little Arachnid.

TJBM loves Jumping Spiders.

Patty_Melt's avatar

tjbm does not care for arachnids with acrobatic skills.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…as long as it isn’t a black window pouncing on me I like most spiders. I used to live on a Tarantula migrating path and was always moving them to safety when I saw them in the road or driveway.

TJBM lives on a bird or animal migratory path.

Coloma's avatar

I just saved a big rattlesnake here. The neighbor lady was freaking out, I just scooted it with a long stick back into the field it slithered out of. The witch wanted me to kill it, told her it was beneficial as long as it wasn’t threatening anyone. She went off in a uhff. Well too bad bitch, if you want it dead YOU kill it, I won’t. haha

Soubresaut's avatar

No migratory path that I know of—other than Canadian geese, I guess, but they seem to spend the whole year in the parks here (moderate climate here—never gets especially hot or especially cold).

There is an ant colony living under the cement floor of the garage—they have little entry points in the crack that goes down they center of the garage… They’re close to the outer garage door and don’t go inside the house, so we just let them be. A week or so ago I woke up to find that they had gone into the house—they found my dog’s treat ball, which happened to be near the door connecting the house to the garage. I was so ridiculous that I carefully carried the ball into the garage by and shook it over the entry way to their nest until they all were on the floor. I checked in on them periodically—after a period of disorientation they found their way back, and had formed several ant lines back into the nest. (And with the food source gone, the trail into the house quickly disappeared as well).

I found one straggler in the house, and managed to coax her onto my thumb to take back to the nest—the little bugger started biting me! The bites weren’t deep enough to hurt, but they were deep enough for me to feel.

…I’ve had a soft spot for ants ever since I learned about how they teach each other routes via tandem runs, and how they’ll use visual landmarks for navigation along with their pheromone trails, how over time they’ll actually improve their trails—making detours to shorten and straighten the initial ambling route, and how individual ants seem to keep mental tabs on where to move their nest in the future, which they will then show their colony-mates (and the colony will eventually get a critical mass at one of the options and they’ll all go there). Etc.

I haven’t left dog food near the garage again, and they haven’t been back inside since.

I’m not sure how I’d handle a tarantula migration though, haha—I like spiders when there’s one or two and they’re small and in a secluded corner…. But those jumping spiders! I just want to pinch their cute little fangy cheeks!

TJBM approves of nonconventional cuteness standards.

snowberry's avatar

Sure! Even a baby cockroach is cute, but only right after it’s hatched!

TJBM has kept a bug as a pet before.

Coloma's avatar

I had a “pet” German Brown Cockroach that lived under my toaster in my college days in SoCal years ago.My apartment was a very old, 1920’s-30’s building that was charming but had cockroaches. All his friends were trapped in the roach hotels but he played if safe and stayed beneath the toaster. I figured I could spare a few crumbs and I kinda liked him waving his little feelers at me in the morning. haha

TJBM does not believe that something should be automatically killed just because we find it less appealing that something else.

Sneki95's avatar

But get those roaches away from me. They should live, but away from me.

TJBM likes an animal that is usually seen as abhorrent (spiders, snakes, roaches, caterpillars, worms…..)

Patty_Melt's avatar

A snake recently found its way into my basement. It was the day after a man next door was using a very powerful leaf blower. I get the feeling he disoriented the snake which took a desperate route to escape the onslaught. It was a garter snake.
At first is was a bit aggressive.
My daughter wanyed to show it to her bf, so I let her put it in a plastic tub for the night. The bugger managed its way past the screen top during the night. We found it woven between the wire brackets of a cd tower, near the top. It had its neck stretched outward, scanning the floor for prey.
We had a good laugh. After watching him a little while, I had my daughter take him back outside.
He mellowed out by then, and allowed a couple of gentle nose boops.
TJBM needs a snack.

Coloma's avatar

Just had lunch about an hour and a half ago, not hungry at all.

TJBM sees something unusual in their space right now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

OMG, loli, what are you doing here? What do you wa

Coloma's avatar

Oh no…@Patty Melt has been abducted!

TJBM will save her.

Soubresaut's avatar

I would, but @chyna’s currently getting me out of a situation in Meta, so, you see, I’m a bit tied up at right now….

TJBM will be @Patty_Melt‘s savior!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Stupid alien tried to eat my fingers.
I turned on a news channel and it shrank away from the image of our President.
TJBM is not quick enough.

snowberry's avatar

Here, duck down under this @Patty_Melt!


I might not be quick but I is fast.

TJBM doesn’t get it. ^^

Coloma's avatar

Haha…not sure but it’s funny anyway.

TJBM likes onion rings.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t like ONION rings but I like onion RINGS
TJBM gets the joke.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, haha. I do not like raw onions either, only cooked, or rings. :-)

TJBM is wearing something purple.

Sneki95's avatar

Nope. I’m in my pink pajamas. Is that close enough?

TJBM will make up a word now.

Coloma's avatar


What I say to my geese. “Let’s go uppatoo bed now.”

TJBM will make up a word now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Wakup, as in “Wakup! It’s morning!”
TJBM is either ready to bed or getting ready for morning.

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM takes a third option whenever possible.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I’m an options kinda girl.

TJBM will tell us their middle name.

Sneki95's avatar

I don’t have one.

TJBM is named after a relative.

Soubresaut's avatar


TJBM has a good name story.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My first name on my passport is a title of lower nobility in Europe and although those days are long gone, I was now and then issued first class tickets for a coupe` on Swedish rail for the price of coach. A little girl curtsied to me once in the railroad station in the small villlage of Nora at her grandmother’s urging —who had given me just a hint of a bow with her head. I tried to explain that I came from an American Republic to no avail. I guess old traditions die hard in the north.

TJBM has a name story to tell.

Coloma's avatar

My middle name is “Rowena”, my mother was infatuated with Rowena, Ivanhoes romantic interest in the novel Ivanhoe. She was reading it the night she went into labor with me so instead of being “Annie Laurie” I was Laurie Rowena.
As a child I dreaded anyone finding out my middle name as it automatically became “Ro-weenie.” Now and for many years though I have liked that name.

My daughter is “Emily” after Emily Dickenson and her middle name is “Rose.”
When she was in high school the movie “The exorcism of Emily Rose” was released. Had to laugh at that. haha

TJBM thinks it deplorable how unmarried women were called spinsters back in the old days.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah. There were a lot of things like that. I think among the worst of these was when they were widowed and inherited their husband’s property, they couldn’t make decisions without the approval of the family lawyer, or a senior male family member. There are letters from Abigail Adams to her lawyer husband, John, who was heavily involved in forming our Constitution immediately after the Revolution, where she implores him to “remember the ladies” and lobby to remove these unfair gender-based restrictions, a European legacy. He either had higher priorities, or blew her off completely. It wasn’t until women got the national vote 140 years later that the more egregious of these restrictions began to be removed. A long road, for sure.

There were rare exceptions. There were so many southern men killed during the Civil War and so many propertied women with no male kin or lawyers left that the South temporarily suspended a lot of these restrictions in order to keep the post-war economy in tact. Before that there was this amazing woman named Eliza Lucas Pinkney of South Carolina. She was the apple of her businessman’s father’s eye and she wrangled a first-class education out of him, against his initial reticence.

Before he died, he willed all his property to her, expressly with all rights of a male heir and no restrictions. She had a helluva time getting the family lawyers to enforce this, but she won in court. Then she had to fend off like a million suitors. Then, with her business acumen taught to her by her father and her education in plant biology and agriculture, she quadrupled her wealth and built a whole new ag and export industry that eventually saved the SC economy during the depression after the Revolution. Quite a lady, and Wikipedia page I on her is very interesting. Abigail would have been very proud of her.

TJBM can tell us about another nearly unknown hero.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My personal God Maurice Ronet is unknown too. He was the God of French cinema until he died. No one remembers him now <whining>
Jokes aside, you may remember that my family has a tradition to go visit our ancestors’ graves every New Year. While the adults engage in chit-chat I indulge in my obsession of observing gravestones. There is a plot of land with several graves of many people from several small branches of the family. Most of them aren’t so interesting except for one gravestone. It is of a soldier who fought during the French colonization. He was 19 years old when he died.
19 years old… it means he could very much join the army way earlier in life. At that age I was still a spoilt brat whining about everything. Meanwhile that man was holding guns and wiping out enemies for the country…
TJBM knows about another unknown hero.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Well, today I would say that would be HawaiiJake.

TJBM had a nice dinner tonight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I tried. Not able to eat much lately.

TJBM had a bunch of naked or mostly naked kids today.

snowberry's avatar

Not here. But I’ve seen a lot of naked feet lately.

TJBM knows someone who just had a baby.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t.

TJBM has never been to Alabama.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You’re right.
@Espiritus_Corvus agree. He was the only one who managed to talk to an unhappy jelly out of her negative thoughts and succeed. I really wanted to help but I just don’t have much experience about how she felt.
TJBM knows that sometimes it’s better not to help if we don’t know how to help.

Coloma's avatar

True and sometimes you can’t help.

TJBM slept 11 hours last night. man, I was tired. haha

snowberry's avatar

No, I got to bed late and woke up on time.

TJBM will miss the circus.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Is it going somewhere? Yes, I will. For many years I lived just north of the Barnum & Bailey circus winter quarters in Sarasota, FL. I used to go there (and to the Ringling Home and Museum) regularly. I will miss them a lot.

@Mimishu1995 Yes. He did a good job. A suicide threat is always taken seriously. It is basically a hostage situation. You establish affinity and buy time. Then you basically use all the humanity in you to get the person back. A good negotiator flies by the seat of their pants. And hope they are wearing their best pants that day. HawaiiJake was great last night.

TJBM likes this film theme a lot
TJBM will have nothing but rain for the next few weeks.


Coloma's avatar

Nope, sun and clouds today, cooler but remaining mostly sunny and in the 60’s-70’s.

TJBM has figured out something new recently.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Bloody hell. Where are we supposed to run away to now?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…I figured out that time out really DOES work! My son and his wife never give the kids time out. I do. It works.

TJBM is feeling sick on this beautiful day.

Soubresaut's avatar

Oh I hope not. I’ve been around someone who’s been sick for about a week now… I really hope I don’t catch it, but I’m expecting to.

TJBM is successfully dodging colds and/or flus. (I expect summersaults and backflips like some anti-germ ninja!)

Coloma's avatar

Nope, I haven’t been sick since Dec. of 2014. :-)

TJBM hs been to Europe. My daughter landed in Amsterdam 2 hours ago. :-)

Sneki95's avatar

Been there all my life.

TJBM has been outside their continent of birth.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has an extensive collection of movies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Getting there. It’s easier to collect DVDs than it was to collect VHS tapes.

TJBMhas experienced weightlessness before.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Temporarily in aircraft and bungy rides.

TJBM will link to their favorite Fillm Theme Music

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not really a theme song, but the music is just fantastic.—Sorry, I couldn’t link to an audio-only video because this music is under aggressive copyright protection.
TJBM has another movie music.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m off for my noon nap. Good noon.
TJBM will say “good noon”.

Soubresaut's avatar

Good noon!

It’s closer to midnight than noon where I am, though :)

TJBM will say “goodnight.”

AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet's avatar

It’s actually 7 AM here.
TJBM has not cried within the last week

Coloma's avatar


TJBM knows what a Jackdaw is.

snowberry's avatar

It is a black crow-like bird native to Europe, Asia, and Africa.

