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What do you think where his reasons to act in such weird way,or did I screw up?
In regards to my last post, which some of you told me, that you needed more details. Here I will explain. Read carefully
This weird scenario Happened not to long ago and left me super confused, so it was my boyfriend of 3 years, Med school graduation, and he had messaged me theThursday before, to tell me his plans, saying that on Friday(which was the day of his grad) he was coming early here to the city where I live, because he was closing and giving the keys back of his little studio/student apartment that he had here.His official home was in another city, very close by, just like 50 mins to an 1 hour away from the city that I live.
Around a week before all of this mess, he had said to me: ’‘listen what are we going to do for next friday for my graduation, you want us to see eachother before,u wanna go there or what? and I said after the graduation would be cool, but I told him to text me the thursday before, so he can confirm plans. he told me that in reality he just wanted to get it over with the graduation and get his papers.To be honest I did not notice much enthusiasm when he was talking about it in general.
So it was thursday and he messaged me ’‘Tomorrow i’m coming early because I need to give back the apartment,’’, and I text him back on that Thursday asking him, ” so what are we going to do tomorrow when you come? and he replied ”I will see your early on around 10:00 am”. So I replied ”OK you text me when you arrive”. I even found it weird that he did not begin the message saying ”Hi—, he just went directly for it.
what I understood is that before he closed the apartment he wanted to have a little intimacy there, so that’s why I believe he wanted to see me early, Before he closed the apartment. I had also been preparing myself mentally for a breakup for some reason, I do admit that weeks before I had created a lot of assumptions that basically confused me to a point where I believed them,,I was also very very indecisive whether I wanted to go out that day with him or not!!.
So it was Friday morning, his grad was scheduled to start 4:00 pm in the afternoon, and I assumed we were going to see each other AFTER the grad (I guess not) .
At 11:30 AM, he text me saying ”I’m here”, then seconds after, he calls me and says: I’m here, I just arrived, are you ready? Or do you need more time and I said ”no am not ready, I need more time” and he said ”OK so in half an hour then (in his terms its like an hour, he is always a little late LOL). I said OK and hung up.
I decided to go out with him, I got ready,dressed up,put some makeup. But the point is that 15–20 minutes after he called me and we had spoken, I texted him after saying ”we should see each other better at night” (I, wanted to see what he was going to answer and if it was cool with him or not, just that).So I was waiting for a reply, but kept waiting and got nothing.
Time was passing, and it was 1:30 PM in the afternoon, kept waiting for a reply, so I got angry/impatient so I took my clothes off and put my pajama back on (Luckily I was free that day). Then almost at 2:00 PM in the afternoon, I text him again saying: ”you know what forget it, don’t come, stop wasting my time, you are late”.
And got nothing back from him, I know it was his Grad and he was not going to ruin it for him with drama. But he should of acted differently. He just disappeared.
TL;DR I forgot to mention that after his grad, maybe in a month and a half later he is leaving back to the states. So I don’t know what made him act this way, that friday?!! I have 3 theories #1— he got mad that when he called I was not ready, #2-what really triggered him was that after he called me saying that he was here, 20 mins after I text him saying’‘we should see eachother better at night’’ #3-He did it on purpose for some ulterior motive. what do you think?

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