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NomoreY_A's avatar

What's up with the Mandela Effect?

Asked by NomoreY_A (5546points) May 7th, 2017

Some people think Nelson Mandela dies in jail in the 80s, and remember his funeral being televised. He in fact lived until 2011 and only passed after a distinguished career as a diplomat and philanthropist. Same thing with Billy Graham, who as far as I know is still alive. And then we have the whole Jif / Jiffy peanut butter thing, but I won’t go there, it weirds me out too much… Elucidate, illuminate, regurgitate.

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36 Answers

Seek's avatar

Jiffy-Pop popcorn. Jif peanut butter. Choosy moms choose Jif.

The Berenstain/Berenstein thing drives me bananas, though. I really wish I had all my old books.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I had forgotten about the Berenstein Bears thing, but that’s another example of the high strangeness going on here.

Strauss's avatar

I don’t thereever was any “Jiffy” brand peanut butter. I remember when we got samples of the new brand called “Jif”. It was somewhere around 1958 or 1959.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Strauss I remember Jiffy plain as day. Or at least I think I do. But that’s not as freaky as people remembering things that never happened. And the damn bears are Berenstein, not Berenstain.

Seek's avatar

I still say you’re remembering commercials for Jiffy Pop popcorn and mixing that mentally with commercials for Jif peanut butter.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Seek… OK, I’ve had it. Get me back on my own time line, I don’t belong here with you Jif eating weirdoes.

Seek's avatar


Do you mind if I ask how old you are?

NomoreY_A's avatar

Old enough to know that Billy Graham and Nelson Mandela did not die in the 80’s.

Seek's avatar


Peanut butter

Both commercials from 1987/88

NomoreY_A's avatar

And here is one for the record books – don’t remember where I saw this, other than on the internet somewhere. But I saw an item about a young girl who told her mom one morning on the way to school, that she needed to do a report on the Kennedy assassination. And her mom looked at her like she was crazy, and told her that you know very well that JFK was never killed, he had two terms, then his brother Robert ran for POTUS and won. And Viet Nam never happened. Put that one in your crack pipe and smoke it..

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Seek… now I don’t know if I should thank you, or go in for a psychiatric evaluation.

Seek's avatar

Chalk it up to a misfile in the brain-cabinet.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Maybe you’re right, but this crap is realyyyy strange. Why’d I even ask that damn question?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@NomoreY_A call it a “Senior Moment”!

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Senior Moment? Why, I’ve never been so insulted. Oh well, it’s early yet… (And I do have one foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel).

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I just saw one that says that Forrest Gump never says “Life is like a box of chocolates.” He supposedly says, “Life was like a box of chocolates

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SergeantQueen I saw that some where, too. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you’re gonna get, as opposed to life WAS like a box of chocolates…this crap is getting stranger by the minute. Just shoot me. Say it ain’t so Joe! Or, Josephine…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m going to keep commenting various examples of the mandela effect just to blow your mind all day.
It’s not “Sex IN the city” It’s “Sex AND the city”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s not ”luke, I am your father” It’s ”no, I am your father”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Magic mirror on the wall” Not ”Mirror, Mirror on the wall”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Curious George never had a tail

MakeItSo1701's avatar

The monopoly man never had a monocle.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Lucian Staniak is a serial killer from Poland also known as the “red spider”. He committed terrible crimes that ACTUALLY NEVER HAPPENED

NomoreY_A's avatar

Ok there Ms. Sergeant Queen, either you’re the troll of the century, or you are out to drive me insane. This crap can’t be happening, it doesn’t happen, this is Twilight Zone shit. Ok, I get it… where’s the real intense cigarette smoking dude? I know he’s in here somewhere.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m not a troll. I just googled all this.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SergeantQueen I know that, I was only kidding. Geez, folks try to drive me nuts (And are succeeding) and I cant yank their chain?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

oh. I misunderstood

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SeargentQueen No worries, I just have a goofy sense of humor. But I try hard to keep it self deprecating, so as not to offend anyone.

ucme's avatar

Celine “pony head” Dion was not onboard the ill fated steamy puff puff boat Titanic.
Pity as she would have almost certainly died warbling showtunes with those daft fiddlers…shame, damn shame.

zenvelo's avatar

Humphrey Bogart playing Rick Blaine never says, “Play it again, Sam.”

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats….

Sneki95's avatar

It’s the flashbacks from your doppelgänger that lives in an alternate reality. Your mind connect through the identical body, which makes memories mix up.

Sqwhirlie's avatar

When I stumbled upon (not from the website) the Mandela Effect, people used the Ford and VW logo changes as examples. I resonated with them, but assumed I was thinking too much into it and was actually making myself remember something that never was.

I used to work for GM and OnStar and I would read and type ”Cheverolet” many times during the day. I noticed the logo changed a few years ago, and chalked it up to re-branding, as companies sometimes do. I never paid much attention to the spelling, as “Chevrolet” isn’t usually bold on vehicles.

I started searching for Cheverolet and couldn’t believe that the only results coming back were for ”Chevrolet.” Then I searched the history of Chevrolet (and logo) and Cheverolet wasn’t listed at all, and looking up models that I used to work with didn’t come back with any hits either. I tried a Google search of Cheverolet -Chevrolet and managed to find after market accessories and such, I even found a dealership! but finding ONLY ONE dealership with “Cheverolet” in the name was odd in itself. I admit I didn’t go through ALL of Google’s returns, just a few pages, but I was beyond confused at this point.

Back in the day, I used the website all the time to cross reference information, so my next search was there. I went to the Recall section and searched “Cheverolet” and no results were found. “Chevrolet” on the other hand, yielded 3822 results.

That was the turning point when I became convinced of the Mandela Effect.

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Jeruba's avatar

@Sqwhirlie, there was never that extra e in the name. The brand was founded by Louis Chevrolet in 1911, and his spelling of his name has been used consistently.

I have noticed that many people latch onto a misspelling of a name or word, and then no matter how many times they see the correct spelling, it never registers, or else they think it’s wrong and they are right. Once you’re accustomed to a misspelling, it “looks right” and that seems like some sort of proof.

Professionally I’ve trained myself to see what’s written and not what I expect or assume is there, and I can tell you for certain that I have never seen “Cheverolet” before, so it must not be all that widespread.

Troix's avatar

Changes made to the timeline are happening in the name of science.The LHC is the side effect of this research.They know what they are doing to cause this parallel universe or multiverse.The changes made in the Holy Bible is what concerns me,and God allowed them to do this reality change.The “Our Father Prayer” is now….“in earth” ....instead of…“on earth” as it is in Heaven.Now the world is now flat and surrounded by Ice Mountains,and we are in earth instead of on earth.Daniel 7:25 explains how they would try to changed time and laws.Isaiah 11:6…is now the wolf and the lamb when it use to be the “Lion and the Lamb” if you flip 11:6 over it’s 9:11,but who listens to the spooky Christians….when speaking on the reality of Jesus????The wolf in lamb clothing…????

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