TJBM is late.

Coloma's avatar

No, I don’t work until 2:30 this afternoon so enjoying a lazy morning.

TJBM is enjoying a lazy morning.

snowberry's avatar

Sort of.

TJBM likes coconut.

Coloma's avatar

Yes indeedy.

TJBM likes Pina Coladas and walkin’ in the rain. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not at the same time. It messes up my drink.

TJBM likes homemade milkshakes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do, and it has been a while. I should go buy some ice cream.
TJBM has ice cream already.

Strauss's avatar

I do, but it’s been opened and in the freezer for about three weeks. I guess we should get rid of it and get some more!

TJBM would eat ice cream if it had been in opened in the freezer for three weeks.

Patty_Melt's avatar

From a plastic bucket, sure.
From a paper carton, nawwww.
TJBM has watched The Theory Of Everything, about Stephen Hawking.

Soubresaut's avatar

I didn’t even know that counting the weeks of items open in the freezer was a thing… I’ve always thought freezers were lands beyond time!

I haven’t seen The Theory of Everything. I’ve heard good things about it.

TJBM knows about 50/50 day on May 10th.

Coloma's avatar

I do not.

TJBM knows what 50/50 day is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No I don’t. I know what 4:20 day is.

TJBM knows what 50/50 day is on May 10th.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mostly a sales pitch.
TJBM posts food pics on fb.

Strauss's avatar

50/50 is a film that …gives the 10,000 year history of women + power — from setbacks and uprisings, to the bigger context of where we are today, according to the blurb on the website.

TJBM thinks this is more a sales pitch than a cultural event.

snowberry's avatar

it sounds like it!

TJBM isn’t very tall.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m tall, but then again “tall” seems like a regional thing.
TJBM comes here late.

Coloma's avatar

7:30 pm here, so I come here mornings and early/mid evenings mostly.

TJBM had spaghetti for dinner.

AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet's avatar

No, I had a toasted cheese sandwich
TJBM is lactose intolerant

sone's avatar

I’m not lactose intolerant
TJBM has a cat

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have 6 barn cats. They are semi-feral, but I make sure they are all caught up on their shots and I look after their injuries, etc. In return for them controlling the rodent and bat population, they get free goat’s milk everyday, as much as they want, fresh from the teat. They also get a lot of fresh fish, but mostly provide for themselves. They know me as a friend, but are extremely independent.

One, a large, gorgeous tuxedo shorthair whom I named Maggie the Cat, after Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, marched right into the house and had her babies in a closet. After she weaned them, she re-joined her tribe in the barn, to the relief of my two very patient border collies. I found the kitties nice homes, all but one female which I sent to the barn to live with her mother. After that, I had them all spayed and neutered, which was surprisingly expensive. It’s a symbiotic, working relationship and an effective, natural alternative to poisonous pest control.

TJBM has the coffee on and is preparing for a busy day.

snowberry's avatar

Busy day, yes. It’s too early for coffee though.

TJBM is a condiment freak such that your refrigerator space is mostly filled with them.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay, you peeked! Mustards, hot sauces, pickle relishes, catsups, hot lime, washbi . . . etc. (seven different mustards alone).

TJBM has owned their refrigerator for more then ten years.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have own my refrigerator for more than 20 years.
TJBM believes me.

snowberry's avatar

No… Unless you’re a whole lot older than I thought you were!

TJBM has dealt with an infestation of something. What was it?

Strauss's avatar

Wasps—but that was a long time ago in a city far away.

TJBM will join me for coffee.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Kauai peaberry medium roast. Black in 20 ounce mug. Just finished

TJBM has a favorite hot beverage.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Rich Cuban coffee, or beef bouillon. It’s a toss up. Tea is number three.

TJBM plays the keyboards.

Strauss's avatar

I do. And bass. And guitar. And vocals. And percussion. And…..

TJBM would like to learn something musical.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM isn’t musical either.

Coloma's avatar

Not really. I can pick out a few tunes on the piano and a few rhythms on my hand drums.
I draw well though, can’t have it all. haha

TJBM has a major task to do today.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@snowberry how about you think of it in a new angle? That the refrigerator was already around before I was born?
I have a major task of having a deep sleep.
TJBM has a crazy sense of humor.

Coloma's avatar

I do, I love observational humor.

TJBM is still waking up.

snowberry's avatar

I am wide awake. It will be lunch time in an hour.

@Mimishu1995 It was the way you phrased it. ” I have my own refrigerator for more than 20 years.” To make this grammatically correct with the least changes would be, ” I have had my own refrigerator for more than 20 years.” Saying it this way would lead someone to believe that you are possibly middle-aged.

There are several ways to say the sentence the way you meant it, including, “My refrigerator was there before I was born.” And of course this means that your refrigerator is older than you are.

TJBM is very coordinated.

Coloma's avatar

I always have been yes, but, getting a little older now I have tripped and fallen a few times in the last year. Falling sucks!

TJBM has fallen down recently.

Soubresaut's avatar

Gah! You must’ve seen me! Running my dog this morning, and the sidewalk jumped up and grabbed my foot, taking me down. Okay, I was a bit tired and not lifting my feet up fast enough. I’m fine. Just a skinned knee.

TJBM can be spectacularly clumsy sometimes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Well, how’s this. When I worked for Boeing Computer Services, in the late 70’s, they had this giant rack of punch cards that sat on a table. It had a few thousand punch cards in it. I was just moving too fast and somehow I knocked that giant rack right off the table and punch cards went FLYING everywhere! I mean it was like confetti raining down! And the rack was heavy metal so it made a sound like thunder when it fell. The place went dead. Everyone was staring at me. I stood there with my mouth open, in shock, staring back, then embarrassment hit and I quickly dropped below the table where no one could see me and started picking up punch cards. God, to this day I wonder if they were in a certain order.
Not bad for an athlete, actually. No one else could have done it better.

TJBM will tell us of their most embarrassing moment.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Being in labor on the floor of a hotel lobby, less than two minutes apart, they yank off my maternity pants. The Elks are meeting in the adjoining restaurant, and I could hear all the chairs scooting on the floor when somebody told them.
Police tried to preserve my dignity by holding a blanket to shield me from view, but they didn’t realize they were holding it a good foot above the floor.
In the ambulance, they were telling me don’t push, don’t push.
The baby was born as the doctor walked backwards toward the ER, introducing himself.
TJBM knows about birthin’ babies.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I only birthed one but it was a big one and a hard labor. Love my girl but once was more than enough for me. I don’t know hw women spit out 3, 4, 5, 19 babies, dear-effing-gawd! lol

TJBM has had a highly frustrating afternoon. Oh man, I could bitch awhile but I just won’t for your sake haha

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It was a busy day and all went well on this end. I got in about 8pm, took a shower and ate dinner. Thinking about watching a film before bed after I get my fill of the Comey thing. Reminiscences of Richard Nixon.

TJBM had a great day.

Coloma's avatar

It’s getting better now. Several highly frustrating moments but hey, I didn’t drop dead from an anger induced adrenaline surge. lol ;-)

TJBM was gifted a magnificent steak recently. I am grilling up a New York steak with sauteed onions and orange bell peppers soon. Just after this glass of meritage.

snowberry's avatar

Hubby is the steak guy. I’m a veggie gal.

TJBM is a steak person.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You know how valuable steak is here? It’s for the rich!
TJBM likes to eat rich food.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. See above.

TJBM has something unusual in their home. What is it?

Coloma's avatar

Lets see, well..I have an african djembe drum on a pedestal and a cool 4 foot tall paper lamp with a remote controlled multi-colored bulb. I have a portrait of my pet goose I had commissioned in ‘08 and other, various, assorted artsy things including a huge 4×4 abstract painting and a vintage wooden carving of a naked headhunter holding up a severed head with another slung over his shoulder. haha
I love my naked headhunter guy.

Gotta rub his penis for good luck. That’s the tradition or he might decapitate you while you sleep. lol

TJBM likes unusual objects D’art.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. TJBM has a fish pond.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, we have a large pond here, maybe an acre in size or more full of Koi, frogs f several varieties and all sorts of little fish and tadpoles and canada geese, herons and egrets and ducks.

TJBM has been trapped in line at a carwash recently. OMG..I pulled around to enter the carwash yesterday and there were 5 cars in line. I waited 35 minutes for my wash. Highly annoying. haha

Soubresaut's avatar

Nope! Although when the at-home car washing restrictions in my area relaxed from “no hose whatsoever” to “hose with nozzle attachment to stop flow of water” I spent what must’ve been 35 minutes trying to locate the hose, bring it to the front of the house, and then search for the apparently misplaced nozzle attachment (that last step took up the majority of the time; and then it turned out it was stuck irrevocably on the end of the other hose we have).

TJBM understands the phrase “it’s always in the last place you look.”

Strauss's avatar

Yes, because once you’ve found whatever it is, you look no further.

TJBM has heard of Playing for Change

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM know The Grape Ape.

snowberry's avatar

I had to look it up! I have never heard of it.

TJBM needs to have a garage sale.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t. I’ve gotten very good in the last years with giving stuff to my kids, and not buying any furniture, or anything, unless I have a place to put it, even if it means getting rid of some other piece of furniture. Hubs on the other hand…. :( :( Wish he’d agree to a garage sale so we could get rid of the crap he picks up that we have no place for, except in the second bathroom upstairs.

TJBM has pretty much quit collecting new stuff.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve had to. A sailboat is no place for extraneous stuff and my land home isn’t mine and I could be asked to hit the high seas at any moment by an absentee owner who constantly vacillates between selling out and developing this place as a resort. I sold off a lifetime of valuables and collections after first offering them to my extended family years ago when I decided to go to sea and live on a sailboat. It was painfull, but liberating. I have resisted bringing home all but the necessities since. I don’t want to go through that twice.

TJBM is not a pack rat.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, not at all. I like my comfortable and nicely decorated little place but I am an out with the old and in with the new type, I do not like clutter at all.

TJBM is on someones shit list right now. haha

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Probably. If I’m not on somebody’s shit list somewhere, I’m just not doing it right.

TJBM is ready for hot buttered popcorn in a few minutes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You made me miss my old instant popcorn.
TJBM doesn’t care if someone hates them.

Strauss's avatar

You’re right. If someone wants to spend the energy hating, I can just ignore or avoid them.

TJBM is an extrovert.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I started to realize that “extrovert” is no longer a complete description of me. I’m not as talkative as I thought, and sometimes I just want to disappear from the crowd I’m standing in. I think I’m more of an ambivert, someone with both introvert and extrovert traits.
TJBM has conflicting personalities.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. It’s complicated. Complex would be the best adjective.

TJBM has been told many times that they are a complex individual.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh yes.
TJBM piddles around.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I piddle around but I don’t piddle on the carpet. lol

TJBM is has been to the red light district in Amsterdam.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Hamburg and Copenhagen, but not Amsterdam. I was a Baltic seaman. We didn’t do the North Sea.

TJBM has been to a red light district.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, unless you count Las Vegas. haha

TJBM is all over the place today.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. Raining cats and dogs. The animals and I are staying inside today. Everybody gets the day off.

TJBM knows what a heavy, tropical rain is like.

Strauss's avatar

I’ve seen a few. Been at sea with them. Had a good, solid hospital ship, but monsoon season is not good for seafarers.

