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Pandora's avatar

What is the funniest things you ever misheard?

Asked by Pandora (32494points) May 5th, 2017

I’ll start. I handed my husband the chicken breast for dinner with the bones still attached. Usually I will remove the bones.
So this is what I heard when I hand it to him. “You didn’t spit the chicken and eat it out”.
I laughed and repeated what I said.
He said, ” You didn’t split the chicken to take the meat out?”

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21 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I’ve heard funny things, but nothing is coming to mind right away. I tend to misread things more often, though. I’ll be like, “Whaaaa?” and I have SLOW DOWN and reread.
I’ll be back.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Faith In Picard instead of faith in the heart. On the enterprise cd.

janbb's avatar

“There’s a bathroom on the right” isntead of “There’s a bad moon on the rise.”

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Snodgrass man instead of sharp dressed man. No idea what a snodgrass man is!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The government is going to host a steak dinner . Instead of a state dinner.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Happiness said in French. NSFW.

imrainmaker's avatar

Matter of Attorney instead of Power of Attorney.. Didn’t here it but thought so when heard about later..)

Pandora's avatar

I love the bad moon on the rise.
@imrainmaker @Dutchess_III I’ve done that too. Either misread something or read it right but thought something else for a second. (Especially when reading subtitles and hearing them say something at the same time, whether they are speaking English or another language)

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 How about the French word for “seal”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Sorry I don’t get it ? PM me The answer.

syz's avatar

My partner and I stopped into work on our day off and there was a small dog that had had surgery, and he looked rough. Michele asked the doctor what had happened to it, and she heard that it had been “attacked by a dog and a chicken”. She responded “A dog and a chicken?!? Man, that’s a bad day.” The doctor stared at her unsmiling and said “Attacked by a dog and shaken.”

Ever since, we’ll mutter “Bad day. Attacked by a dog and a chicken” when something bad happens.

janbb's avatar

@syz Some days feel like that!

marinelife's avatar

Here’s one that I did not mishear, but did misunderstand. My sister had just died, and my other sister and I were driving to the funeral home to complete the arrangements. My sister said “We have to take a picture of Sue.” I was horrified: take a picture of my dead sister? How barbaric. “No, no, my sister said, We have to take a picture of her to them so they can check the identity before the cremation.”

Pandora's avatar

@marinelife There are people who do that. I forgot about that. I must leave a note saying that I don’t want pictures of how I looked dead
I never thought of that as well. I mean a picture for cremation identification. I’ve heard stories of bodies getting mixed up.

That is another version. There have been things said that can be misunderstood sometimes without knowledge of the full context.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well can I answer for a 4 year old who doesn’t realize he mishears yet? The boy twin hears “Thor” as “Dork”


imrainmaker's avatar

^^ Im guessing where did he hear second one..)~

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well I’m sure his Mom calls him a dork affectionately. I have!

sone's avatar

Kiss the bell instead of kiss and tell

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

That Jesus died in Calgary. Not Calvary. And that people were killed In the Coliseum and I asked the teacher “why didn’t Wayne Gretzky put a stop to it”? Turns out that the Coliseum in ancient Italy was what she was talking about not the hockey NHL arena in Edmonton.

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