Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How suspicious does this look? A day after firing Comey for investigating the Russia connection, Trump is meeting the Russian Foreign Minister?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33649points) May 10th, 2017

Bad optics. Looks suspicious as hell to me.

What’s really going on here?


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13 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

All I can say is, the man thinks because he’s the president he can do anything and no one has the right to object. Therefore he doesn’t need to hide anything.

ragingloli's avatar

The Orangutan is a living parody.

ucme's avatar

Eeeh well fancy that, smear me in marmite & call me Susan…

MrGrimm888's avatar

The audacity of Trump is almost unreal.
If this were a novel, it wouldn’t be realistic….

chyna's avatar

^It would come off as a sitcom. Oh wait, it already is a sitcom.

Strauss's avatar

It’s a reality show called “Political Apprentice”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think the show is called “How hard can I fuck the world? ”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe open the FBI spot for Princess Ivanka Trump or some other “handpicked” family member.
If you cross “King for Life” your career just ends. Even if you helped push the votes for him into the Palace !

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t see how the Republicans can keep resisting the appointment of a special prosecutor.

imrainmaker's avatar

He kept his promise..)

gondwanalon's avatar

Perhaps Trump’s actions are designed to promote suspicion. He wants to confuse, distract and drive his opposition nuts while he’s implementing his conservative policies.

si3tech's avatar

@elbanditoroso He refused to identify the people who leaked.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Jesus. Gestapo state.

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