TJBM has tried to reason with monsoon season.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. We’re tolerating each other. We’ve needed it that.

TJBM is trying to get rid of a 9 foot, potted Norfolk pine.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I did just try to pull up some weird little tree, about 2 feet tall, growing in a crack by the fire pit next to the pool here and man, that sucker won’t budge. Tough little thing for being so small. Gotta chop it down I guess. haha

TJBM is going to be gone overnight tonight.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Gonna be hiyar all night!

TJBM is able to recognize drama in them selves and deal with it. (It can be hard to do!)

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am quite self aware but doesn’t mean I can always stop it. I am not really a drama type but can recognize when I am in a bad mood and keep to myself until it passes.

TJBM keeps to themselves when they are in a bad mod.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m good at it. That’s why you don’t see me posting depressive questions often. Unless the problem goes out of hand, I don’t want to burden you guys with my mood.
For some reason I have a feeling I know what you mean by “drama”...
TJBM has seen drama that could have been avoided.

snowberry's avatar

Absolutely! I was in a blue snit for about 6 months. That’s a long time to hold it in. I didn’t do so well. LOL

@Mimishu1995 “Drama” has several meanings. In this context, it’s human interaction with far more emotion than is necessary, and usually with lots of negativity and yelling.

TJBM has jumped out of an airplane before.

Strauss's avatar

No, but I was issued a parachute and sat next to the ramp during a flight on a C-130. I would have liked to jump, but was never provided with the training or opportunity.

TJBM can understand why a sane person would want to jump from a perfectly fine aircraft.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! I’ve always wanted to! Never have.

TJBM has had a very strange job before, and will tell us about it.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I was the gorilla in a travelling carnival side show once. With the use of mirrors, they had this very short, stocky hirsuit girl with a heavy brow sit on a stool under a light in a room facing a ramp and out into the audience. With use of a rheostat and a very clean sliding glass door, she would gradually change into me, wearing a very heavy gorilla suit. I would then arouse from a trance, get excited, rattle the barred door in front of me, break the chains and burst out onto the ramp screaming like a banshee.

Cleared the tent every time, every fifteen minutes of every hour. A buck an hour, 16 hours a day, every day except Monday, in the summer, in the 100+F heat of the San Joaquin Valley, in a closed tent, in a small stuffy room, in a fifty pound gorilla suit. I was 16. It was a summer job. I learned a lot of interesting scams while living amongst the carnies.

TJBM has had a very strange job before, and will tell us about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

And did anyone know that the gorilla was you all along? Man, I’m wondering if someone really thought you were a real gorilla and treated you like one…
I remember telling this story somewhere before, but here goes. I was an one-day interpreter for a Japanese man. That man wanted to inspect something in my city to make plans for his company in Japan. I really don’t know what to say about the trip. All the man did was going around shops looking at things as if he was ready to rob the shops, and I had to accompany him every move. Not to mention the man went with a Vietnamese friend and I had to hide the fact that my Japanese wasn’t that good to translate some very technical words from the friend. 35% of the time was wasted on the Japanese man typing words on Google Translate. In the end I did something I was proud of, if that was the only thing I could be proud of myself for: I managed to find a Japanese restaurant that suited the man’s taste, and we had fun in the restaurant. I didn’t even have to pay for the meal!
TJBM has had a very strange job before, and will tell us about it.

snowberry's avatar

I used to write parking tickets for a university. Only I’m short, so I could never ticket the worst offenders which were always the huge off road trucks. They always parked diagonally across 2 or 3 spaces, and I was too short to reach the windshield wiper to slip my ticket under it. Sometimes I tried twisting a ticket up and jamming it into the crevice of a door with a stick. It never worked.

TJBM has yet another story of a strange job they had.

Strauss's avatar

When I was in New Orleans, between the times busking wasn’t paying the bills and the jobs cooking, I would occasionally take a day-labor job. Pay was minimum, but transport was provided from the office to the jobsite.

One day the dispatcher asked me if I would like to make 25–50% over minimum for the day. I said sure! I was then issued a hardhat, what looked like rain gear (the weather was sunny, no chance of rain), safety goggles a headlamp and a clear face shield. I went to the assignment, where I noticed a barge docked. I was told to suit up, and was handed what looked like a water gun attached to a hose. Access to the interior was two manholes, one at either end. My assignment: climb into the barge, and using a hi-pressure water gun, remove molasses from the interior top, sides and bottom of the barge.

TJBM will stay with the trend of unusual and interesting jobs.

AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet's avatar

No, I’m just a kid
TJBM has children of their own

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has had a chemestry set.

snowberry's avatar

@AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet instead of unusual jobs, try telling us about an unusual or interesting chore or experience you’ve had. It’ll be great!

Regarding the chemistry set, I received one as a kid. I never used it much.

I’m continuing the unusual/ interesting jobs trend.

I used to teach skiing. My bosses used to give me the old and overweight beginners because I was very patient with them. The first thing you learn in a ski class is how to safely fall down. Once down, my students spent the rest of the lesson trying to get up. Let your imagination run away with you! It was a circus, and I sort of felt like the clown.

TJBM will tell us yet another interesting job, chore (or experience) you’ve had.

Coloma's avatar

My interesting experience of the day is my daughter and I messaging and her sharing photos of her tour of of Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps today in Poland. OMG…I feel like I am there.

TJBM has been to Auschwitz

snowberry's avatar

No. I would like to go sometime. I have known people affected by the Holocaust.

TJBM will tell another story.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have been to Auschwitz, but I’m having tech problems. I would like to answer that question as soon as these are resolved.

Coloma's avatar

I kicked an entire glass of beer I had just poured across my beautiful, new, area rug in the living room the other evening. I was sitting on the floor stapling horse supplement samples to order catalogs and went out to the garage to get more sample packets. I had JUST, consciously, reminded myself to be careful and not kick my glass over when I came back in and then WHAT happens? Yep, walked right in and kicked it across the floor. Aaaargh!

Took me 15 minutes to sop it all up and wash my rug down. Pffft!

TJBM has had a stupid and annoying accident recently.

snowberry's avatar

I didn’t, but my dog did. She has a bladder directly connected to her emotions. I had recently let her out to go potty, but she couldn’t be bothered to go then. Later, she became excited and walked up to me and emptied her bladder on the carpet.

Can you say, “Dog House?”

TJBM has had similar problems with potty training.

Coloma's avatar

I haven’t owned a dog for 20 years now, just cats, but I was always really lucky with house training. My dog issues were more about them getting out and running away and not coming when called, inspite of obedience classes and hours of leash work. Gah…how many times I was driving around the countryside dangling treats out of the window and calling as the damn dogs just glanced over their shoulder at me and kept on going, giving me the doggy finger. haha

TJBM will tell us what they had for dinner last night. Leftover grilled steak and peppers for me.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I had pancakes, believe it or not. LOL.

In the 80’s, during the Soviet era, I had a friend in Warsaw drive us down to Oscwecim, the town in southern Poland outside of which was built Auschwitz. He thought I was crazy, nobody went to that place, there were many more interesting places he could show me—we coud go to beautiful Zakupani in the mountains. I could see national pride was at stake, but I insisted.

It took all night to get there in adverse weather on a two lane, unlit, pitted blacktop through tundra like land with only darkened rural villages along the highway to remind us we weren’t on the moon.

We arrived at the camp at dawn, under steel gray skies in ice cold weather. I don’t remember a lot of other visitors, this wasn’t the Polish version of Disney World. There were no cute little restaurants or cafes nearby, there were no conveniences to make people feel welcome. This was not on the State Turist Buro’s list of sights to see.

We went through the infamous gate, under the wrought iron arch with the optimistic motto: Arbeit Macht Frei. It was a silent, cold, gray morning – the kind of silence you feel while standing in a farmer’s fallow field on a midwinter’s day. There were columns of wooden barracks, surrounded by dirt. No foliage grew in this place.

We crossed the railroad tracks to what was once the Commandant’s office. Inside there were two female curators crowding the woodstove to keep warm. They offered us coffee, then showed us the ledger with name after Jewish name, city of origin, profession, age, height, weight, build and cause of death. It was always cardiac arrest, which was true. For one reason or another, the heart always stops.

One took us in hand and showed us the long intitial processing building conveniently placed along the tracks. Behind glass were mountains of discarded children’s shoes, piles of gold jewelry, bifocals, teeth and internal prosthetics made of precious metals that were ripped from the bodies of victims en viva. There was a furnished living room and bedroom like you might see in a 1940’s model home. Lamp shades of human skin, she said tattooed skin was the most desirable. There was a short sitting stool, its legs made from human femurs in the craftsman style, something one might find suitable in their private hunting lodge. On the coffee table was the cranium of a child, turned upside down and used as an ashtray.

In the bedroom was a lady’s vanity with a lit mirror, make up cases covered in skin, one with a tattooed Star of David on top. In monotone and heavy Polish accent, she described other objets d’art of which propriety prevented her from showing us. Taxidermized women’s breasts and male genitals in frames that could be hung on the wall like paintings, or mounted and placed on a table like statuary.

She took us into one of the barracks where we could see the crowded conditions in which these people were kept. It was packed with columns of bunks, six berths high from floor to ceiling and only inches apart like bookshelving. There was a small woodstove placed cruelly at the very end of the long room, but she said there was rarely anything to burn in it. The camp latrine was outside, a deep ditch with steep sides along the perimeter fencing with a guard tower above. The fence was electric, heavy cyclone fencing topped with concertina wire. Beyond that was more concertina wire, then the guard towers each equipped with heavy machine guns and beyond that was cleared ground, the kill zone, and beyond that was pine forest.

She took us to the gas chambers, windowless rooms approximately 40×40 ft. square with seven foot ceilings. Many new arrivals deemed unsuitable for work were sent here and told they were to be de-loused, then packed in by the hundreds and the door bolted behind them. When the Zyklon gas began pouring out of the ports, reality struck and the screaming and wailing began. Soon there was silence. The bodies carted away to the crematory by the Kapos—the privileged prisoner trustees who did horrible things to their fellow prisoners for an extra crust of bread—and the next batch was brought in. There were deep scratch marks in the walls and door. There were thousands of fingernails embedded in the concrete ceiling.

She took us to the crematory, a line of furnaces with heavy metal doors like bank vaults, each about 10×20 ft. Each with it’s own smoke stack. This is where the evidence was destroyed. Beyond the crematory, was land, acres of barren land where the ashes were buried.

She took us back to the gate. She said goodbye, pointed at the wrought iron arch and asked us to please never forget what we saw here.

On the way back to the car, we took a detour toward the thick line of trees to our south. The dirt trail opened into a vast clearing. In front of us, beyond larger, taller guard towers and much more substantial fencing, were building after concrete building in endless columns on tarmac as far as the eye could see. In the distance was a huge hangar-like building big enough to house the Space Shuttle. It had huge smoke stacks rising from it.

Auschwitz was just a prototype. This was Birkenau.

I stood there trying to understand what I was looking at and then puked until I had the dry heaves. And then we drove back to Warsaw.

TJBM will tell a happy story now.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Wow…great story!

A happy story, well, lets see….my daughter is in love with Poland, I am living vicariously through her travels in the moment. I just enjoyed seeing all the Polish cheeses and sausages and their amazing dinner fare. A happy travel stroy.

