Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If you were a Pokémon, what Pokémon would you be?

Asked by ragingloli (52376points) May 6th, 2017

Justify your choice.

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9 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

None, I’d be a Digimon. They are more powerful and smart enough not to get entrapped in a ball and become slaves of their masters.

Seek's avatar


I bottle everything up for too long and explode at inappropriate times and places.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

PsyDuck. I’m confused at times and hide in my apartment/pokeball.

kritiper's avatar


ucme's avatar

Pick ‘n’ choose

Hire quality staff

Mimishu1995's avatar

Ditto. I just have crazy adaption skills.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Pokemon species behavior/personality descriptions tell me that I belong as a Delcatty. Prim and proper, napping addict, opportunistic, and like to avoid unnecessary conflict. However, I secretly believe that I’m an Espeon.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Mr. Mime… So I can be with Ash Ketchum’s Mother

sone's avatar

Maybe Meowth

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