TJBM loves international cheeses.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM is staying at someone else’s house for a while and needs to adjust.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. But I understand the dynamics.

TJBM likes to hike.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. But my back doesn’t let me do much. Need to look into that. Chiropractor?

TJBM occasionally goes to a chiropractor.

Mimishu1995's avatar

A chi-roo-preis… what?
TJBM doesn’t like fancy words.

Coloma's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Pronounced Ky-row-prack-tor. A non-medical doctor that adjusts peoples backs, necks, spines.

I like some fancy words.

TJBM has noticed some of the drama around here the last few days. Ugh..I’m staying in the safe zone. haha

Mimishu1995's avatar

I could see it. It was unnecessary generally. I’m glad someone finally came to clear up some confusion and the drama has died down.
TJBM will end the day with a joke.

Coloma's avatar

What’s brown and sounds like a bell?


TJBM is off to dreamland.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothe quite. Should be tho.

TJBM is off their schedule.

snowberry's avatar

Yep. Posting at 3 AM.

TJBM has koi, or knows someone who does.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. Not me.

TJBM has a big day today.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. I had a big sleep.
TJBM knows that “big sleep” is also a name of a novel.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I just watched that film the other night online with EC.
Great film.

TJBM loves a good movie.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I can’t live without good movies :)
How could you two watch movies together? TELL ME!
TJBM will tell me.

snowberry's avatar

You both find a the same movie, either online such as on YouTube or through a service such as Netflix, and watch it together. My kids do it all the time.

I just checked, and Netflix even has an ap for an iPad.

TJBM isn’t easy to catch.

Coloma's avatar

They call me the breeze…. lol

@Mimishu1995 Yes, you just synch up on time zones and then watch together and share your thoughts via chat or email or pm’s. The time zone dilemma would be too big for some of us though. More than a few hours dif, makes it hard.

TJBM likes unusual artwork.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Hmm. I must confess, I haven’t seen unusual stuff I’ve liked in quite awhile. My tastes are rather conservative these days. I like representative art. The Dutch, Da Vinci,Raphael, the Classics, especially in their historical context—and I enjoy cyphering the alegories without reading about them. Having a background of heavy Catholic indoctrination helps.

I love the Impressionists and Expressionists. I like the time and place they lived, and their biographies and stories about them as well.

Late Picasso isn’t my thing, but I see what he was trying do. Marcel du Champ had a great sense of humor and it came out in his work. I thought Dali was facinating when I was in my twenties, but its kinda blah now. I love Modigliani and Utrillo, and enjoy reading about Soutine, the crazy fuck, but I don’t like his work. Pretty old school, huh? Unabashedly.

Sometimes I think guys like Pollock were just fucking with us, but I have to admit, some of his splatters did turn out well, like interesting paint tarps, but not worth millions. Some of the postmodern stuff was good. Some of Warhol’s stuff was good, once you understand his definition of graphic “art” was broad and he came from advertizing. But that shit that began coming out of Grenwich Village in the 50’s, geometric abstract art, pleeeeeeeeeze. My reaction to it is, “Hey. Are you trying to fuck with me?” This includes all that cheap, sterile steel and glass post WWII architecture that is way out of human proportion. But I must admit, it reflects the cheap, sterile, rigid, out-of-proportion snarky egoism of our times.

But art is subjective and meant to be so, so…

I guess I’m just a 19th century guy.

Thanks for the opportunity to rant. I think I need a candy bar.

TJBM sometimes gets real pissy in the afternoon because their sugar levels drop when it is too long between meals.

snowberry's avatar

Not usually. I just fall asleep.

TJBM knows what lurks under their bed and will tell us all about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. A well-fed cockroach.
TJBM will give @Espiritus_Corvus a candy bar.

Coloma's avatar

I’ll do better than that, I will give him some of my delicious veggie chow mie and shrimp. :-)

TJBM has gotten a massage lately.—My treat to myself today along with my chow mien and shrimp.—

snowberry's avatar

Only if I do it to myself.

TJBM will tell us a tale from their childhood.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

A man tried to get me to get into his car; he said he had a puppy in the back seat. I ran home. I didn’t tell mother for a long time. I was in second grade I believe.

TJBM has a similar story.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t want to talk about it.
TJBM will say something so funny it will make me pee, or puke.

snowberry's avatar

This is a picture that has hung on my wall for many years. It’s called Leda’s daughter by Michael Parkes.

It’s hard to see here, but it’s absolutely delightful and funny. I always make a point to watch somebody’s reaction when they first see it.

TJBM has heard of Michael Parkes.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, he played Bronson in “Then Came Bronson.” It was about a young guy who got fed up with his LA office gig, bought a Harley and headed up Hwy One into America to find social justice and a lot of hippie chicks. I think it lasted one season. That was back in 1969. I liked the show, I was still in high school and champing at the bit for when I could get my hands on a powerful motorcycle and head for the hills. Mostly it was a fantasy about hippie chicks smothered in patchouli oil with flowers in their hair. Or anything female without a beehive hairdo.

TJBM was a crazy kid.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I really like that painting. But that predicament the dancer is in isn’t funny to me. I think a lot of women find themselves in that position and the rest of the male population have to do the hard work of convincing them that we aren’t all like that, while constantly being sabotaged by guys like the little king. Strange how art affects us all differently.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m a kid and I’m crazy.
TJBM believes me.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Yes I do, kid. You are definitely extremely intelligent, sensitive and eccentric. A great combination. Your presence here is a delight and always gives me hope for the future. Sneki as well.

TJBM would like to arrange a movie night with a few other Flutherites at Chatzy.

Check this out:

We can even import movies that show in the upper right corner while we share comments.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m afraid my time online is tightly restricted. I wish I could.
TJBM knows a good thing when they see it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Well… I’m not sure I can do it 100% of the time. Look can be deceiving you know.
@Espiritus_Corvus I’M IN! Can we meet tonight at 7 p.m my time?
TJBM will go too.

snowberry's avatar

Looks like I’m an hour late. But I’ll save the link.

TJBM likes to walk in the dark.

Strauss's avatar

Ues, especially if I’m in a rural area where there’s s minimum of light pollution. I like to look at the stars.

TJBM likes to look at the night sky.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. Big time. It’s important to sailors and beautiful besides. A night on the moonless Caribbean is poignantly awesome. Care to join us if we can get this movie night organized, Strauss ol’ buddy?

@Mimishu1995 LOL. 7pm or 1900 hrs your time is no problem for me. You’re exactly 10 hours ahead of me. Your 1900 is my 0900, Strauss’ 0600 and Coloma’s 0500. It won’t be a problem for me. I’m up for a movie pretty much anytime. Even at breakfast.

The Chatzy format supports the import of films that can be found almost anywhere on the net. YouTube, Internet Archive and I assume many other sites. It does not support films imported from Google Drive, however. I would like to run a test in my chatroom to see if all the invitees can see the film I import in sync with everyone else. Let me know when you can do that and then we can send out invitations.

TJBM is trying to squeeze a message in

Coloma's avatar

No, I am leisurely sipping my warm mug of coffee easing into the day, too early for any squeezing. haha

TJBM likes to ease into their day, no rushing, plenty of wake up time.

Strauss's avatar

I like that, but I usually have to have to hit the ground running at around 5:30 am. Gives me time to get my first “cuppa” before fixing breakfast and packing lunches. Everyone is usually out the door by 7:30, so that’s when I slow down and ease into my day.

Crow, keep me up to speed. I’mdefinitely interested, but might not be able to fully participate. But I want to!

TJBM would like to participate.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I already have, it’s a fun time!

TJBM just found out their work load is much more loaded this week than they originally thought. haha

snowberry's avatar

Naw, it happens when it happens!

@Espiritus_Corvus it’s sort of interesting about that picture I put up. The face of the funny little man “or woman”, is the same face as the girl on the tight rope. Just that one is fat and one is thin. So then I start wondering are they related? I recall reading an interview with Michael Parks. Basically you see in his pictures whatever you want to see. Each person has a point of view, and no two people will see the same thing and meaning.

TJBM has a garden and will tell us what you’re growing.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, there is a spectacular garden on this property overseen by a delightful 87 year man that owns the property. It is huge, in two plots next to each other for a total of maybe a ⅓rd or more of an acre. Next to a big pond with weeping willow trees and fruit trees all around. Part of the garden is taken up with giant blackberry hedges.
We will have loads of various tomato varieties, probably 20+ tomato plants, several types of cucumbers, scads of string beans, cantaloupes, peppers, onions, chard, herbs and who knows what else. Can’t wait!

TJBM loves tomato sandwiches on toasted bread with a little mayo and S&P.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Well… that sounds like a mouthful to me.
@Espiritus_Corvus ok, so we failed to gather today. We need to know our time to choose the best time. You and I have the time, but how about the others?
TJBM will tell us their time.

Coloma's avatar

I am 13 hours behind you or you are 13 hours ahead of me. haha
I think that’s right. EC is 3 hours ahead of me.

TJBM gets confused by the various time zones.

snowberry's avatar

I surely do, and daylight savings time makes it worse.

Lemme see. It’s 1:00 in the afternoon here in Texas.

It’s 1:00 in the morning in Hanoi. Mimi is exactly 12 hours ahead of me.

Coloma is 2 hours earlier at 11:00 in the morning.

According to, it’s 2:05 in the afternoon for @Espiritus_Corvus. That can’t be right!


TJBM will make it all make sense. Please?

Coloma's avatar

Nope, left handed, right brained blonde here, some things are just too challenging for me. lol

TJBM received a rodent gift from their cat recently. Baby gopher for me this morning. haha

snowberry's avatar

Thank goodness I don’t have a cat to bring me “presents”! But my dog brings me her toys that have pokey pointy things on them to keep her from chewing them up. She adores them, and smacks my bare feet with them. (Ouch!)

TJBM is ready for a cold drink of?

Coloma's avatar

I’m ready to go back to bed though I am not going to. Long week and getting a massage yesterday has left me boneless and sore.

TJBM feels like a boneless chicken breast.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No. I’m good. On iphone. Laptop quit. Fone PIA.

I am 4 hrs ahead u coloma. Until your DST starts, then I am am 3, same as NYC.

I am out of movie biz till i get new laptop. See youse guys late r.

TJBM hates texting on fone.

snowberry's avatar

It’s got a mind of its own. I’m sure the speak-to-text function was designed by a fiend. It’s constantly insulting me!

TJBM is best friends with their phone.

Strauss's avatar

Not really. It’s still a convenience rather than a necessity. Although to others in my life it would seem otherwise.

TJBM sees their phone as a necessity.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m afraid I can no longer see it as a necessity. I have been bound to the phone for using it for a long time :(
TJBM will continue the discussion of time zone.

Strauss's avatar

I would, but I just blew the edit!

TJBM will continue the same discussion.

Coloma's avatar

It is 9:13 a.m. here in sunny Californication. So that would mean it is night time in Mimi land. haha

TJBM has lots to do today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Glad too. The last week has been crazy with my daughter’s surgery.

TJBM is glad for a break.

Coloma's avatar

Hah! Not yet, no break for me til the 30th of the month.

TJBM knows that the Mohave rattlesnake ( Mohave Green ) is one of the most deadly in the U.S.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I was unaware.
TJBM has seen the movie Sssssss.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I haven’t seen a movie with so many snakes in the title.
TJBM has seen the movie O.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I have heard of it.

TJBM hs seen th movie “Misery.” So good!

AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet's avatar

No, I haven’t but it sounds fun
TJBM has seen the movie ‘whiplash’

Strauss's avatar

No, not yet.

TJBM knows how many movies have only one letter for a title,

snowberry's avatar

No idea. 26? LOL

TJBM hasn’t had coffee yet and has bleary eyes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, it’s night time here. As much as I love coffee, I don’t want to miss my sleep tonight.
Btw, you just reminded me of my time in Thailand when I looked like a zombie without any cup of coffee to keep up with the schedule. I was desperate for coffee everyday. I became a coffee queen because of that. Ah, the old days…
TJBM has a day to remember.

snowberry's avatar

Every day is a day to remember, but some are more memorable than others. LOL

TJBM will tell us their favorite comfort food, and post a recipe.

Strauss's avatar

My last day of teaching music for this school year was May 5. I had several graduating seniors (one was never even a student in any of my clssses) come to me and thank me for “everything you do”. I really enjoy teaching music, and to receive a heart-felt thank-you like that was very touching.

TJBM has had a heart warming moment recently.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. I was blue about Mother’s Day, and Fluther rallied around me with comforting words and encouraging thoughts.
I enjoy Fluther for the sharing ofthe thoughts, ideas, and humor, but this was a sharing of hearts. I could not have felt it more strong or sincere if each were here in the room with me, although, if they were, we could have shared some Ben and Jerry’s. Chunky Monkey for me.
TJBM will tell what flavor they would choose if they were having Ben and Jerry’s right now.

Strauss's avatar

Cherry Garcia! I’m listening to Jerry Garcia right now!

TJBM is @Coloma

Coloma's avatar

Pistachio Pistachio!

Haha, yep.

TJBM is movin’ s-l-o-w-l-y this morning.

Strauss's avatar

Pretty slow…...

Well, I guess it’s time to stop Fluthering when I should be othering.

TJBM agrees.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! I have a lot of chores and this is procrastinating!

TJBM says, “Just one more….(what?)”

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM has a granddaughter who looks like she should be Larry the Cable Guy’s daughter.

Strauss's avatar

No, no granddaughter here. One Grandson.

TJBM can show restraint in speaking about their grandkid(s

Dutchess_III's avatar

NO I CAN’T! HAVE YOU SEEN THEM???!!! DO YOU WANT TO SEE THEM?? Here is the one who looked like Larry the Cable Guy’s kid the other day.

TJBM sure loves their kids and grandkids.

snowberry's avatar

Yep! It was a close call but the oldest will graduate from high school! Since her deadbeat dad who is so wrapped up in himself that she’s been homeless or living with her boyfriend, it’s been a tremendously difficult road for her. We are very very proud of her

TJBM will tell us of how they’ve overcome great odds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, that’s a looong story. Simply hard work and getting back up, over and over and over again.

TJBM is ready to take a shower and get ready to cuddle under a blanket and wait for the rain.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yes, but..I still have an hour or two of work to do. We are having a cool, blustery, light rain day and yep, I am finishing up and then cuddling up on my bed with my kitty and watching a movie. Can’t wait. I don’t feel well at all today, allergies really bad. Gak!

TJBM has bad allergies, headaches, sinus pressure, body aches.

snowberry's avatar

No! And I don’t want them either!

TJBM will be taking a trip soon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’ll got check the mail in a bit.

TJBM cancelled a trip they had planned.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t have any plan.
TJBM has a plan.

Strauss's avatar

I have a plan…a secret plan! Details to be revealed soon!

TJBM can keep secrets.

snowberry's avatar

I sure can, good ones anyway. And I don’t gossip.

TJBM knows someone afraid of the dark,

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am, but not because of monsters under the bed we play cards, so I’m okay there, but I have NO night vision. I fear having to get up for any reason because I am on full black out. I got really cute nightlights which have sensors so they turn on and off automatically by darkness.
TJBM is having cookies.

snowberry's avatar

Nope! I wish!

TJBM speaks dog and cat.

Coloma's avatar

Yep and goose and horse and chicken and donkey and parrot. haha

TJBM jumped out of bed in a hurry this morning.

Coloma's avatar

haha, not really. I am not a big lunch meat kinda person. I do like Salami and ham but not Bologna or turkey or roast beef. My favorite sandwich is either tuna salad , egg salad or a BLT.

TJBM loves BLT sandwiches with avocado.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM likes to say “what”.

Coloma's avatar

What? haha @Mimishu1995 A BLT is a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Very good!

TJBM is trapped in the land of confusing finances. I somehow paid myself a lot extra and I don’t know where the error occurred.Well…it looked good on paper for awhile anyway. haha

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not confusing so much as unrelenting. FOR FUKS FUK’S FUKS’ SAKE will the bills never stop?
TJBM sometimes wants to shout a thing to the world.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Sometimes I do. I want to just scream at the unfairness of the universe.

TJBM is making do.

snowberry's avatar

Yes and no.

TJBM is new here.

Coloma's avatar

No. I am as old as the rock of ages. lol

TJBM is an old timer here.

snowberry's avatar

Huh. I was here when Jesus was a baby!

TJBM has a unique cure for an ailment.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Which ailment?
TJBM will divulge what is ailing them.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The weather just ripped through hard assed!
Power is out, tornado watches all over. Went from sun to torrents in a blink. I better save my battery life.
Love, laters.

Coloma's avatar

Be safe Patty, don’t have a meltdown. haha

Today my ailments are lack of sleep and allergies. I am going to bed a tlike 8:30 tonihgt.

TJBM needs plenty of sleep to feel their best.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Geez, that was nerve rattling! It hit fast and hard, only lasted about an hour, and left just as suddenly. The same minute it hit, sirens were going everywhere, fire, tornado, police, you name it. The tornado siren sounded twice during that hour.
Power was restored in my area about half an hour after it stopped. There are still thousands in the dark.
I am surrounded by flashlights and extra batteries are charging. I’m ready.
TJBM has a barn.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, actually several. There us a hay tent/barn, several other big barny type outbuildings and a tack room that looks like a little barn.

TJBM had fast food today.

Strauss's avatar

Fast food from my kitchen…sandwich and chips.

TJBM would rather have home made fast food than at the restaurant.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has been scuba diving. Tell us about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I have to pass this one Where’s EC when we need him?
TJBM will tell us about their scuba diving
TJBM has never dived like me, and will say anything.

Coloma's avatar

I have snorkled but never dived with tanks, not really something I think I have missed out on.

TJBM has jumped out of a plane. with a parachute of course, or, maybe not. lol

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have jumped from moving vehicles, but they all had either wheels on the ground, or hull in the water.
TJBM has been that high, sometime.

Coloma's avatar

I love being high. ;-)

TJBM knows that Land-o-Lakes the butter people make milk formulas for calves, lambs, goat kids, foals, fawns and other species of animals.

Strauss's avatar

I did not know that, but somehow it makes perfect sense.

TJBM knew that Purina is the farm animal feeds unit of Land O’ Lakes

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I suck at animals :(
TJBM doesn’t know much about farm animals.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I know some. I lived on a farm when I was a child.
I know basic stuff like pigs havelots of babies each time, but cows usually have one, sometimes two. I know the chicken eggs should be gathered every day. Roosters are easier to catch than hens, but if they are pissy, roosters have spurs and can do lots of damage.
I know pigs are born diggers, and the base of the fenceline has to be checked constantly.
I know that cows are usually approachable, and can be petted sometimes, but pigs can be friendly, or treacherous.
My neighbor had sheep. His house was a mile away, but his pasture came right to our back yard, and ran th full length of the lane which led from our house to the highway. Those sheep used to stand at the fence and watch me play. When I walked the lane to/from the school bus, they would follow, on the other side of the fence. If I walked toward the fence, they would scatter.
Sheep are retarded.
TJBM learned something new from my post… ?

snowberry's avatar

I didn’t realize domestic pigs are born diggers, but it makes sense now that I think about it. I know wild pigs sure are, and that’s part of the problem with wild pigs.

TJBM is overly fond of coffee. Tell us how you like it best.

Strauss's avatar

Dark roast, black with sugar. Better is freshly ground, freshly brewed, but I’ll drink it however it gets to me, especially if I need the caffeine.

TJBM awoke today, 5/15/17, to see snow on the ground.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I really wish I could see snow for once…
And @Patty_Melt I really appreciate your information. For a city girl like me that’s a lot to learn. But what do you mean by sheeps being retarded? I saw sheeps once in Thailand and they were some adorable creatures.
TJBM has a PC autocorrect and is angry with it. Mine has got to the point that I’m ready to throw my phone in any minute.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I hate Phones. I was able to disable my autocorrect.

@Strauss: Wow. Our time difference is really off. My calendar says it 5/18/17, but my laptop could be lying to me again.

I’M BACK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a bloody nightmare this laptop has become. Should have everything straightened out by tonight.

TJBM has had a lot of computer problems lately.

snowberry's avatar

@Mimishu1995 sheep may be adorable, but they sure aren’t what you might call smart!

My computer these days is an iPad with a mind of its own. It’s constantly after me to update it, yet refuses to do so when prompted. It’s retarded too. I don’t think it’s going to last very long at this rate.

TJBM writes down their dreams.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t. Mostly my dreams are not noteworthy. Last night I dreamed about an old friend who had bad choices for boyfriends, and our past. It was not a true history, but a sort of exaggeration. All I still remember was the last guy before the dream ended. He never thought of people in group terms. If she asked him his favorite football team, he would say Tom Brady. Pretty lame stuff.
@Mimishu1995, sheep are know for being stupid. I got to see it for myself. Yes, they are cute, except right after all their wool is sheared. With no wool they look like scrawny, confused little monkeys.
They stood there, day after day, for hours, watching me climb a tree, play in the sandpile, chase butterflies. It was like I was their tv show.
Walking up the lane was a significant distance, and they would follow tbeir fence every step of the way. If I walked toward them, they would scatter like fish from a shark frenzy. They would be right back, an hour later, watching.
There was nothing special to hold their interest. They would just gather and watch… and watch… and watch.
TJBM has a favorite wool sweater.

Coloma's avatar

No wool, but yes, I have a big, soft, long, uber comfy rust colored sweater I love.
No turtlenecks. I hate turtlenecks. haha

TJBM was born in the wagon of a traveling show.

Soubresaut's avatar

Just a hospital for me… But that sounds like a great story!

TJBM has a project they’re working on that’s on pause.

Coloma's avatar

Brief pause. Still working on 1000 gift bags for several big horse events coming up. Have completed enough to get through the 1st event next week. Here.

TJBM has known the charms of a Mule.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, no.

TJBM would like to attend muledays as would I.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM knows of an animal festival.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Benson Mule Days

TJBM knows a food festival

Patty_Melt's avatar

I know of many. I once attended
the garlic festival in Gilroy California.
I’m not sure if they count as animal or food festivals, but all over the southeastern United States one can find opossum festivals.
Sparks, Neveda has a bbq festival every year and ohhhh my gawwwwd is it worth attending that!
TJBM has been to the bbq festival in Sparks, and is wondering if they ever bumped into me. :-)

snowberry's avatar

I wish I had!

I’ve been to Sparks many times, but not to eat BBQ. The Basque restaurant there is what stays in my memory. I will be going through Nevada in June and we plan to stop somewhere for more of the same.

TJBM knows what Basque food is.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do. I’m trying to picture in my mind what restaurant you mean.
When I lived in Reno, eating out nearly always meant buffet for us. Being a local, I got lots of deals and comps for casino restaurants. Buffet is a great way to go with a growing child who is learning their likes and dislikes. Lots less wasted food at home. I could put one bite of everything on her plate, and she let me know what she liked well enough to want more.
Our favorite was the Purple Parrot at Atlantis, but we went most often to Peppermill buffet.

The bbq festival is always in front of the Nugget in Sparks. OMG it is big. Professional bbq artists from all over the country set up and show off their best meat. Of course, funnel cakes can be found too. MmmmmmM!
It is quite the hooplah.
TJBM is in the mood for some hooplah.

snowberry's avatar

It’s been a long time since I ate in a Basque restaurant, and I’ve been to several. Because we are planning our trip I looked up Basque restaurants in Nevada, and found this.

I’m pretty quiet. Hoopla isn’t part of my world anymore.

TJBM is thinking about starting a new hobby.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m thinking about being a fortune teller for my friends for kicks. I have been diving too deep into astrology for a while and I want to amaze my horoscope-obsessed friends by taking their obsession into a new level. It will take some more time for me to learn to make convincing interpretation though.
TJBM has a weird hobby.

Coloma's avatar

Hmmm….not really at this time but… I do have a thing for exotic grasses like Zebra grass and others. I once had about 20 pots of exotic grasses, just love them. I also love aquatic plants and would like to learn the art of Bonsai.

TJBM likes Bonsai.

Strauss's avatar

It looks nice, but don’t have the patience.

TJBM has the patients.

Coloma's avatar

I have no patients but I do have patience. lol ;-)

TJBM was raised in an asylum.

snowberry's avatar

Uhhh, suuuure!

TJBM also was raised in an asylum.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

That’s what my mom called it. Seven active, indepently minded, curious, imaginative, adventurous kids, mostly about a year apart who were into everything, everywhere all the time and all once.

TJBM had a big family.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, only child born late in life and have an only daughter. A long line of singletons here.

TJBM is leaving to go forth into the rest of their day now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Don’t want to.
TJBM has a stack of movies to get them through the rainy days, and a weed whacker waiting for the sun to come out… tomorrow, tomorrow, it’s only a dayyyyy awayyy.

snowberry's avatar

I’m not a movie watcher. There are any number of movies I’ve never seen, and can’t be bothered too much about it. Makes my family sad. Lol about that weed whacker now, I would if I had one!

TJBM just discovered something new they never knew before. Mine was this:

There are more than 1000 varieties of huntsman spiders in the world. And all of them tend to be large, at least according to US standards. Some of them have an unusual way of getting around. “Several species of huntsman spider can use an unusual form of locomotion. Carparachne aureoflava from the Namib desert uses a cartwheeling motion, while Cebrennus rechenbergi uses a flic-flac motion.” I’m not sure what a flic-flac motion is, but I believe it!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I just discovered researching the various species of rattlesnakes here in CA. that the California Ground Squirrels ( adults ) are immune to rattlesnake venom and the snakes leave them alone as they will viciously attack the snake and their bites can cause infection and death in the rattlers. Love how species evolve in pocket specialty areas.

TJBM knows someone that just bought a cool big boat and is looking forward to going out on it soon. That’s me, my friends just bought an awesome pontoon boat.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Knowing you know somebody is the closest I can come. Everybody around here rents their boats.
@snowberry I searched flic flac spider on youtube. It came right up. Ha ha. It is an eight legged handspring, over and over. It goes pretty fast like that, and looks kinda like a tumbleweed. Go check it out!
TJBM will go to youtube to see the flic flaccer so I don’t have to write up all those symbols.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ahem @patty melt

snowberry's avatar

On it! But what’s the difference between a spider that does cartwheels and one that does handsprings? This guy explains, but the cartwheeling spider looks a lot like handsprings to me. a further search shows identical videos that say flic flac or cartwheel. Apparently they are different.

TJBM can do cartwheels and flic flacs.

Coloma's avatar

Not anymore but I used to in my lively and limber youth. haha

TJBM likes jumping on trampolines.

Strauss's avatar

Loved jumping on trampolines! Haven’t done it in about a dozen or so years, but at one point I could do a flip in the air.

TJBM thinks the only things worth flipping are pancakes!

snowberry's avatar

I love pancakes!

TJBM will be up all night.

Coloma's avatar

Hell no, haha, I have to be up early. I am going to bed as soon as this riveting movie I am watching is over in about 45 minutes.

TJBM has a ceiling fan going right now.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has footie pajamas.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t have a pajama. Actually I only know of “outdoor clothes” and “indoor close”.
TJBM participates in another site other than Fluther.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I do Quora, contribute to sailing blogs and the Internet Archive, but not much. I point out errors in Wikipedia, but I’ve yet to write an article for them. I hit history sites now and then, especially American Civil War sites and engage a little, but I spend most of my internet social time on Fluther.

TJBM participates on social media sites other than Fluther

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hello, Brian

Brian1946's avatar

True, I do-

TJBM can articulate the concept of a lacuna coil.

Brian1946's avatar

Hola, Patty.

Strauss's avatar

The Karmacode leads to a Shallow Life of Dark Adrenaline, wearing a Broken Crown Halo of Delirium.

TJBM can tell me if they have any questions.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have one question. What is lacuna coil?
Oops! It’s “clothes”, not “close”.
TJBM will answer my question.

Brian1946's avatar

Lacuna Coil is an Italian Goth metal band according to Wiki.

By definition, a lacuna is a gap, blank space, or a break in continuity. Based on that, my interpretation would be a coil located in that space.

TJBM will name a site where they are no longer active.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


TJBM will name a site in which they are no longer active.

Mimishu1995's avatar

MobyGames. It was like a Wikipedia for games. Anyone with an account can create new articles and edit others’ articles. Unlike Wikipedia, users earn points for their contributions, and they can be used for various things on the site such as disabling ads or unlocking special features. I was there for 3 years. Then I had to learn for my college admission exam, then I lost interest in the site altogether.
TJBM will name a site in which they are no longer active.

snowberry's avatar

Facebook. I’ve never looked back.

TJBM will do the same.

Coloma's avatar

Now for you. A site for the works of Eckhart Tolle.

TJBM has woken up in a panic thinking they were late to realize they misread their clock and were actually early. Fuck I hate that so much. lol

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. Everything is on time today. But I know what you mean. Early is much better than being late, though. I hate being late because of somethiing like that—like falling asleep before a movie date. Fuck. I hate that. And I hate apologizing for something stupid like that. Bugs the shit out of me. I hold myself to a higher standard than the average schmuck in a world of schmucks.

TJBM will tell us who Eckhart Tolle is and what he’s known for.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Haha…you’re a peach, and every peach can fall from the high branches of perfect diligence now and then. haha

E.T. is a british spiritualist/philosopher, Cambridge scholar that had a spiritual awakening after battling depression and went off to sit on a park bench for 2 years. He wrote ” The Power of Now” and other works.

TJBM is off and running again. hasta la vista babies!

snowberry's avatar

Just getting started this morning.

TJBM has a home made version of something other people buy at a store. What is it? Can you give us a recipe? Etc.

Strauss's avatar

No-rinse hair conditioner. 2 oz olive oil, 2 oz coconut oil, juice of ½ lemon, a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix well, store in a closed container, use after shampoo is rinsed out of hair.

Oh…I almost forgot!

TJBM Is ready for the day (or night).

Coloma's avatar

8:48 a.m. in CA. leaving in one minute to go do stuff. My day is just getting started.

TJBM i just getting started.

snowberry's avatar

It’s lunchtime here. There’s plenty to do.

TJBM has more than one swimsuit.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sort of. My daughter has mre than one swimsuit, but it is because of my buying spree. She needed one for school, so I shopped ebay. I found some really cool ones from China I could get for about five dollars, some even less. I went, “Ooooo!” and now she has like about ten. We gave a couple to friends.
TJBM has been on a shopping spree lately.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has no dirty dishes in the sink.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, man. Not here. Not in this tropical environment. Not unless you love roaches that are big and bold enough to demand better scraps, then bitch slap you on the way back to the nest.

TJBM is cooking all day today.

Coloma's avatar

No, I have another hour of work to do then dinner will be fresh strawberries, cherries, sliced apples, bananas and salt and vinegar chips. Then, chopped chocolate and walnut halves. Summer dinners are here. I had beer last night. haha

TJBm would love to come do my chores for me.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, it would nice to get out of the kitchen for a while. How about a few goose eggs for tomorrow’s breakfast in trade? You will be the honored guest, of course. Breakfast with a real, live vaquera. Sounds delicious.

TJBM likes steak and eggs before a big day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I like them everyday!
TJBM likes looking at good food.

Coloma's avatar

I like looking at it, smelling it and most of all eating it.

TJBM just got home and has to go out AGAIN to do a favor for someone. Lord, will this day never end.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. I’m home for the night!

TJBM knows a black light flashlight is good for examining hotel rooms for bed bugs and general cleanliness.

Brian1946's avatar

I won’t truly know it until I’ve seen photographic, scientific, or personally verifiable proof. However, I’ll take your word for it and I’d like to test it sometime.

TJBM wonders why Sneaki deleted her account. ;-o

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sadly I don’t know. She has deleted her account for a week now. I didn’t see anything wrong with her responses before she swam away. She acted completely normally, then she just deleted her account, unless I missed something.
One thing though, she went away during the heat of the guideline thread. Does that tell you anything?
TJBM is sad when a jelly delete their account.

Coloma's avatar

A little, some more than others, but if someone wants to go well…. you can disagree but that doesn’t mean you have to leave. If everyone left because of the occasional heated discussion there would be nobody left. Gotta be strong, carry on right?
That’s too bad though about @Sneki95 I liked her.

TJBM is strong and will carry on.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, I left once, deleted, then reincarnated I am back.
When I was Jonesy, I was very new to social media. I wasn’t ready for that difference from live human contact.
I feel better about how to deal with the differences now.
Perhaps Sneki needed to regroup for some reason also. I feel confident she will be back sometime. We just may never know which new jelly is her.
What heat? What thread?

TJBM feels younger today, a bit.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Actually I got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. TJBM is – wtf? There ain’t no one below me.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, alrighty then.

TJBM is contemplating signing a contract.

snowberry's avatar

No, not that I know of.

TJBM will draw us a picture using the letters and symbols on their keyboard. Like the picture beside my name here.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


(Sorrry. copy pasta from FrankieZ)

TJBM will do another

Mimishu1995's avatar

/|——| |\
TJBM has another picture.

snowberry's avatar

cU coffee anyone?

TJBM will keep it going.

Coloma's avatar

No, I will not. haha
Not awake enough for anything complicated.

TJBM will not…. fill in the blank

Strauss's avatar

…attempt to fly without the appropriate technology.

TJBM will not…fill in the blank

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

…be cooking for a week. Did it all yesterday.

Is Fluther running slow today? Or is it my goddamned computer again?

TJBM will not…

Coloma's avatar

swear today. oops, too late, I just did when my dress fell in the toilet. haha

TJBM will not….

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus it was slow for me last night but probably my internet connection.

NomoreY_A's avatar

TJBM likes to drink. They prefer vodka, but they drink wine so often, they’ll settle for a whiskey.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ummmmmmm, no. I am a teatotaler.
TJBM thinks (like me) that Cher MUST be a vampire, to look so awesome and be so young and in her SEVENTIES.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t really care for her :p
TJBM doesn’t care for appearance.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not true. Every time I step out, I wear my cleanest dirty shirt, and my newest wife beater t shirt underneath that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You are not playing the game right.

NomoreY_A's avatar

? Elaborate

Patty_Melt's avatar

You are supposed to respond to the last comment left, then post another question or statement for the next jelly after you. You did one, then the other, bit not both. See the other posts.
The occasional stray comment gets inserted, for various reasons, but we all know to continue on without stumbling over them.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Ok, I see where I goofed. I shall try again. TY

NomoreY_A's avatar

TJBM will have Wheaties for breakfast. “The breakfast of Champions”. And black coffee on the side.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Never again. :(

TJBM knows someone who likes to talk in baby talk.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wubbee dubbee talkie cute? Snowberry gawt a widdle tummy ache? Ahhhh brbbbbrbrrrbbb(on your tummy)

TJBM gets it now, or sometimes anyway.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think he does.

TJBM had a rough day yesterday and needs more coffee to get going.

snowberry's avatar

Aw! So sorry @ the crow! Here! Lemme fix ya a cuppa joe in your favorite cup to start you off right today. There’s plenty more where that came from, so help yourself.

TJBM is spring cleaning the house.

Coloma's avatar

haha…did that yesterday and…the damn vac shop sold me bags they said would fit my Miele vac. but they did not so had to trim the bag bracket down and duct tape it in my vac. because the hole had a gap at the top that prevented a good seal. it really sucked pun intended and I was highly annoyed. haha

TJBM has had to improvise and re-invent something recently.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The radio knobs in the jeep fell off and were lost long ago. Last year when hurricane Matthew was cooking right off the coast, I needed to know what it was doing while running last minute errands. So, I had a box of old valve handles in the stables, lackered two of them bright blue and slapped those suckers onto the radio stems with super glue. They work fine and give the dash a kinda steam punk look.

TJBM is good at jury rigging stuff.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes but not always. I used to joke that if I couldn’t fix something with duct tape, super glue or string I needed to call the handyman. I like those valves EC, I would have chosen the orange ones. lol

TJBM knows the answer is blowin’ in the wind.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Actually, I got holes in both of my shoes, got a bad case of the blues. Found a dollar the other day, but the wind blew it away…TJBM will call off work today, and smash the alarm with a hammer.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I really wish I could.
TJBM lives in an ideal world.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think I do. Nice people. Nice mix of tropical flora and fauna. I’m on a cliff looking over a fishing village on the Atlantic side of the island. I can see my boat a mile down below at the dock. I have good friends, a great first mate, a business relationship with the hotels in the area and my number one itchiban is the mayor of the village. . My three besties are two border collies and a mare. I no longer have to fuck with disease, trauma and mayhem, freeway gridlock, incessant noise, snarky little assholes, passive aggressive fuckwads and armed nut cases. They don’t last too long here. It’s basically a second-world country. Tech is about ten years behind. I can live with that. Shit happens, but it’s nothing like it was back in the States. It’s all good.

TJBM is about to have a huge lunch.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think I do. Nice people. Nice mix of tropical flora and fauna. I’m on a cliff looking over a fishing village on the Atlantic side of the island. I can see my boat a mile down below at the dock. I have good friends, a great first mate, a business relationship with the hotels in the area and my number one ichiban is the mayor of the village. She greases the chutes. My three besties are two border collies and a mare. I no longer have to fuck with disease, trauma and mayhem, freeway gridlock, incessant noise, snarky little assholes, passive aggressive fuckwads and armed nut cases. They don’t last too long here. It’s basically a second-world country. Tech is about ten years behind. I can live with that. Shit happens, but it’s nothing like it was back in the States. It’s all good.

TJBM is about to have a huge lunch.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sorry about that. I have no idea how that happened.

NomoreY_A's avatar

You are correct, sir. An Irish 7 course meal. A baked potato and a six pack of beer. TJBM is about to drive across an grassy meridian to escape noon traffic on the freeway. Only to be delayed even longer on the opposite side.

Coloma's avatar

TJBM is forgetful.

NomoreY_A's avatar

What was the question? TJBM is wasting away again in Margaretaville.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, just relaxing for another 30 minutes or so before launching into a full rest of the day.

TJBM likes Champagne.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’m drinking champagne, feeling no pain ‘till early morning
Dineing and dancing with every pretty girl I can find…. TJBM is drinking hot Java and surfing the web at work, and Company Policy calls that a Bozo No No

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. I don’t drink coffee, can’t work, and nobody tells me I can’t surf.
TJBM is a rule breaker.

Coloma's avatar

I can be, if the rule is stupid or does not apply to the current situation. I’m a 50 shades of gray type, nothing is etched in stone.

TJBM will tell us what they hear right now….

NomoreY_A's avatar

Hot dog hot dog hot diggety dog… (My 3 yr old grand daughter is grooving on Mickey Mouse, with Paw Paws TV loud enough to wake the dead). TJBM is a fan of The Grateful Dead

Coloma's avatar

I am. I saw them many times.

TJBM is having a tuna sandwich for lunch.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Nope. My grand daughter decided that a nutty butter bar was on the menu. Nice to have someone to take care of me in my senile years. TJBM wishes NoMoreY_A would put a sock in it and let some one else play. So I’ll check out awhile. (Having way too much fun with this, guess I should get a life).

Patty_Melt's avatar

I want some Nutty Butter!

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’m old, set in my ways, and I only have sudsing action when I drink beer, which I can’t do while I’m watching a baby. TJBM is having some of Coloma’s tuna. (Watch the mercury intake).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mmmm…maybe! We have tuna!

TJBM doesn’t know what they’re going to eat.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Already ate it. A monster tossed salad, a huge grilled bonita filet, drowned in lemon and spices, on a bed of arroz picante especiado (my own recipe that would make a Cajun cry for his mama) and a truckload of iced tea. Mmmm. I’m sated and it’s raining outside. Now, it’s coffee or a nap. I think I’m gonna take my cue from the dogs and go for the nap.

TJBM loves naps

snowberry's avatar

When I’m sleepy, yes!

TJBM will sleep in tomorrow.

Brian1946's avatar

I will, and I won’t have to remind me to do it.

The greatness of TJBM is surpassed only by their humility. ;-)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, absolutely! But we don’t discuss it.
TJBM Is uncomfortable discussing something about themselves.
Sorry. I hit the answer button instead of the t.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lots of stuff I don’t want to discuss about myself.

TJBM also had two tuna sandwiches with a boiled egg on a hamburger bun, just like Coloma.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. If I have egg on a sammich, I do it fried. I would likely fry them together, to keep the tuna from tumbling out, melt cheese over it, garlic butter the bun and toast it. Damn. Now I gotta go cook.
TJBM just got hungry.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Someone feeds me breakfast please!
TJBM likes to have someone feed them.

Coloma's avatar

Sure, my friend is bringing lunch on Friday. :-)

TJBM has the worlds largest bird shit on their car right now. Something HUGE dropped a bomb on my car today. It was so big you could actually hear it splatter when it hit the windshield. It left like 7, half dollar sized blobs of white poop. Amazing!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Nope. See, that’s where where having a roof on a vehicle comes in handy. The jeep doesn’t have one and I live close to the ocean, so I park it in the shed. I have hawks, eagles and whole squadrons of parrots, bats, seagulls and monster pelicans to contend with.

TJBM knows that the average bird makes a deposit every 12 minutes.

snowberry's avatar

I do now! That makes sense, actually.

TJBM knows there are vampire birds on the Galápagos Islands.

Coloma's avatar

I did not, what are they called, I will look them up.

TJBM knows that geese crap, on average , every 8 minutes. lol

Mimishu1995's avatar

Now you make me second guess reality :D
TJBM knows that mosquitoes pee blood when they are full.

Coloma's avatar

Now THAT is a very special bit of trivia mimi. lol

TJBM is fast, lightening quick, on fire…

snowberry's avatar

Wow. Here’s a picture of a mosquito “peeing” out the extra fluid from a blood meal.

I’m never very fast. Not part of my skill set.

TJBM will come up with another interesting bug or animal fact.

Coloma's avatar

Every time we humans urinate a small amount of urine is excreted in out saliva. haha

TJBM has a fire pit at their house.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. It’s down wind from the porch to prevent smoke and added heat from spoiling a nice gathering or afternoon and evening lone reverie.

A thick swarm of adolescent dragonflies are hovering over the jungle out back of the house. They are the most efficient mosquito control ever. Voracious eaters. A swarm’s territory covers about 7 sq. miles, but they can migrate up to 1,000 miles if necessary. The high O2 levels during the Paleozoic era allowed them to be much larger than the dragonfly of today, with wing spans up to two feet across evidenced by fossils from that time. Like frogs and bees, dragonflies are an excellent environmental health barometer. Their sudden disappearance is an early warning that something may be very wrong.

TJBM has a favorite insect and will tell us a little about them.

Strauss's avatar

I also like dragonflies. There are about 50 different types of dragonflies and damselflies in my area, and they are usually seen from July through October.

TJBM will tell us about some of their local fauna or flora.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Lousy deer and stinkin’ skunks. Deer in the highways looking for ways to get run over and screw your car up, and dead skunks in the middle of the road, stinkin’ to high heaven. TJBM will tel us a juicy tale of sado masochism. Sticks and stones might break their bones, but whips and chains excite them.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sado maybe in some small measure; I’m a biter, but maso not.
TJBM prefers m&ms to s&m.

snowberry's avatar

Absolutely! I’m not into pain. I’ve had enough in my life already!

TJBM Knows how to tell a girl spider from a boy spider (shhhh! @crow. You keep quiet!)

Here is a hint for you.
And the other…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Er… boys have more hair than girls?
TJBM knows the answer.

snowberry's avatar

I’ll tell you the kindergarten version first. The girls have pink bows in their hair, and the boys have blue bowties under their chin. ;D

TJBM will tell us how to sex spiders the real way. Ok, EC, go for it!

Coloma's avatar

Oooh noooo! Crow is trapped in the netherworld of posting purgetory. LOL

I do not know how to sex spiders, I assume, they all have different sizes and colors to help with sexing like a lot of species.

TJBM loves jumping spiders and wishes they were the size of dogs.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t watch sexing spiders, porn ain’t my thing. TJBM is heading to Macky Ds for a heart attack special. Cant beat it with a stick.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m not too sure if the “pink ribbon or blue bowtie” thing is always efficient, but you know a lot more about arachnae than I. And, as you prefaced, it is a good rule of thumb for the novice.

As an example, most water spiders are sexually dimorphic thoughout their lives. Functioning hermaphrodites. Those are the ones I have dealings with. (Because of their light weight and the tension of water surface, they can scamper up to 20 meters on the water surface, clocked at 30mph/48kph/14m per second and go from zero to 30mph instantaneously. In other words, they can be on you in a split second, without warning. Nasty, nasty. Chlorinated swimming pools, although not their favorite waters, don’t seem to have an immediate, negative effect on them. It’s one of the many things the tourist brochures don’t tell about those fine tropical vacations)

Anyway, Here’s an example of a pink ribboned female as referenced by @snowberry, our resident arachnologist, above.

Here’s an example of the blue bowtie of the male.

And Here’s an example of a young, healthy male ripe for reproduction without either.

Amateurs such as myself learn to sex spiders using the larger breeds at first, such as tarantulas, wolfs, and the gigantic bird eating spiders. Spiders molt because their skin doesn’t stretch. By the fifth molt, blah, blah blah—Here, you can read about it yourself.

As a side note, people are quite often shocked to learn of the canabalistic rituals of some female spiders—the ones who eat their lovers immediately after copulation, like the famous Black Widow. But what most people don’t know is that many males have evidently survived to adapt an interesting defense against this. There is a bit of tallk above about BDSM, S&M, etc. Well, humans evidently weren’t the first to pursue this kink. Mmmmm. Kinky. Especially if you don’t know your knots, she will eat you alive. And there is no safeword.

As TJBM has aged with experience, they have become a bit more exploratory in their sex life, in a playful way.

Coloma's avatar

I was always playful and inventive, it’s my nature. :-)

TJBM loves playful, quick witted types.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do. They keep me on my toes.

TJBM is ready to go today.

Coloma's avatar

No. haha
It is cool, breezy and gloomy here, a nice shift from a few days of 90+ heat and I am still in my PJ’s sipping coffee at 10:28 .m. House sitting tonight through Monday so don’t have to jump into action for awhile yet.

TJBM is full of it.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Full of it? Well, I never… TJBM has plans to fly to Paris and enlist in the Foreign Legion.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ah, the romance of living in the dirt of the armpits of the world fighting for colonial rights and treated worse than a marine bootcamp recruit. But things have changed a bit. As a result of a recruiting drive in the wake of the November 2015 Paris attacks, the Legion will be 8,900 men strong in 2018. And, for the first time, a portion of the FFL is stationed in France. So, there’s that.

TJBM is sad that Barnum and Bailey’s Circus is disbanding because that means there is one less option to run away to.

Coloma's avatar

B&B just isn’t creative enough to pitch the unethical wild animal acts and come up with new attractions. Adapt or die, but yeah, one less run away option.

TJBM is a dwarf.

Soubresaut's avatar

Nope! I’m pretty average height. But sometimes I feel dwarfed by things going on in the world.

TJBM is a giant.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I never felt that way, physically. I’m pretty average at 6’2”. It probably has something to do with growing up the shortest boy in the family with four other brothers, none shorter than 6’4. My old man was 6’5” and my oldest brother was 6’6”. Even today, I overestimate the height of many friends who are actually shorter than me. I usually think they’re taller than me, until I see photographs of me standing next to them. I’m often surprised to see that I’m a couple of inches taller than them. It’s weird. My self esteem is fine. I have no idea what causes this misperception. But it has probably helped me to be a bit more humble and not allow my ego to burst into afterburn.

TJBM has the same weirdness.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Yup, nobody likes me, everybody hates me. I’m gonna go eat worms. TJBM is looking for a job, now that the trapeze act at the circus has gone belly up.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, I have a job and am off to work now, for awhile, then back home, then off again then back then…my days are quintuple split shifts. lol

TJBM has hand raised a baby animal of some kind.

NomoreY_A's avatar

As a matter of fact, I have kinda/sorta raised an animal. Not really a baby, but a duck that my dad had shot when he went duck hunting when I was about 10. He felt bad that the duck had a few pellets in it’s wing and brought it home to me. We fed it as good as we could, took it out of it’s box every day and let it roam around and flap its wings, and then one day the sucker took off and flew away. My dad was pretty excited about that, and proud of me. A great moment in my life. TJBM thinks I’m a quack after telling Odd but True story.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No, not at all. TJBM has become a place where we can do that, unabashedly. It’s one of the reasons I ride this thread like a favorite pony. Fluther isn’t Twitter. We are not constricted to sound bites. Although many Flutherites resist this, we are free to entertain, bore, write of our often un-PC experiences, express political opinon (be prepared to suffer some slings and arrows) and relate the most poignant moments of our lives.

And, in the process, indirectly and directly become a known, multidementional entity, familiar with others here—and even become better writers.

So, there you are.

TJBM is having a great day.

snowberry's avatar

Yep! Thanks EC for educating me on the intricate intimate lives of spiderdom.

TJBM has caught a fish with their hand before.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not really, unless you count picking a very squirmy bass up off the ground after I dropped it, so I could toss it back in for some one else to catch. Lucky critter, had it been a cat fish I’d have had it for supper. TJBM is filming some spider porn, might be a hit in some circles – “Black Widow in the Web of the Oil Sheiks”....

snowberry's avatar

No, I have a good idea how it goes. Nothing very exciting there, unless it’s the poor male trying to avoid becoming dinner.

TBMJ has waged a war with a giant ant nest today. And won. I did, with boiling water. Now it’s about mopping up the stragglers.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s there, just no paragraph break. He’s getting better.

snowberry's avatar

Yeah, I noticed, after I posted.:)

NomoreY_A's avatar

Huh, what, what it is, what is were, what it will be? When B.F. Hutton talks, everybody listens. TJBM is lost in the ozone. As am I…

snowberry's avatar


TJBM grew up eating…what unusual food?

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well let me see… unusual… can’t think of anything really, pretty much grew up on meat and ‘taters. Dad was a meat and ‘taters man, and he called the shots. Most of the time, unless he made mom mad, in which case he ate what she gave him and was happy to get it. TJBM is not a meat eater…

snowberry's avatar

Not much, although I get tired of cooking for myself, so I occasionally eat what the family is eating.

TJBM will tell us of an unusual recipe they enjoy.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Out of luck on that one, the Chef Boyardee I ain’t. If there’s not a woman around, it’s burned bacon and eggs, or sandwiches for this guy. TJBM will now regale us with tales of daring do, fighting off army ants in the Land That Time Forgot. And I didn’t mean Texas, smart aleck.

Coloma's avatar

I scooped u a big rattlesnake on a long stick a couple weeks ago and relocated it back into the big field it came slithering out of much to the horror and disapproval of my hysterical female neighbor that thought I should kill it just because she saw it. haha I’m not afraid of anything, well maybe a grizzly bear coming at me. haha

@NomoreY_A I liked your duck story, I have a 19 yr old rescue goose that I found as a tiny gosling he is goose immortal.

TJBM has come face to face with a large wild animal.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well, if you call a group of angry bikers a large wild animal. Moral of the story? Don’t shoot pool for money with bikers if you’re broke. Those guys got no sense of humor. TJBM will tell us about their wrestling match with a big python in the Everglades.

snowberry's avatar

Huh. Not a python, but it was a large constrictor in Utah when I was a little girl. Sometimes when the barometric pressure is just right, snakes will come out of everywhere and just lay around, curled up in old tires, lay across the road, and generally hang out in plain sight.

That’s what happened while I was visiting my grandparents on their ranch in southern Utah. Being the fearless animal lover I was, I picked them up one by one and moved them out of the road. I let the red, yellow and black one curled up in the tire alone, in case it was poisonous. The last and biggest snake I draped around my neck and brought it into the ranch house to show everyone.

My grandfather, bless his soul, didn’t yell, but told me to take the snake outside and let it go so it could catch gophers.

In my defense, I did check to see if any of the snakes had rattles before I started handling them.

TJBM will tell us yet another harrowing tale of their youth.

NomoreY_A's avatar

A time when my cousin and I were canoeing on the Arkansas River in Oklahoma, ran into rapids and overturned. I grabbed an over hanging tree branch, he was swept on down but climbed onto a bank in the shallows. Then came back down the river and handed me a long branch, which I grabbed and he pulled me out. We were happy to get out of the water alive, but the canoe rental folks were not amused. TJBM will now mellow and chill and tell us a tale of a lost love. Or not.

Coloma's avatar

The only loves I have ever lost were because I gave them the boot. No romantic regrets for this girl. lol

TJBM moves on easily with hardly a backwards glance.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Depends on what it is.

TJBM is from the midwest.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Good for you girl, give ‘em hell! As for me, that night at the pool hall I moved on petty dang fast, with quite a few backwards glances. But I got home in fair shape, with just a banged up head (I got hit with a beer bottle) as a souvenir. TJBM will tell of a spooky camping trip. Full of ghosts, goblins, and UFO’s, oh my. Apologies to Duchess, didn’t know she had beaten me to the answer. And I’m from Texas actually. And no more Land That Time Forgot comments ; )

snowberry's avatar

There’s the time my daughter went winter camping. The mice, who normally burrow under the snow, found that the weight of sleeping bodies inside of sleeping bags, inside of tents, had collapsed their tunnels, so they came up to investigate.

She woke up in the middle of the night with a mouse building a nest in her hair, and others had chewed holes all through her sleeping bag.

She hates camping to this day. Do you think it was the scary stories they told before bedtime?

TJBM has another story to tell us.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well I have to check out for now, got two hours to snooze then I have to put a damn suit on and attend my grand daughters HS Graduation. TJBM will continue with some weird and wild camping stories.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, like, the time I peed on a ‘possum?

TJBM will tell us what they like best about camping.

Coloma's avatar

Haha you Possum pee’er you.

Nothing. I used to like to camp in my younger years and when my daughter was young but I have not liked camping for about 20 years now. I don’t like sleeping on the ground, I don’t like being grubby, I don’t like cooking over a camp fire or on a stupid little camping stove. haha
Now if I was on a houseboat or in a motor home that would be fine otherwise I want my memory foam mattress at night. I paid my camping dues. lol

TJBM likes dried Apricots.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM is or knows someone who hogs the TV clicker.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I try to maintain control of it because I can work it more easily than Rick. I don’t control what we watch though. We agree on that.
TJBM hates dried apricots.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, nope, I love them

TJBM knows we have 8 answers to go before we hit the 500 roll over.

Soubresaut's avatar

That’s funny, I thought we have seven ;)

TJBM knows that sometimes we have to move on.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, movin’ on is a good thing, it’s forward motion, better than movin’ backwards or stagnation.

TJBM has been to sin city.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Which one? Yours? Vegas? Yeah, back in the day. Not for at least forty years, though. I’m not much into gambling and tinsel. But I understand that it’s a bit more interesting nowadays. Fewer guys hanging around with cauliflower ears, etc. I like the horses, like to watch the thoroughbreds run. I used to scarf down at the buffets in the casinos for a couple of days before I headed down to Mexico. That’s about it. The buffets were great; lobster, steaks, prime rib… good food.

Response #496. Mimi’s probably just getting up.

TJBM has been to sin city.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have, a couple of times. I never spent a cent there.
I used to live in Reno, where I played slots and football parlays for free. I didn’t care much for betting ponies, but I was pretty darn good with the pups.
TJBM would gamble if the casino provided the money to do it.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not into gambling and casinos, hate crowds. I’d as soon go camping in some isolated park, or hang around a secluded beach. TJBM would like to hit the beach with a tsunami coming in. Great surfing.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I’ve had enough storm in my place to enjoy one.
TJBM is forgetful today.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not true. Now where’s my damn keys and phone? TJBM is contemplating starting another game.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. Mimi is doing that. I am chomping pizza. slurps sauce from thumb
TJBM is Mimishu, and she has a link to the new thread.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Here I am
TJBM will go there.

Strauss's avatar

I’m there, if we’re on a phone.

Brian1946's avatar

That means this is the second to the last post here.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Guess who’s back!?!?

Patty_Melt's avatar

We are on 79. Catch up, silly.

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