Should AI robots be built, with "sex" organs,or genders?(details)
Assuming that humans create AI. If built in a physical form, and modeled after humans, should gender, or sexual parts be incorporated into the design?
Should they be built with a “part,” that could be used to derive, what the robot would interpret as pleasure?
Should the designers even consider gender identity?
Keep in mind, that if it speaks, it will be identified by it’s sound. Humans will assign a perception of “gender.” Consciously, or subconsciously, a robot would be perceived as male,or female.
Not just human perception, and communication is an issue.
If humans create a sort of lifeform, why not give “it” the ability to get physical pleasure?
Would giving them such a thing be odd?
Would denying them such a thing, be inconsiderate?
Would adding such a thing, be perverted?
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38 Answers
Unless it’s a robot designed specifically for sexual pleasure, I don’t see why they need genitals and/or a gender Identity. It seems to me that humans create robots for their own needs, such as help cleaning the house,gardening, etc. So I don’t think humans would really care about the robots needs unless those needs affected its use, like batteries and such. If someone wants a robot to fuck, then they might care. But I don’t think they’d care about the robot getting sexual pleasure so much as they’d care about their own pleasure.
On STNG, Data is anatomically adequat, and boasts several programs for giving pleasure.
They should be outfitted with both.
We have sex toys for that, let scientists deal with other new inventions other than Sex and pleasure.
The only reason to give a mail or female appearance is to increase the comfort level of the humans that are interacting with the robots. Otherwise it is simply ornamentation.
As for pleasure robots – ones that can enjoy themselves? How silly.
They might be supplied with the needed accessories for sex and sexual identification, but only if they ask for them.
So far we are clueless as to how to create a machine that experiences pleasure. If we ever figure it out, that would open up the wider question of whether we should design machines that experience pleasure. What gives the robot pleasure may not coincide with what we want it to do.
Unless we want the robots to sexually reproduce, I do not see much point in giving them sex organs. There already is robot reproduction, without sexual organs, using 3D printers.
What would a robot orgasm be like? Would all the lights flash for several seconds? Would the robot CPU reboot?
Would the male-gendered robot need to wait 20–30 minutes before it could orgasm again?
It’s hardly a question worth asking, since it’s going to happen. Every new technology in the history of forever has immediately been used for sex.
30,000 years ago, cavepeople figured out how to carve rocks and immediately set to making stone dildos
The Gutenberg printing press was invented in 1440, and people immediately set about carving erotic interpretations of Greek myths for the titillation of society as a whole.
Motion picture was created and the first porn movie instantly followed.
So… yeah. Matter of time, really.
@seek, all of that is true, but it was all for the benefit and pleasure of humans.
I think that @MrGrimm888 was asking whether robots will, themselves, take pleasure in sexual function, and how that might come about…
How might that come about? Easy!
The male robot puts his 3” flash drive (Nicknamed the “three-inch punisher”) into the females USB port. He then transfers all his data into the female. BOOM! It’s quite simple and only takes 30 seconds, much longer than it would take the average human male.
@SergeantQueen – talk about the likelihood of contracting a sex-related virus….
@elbanditoroso. @Seek wasn’t off base. I was wondering about all of the things that would go along with assigning gender to a robot. And the ethical variables.
I’m almost finished watching Westworld. That’s why I was wondering.
@elbanditoroso What would a robot orgasm be like?
I am imagining an old pinball game with a myriad of lights flashing, flappers moving on their own accord, all kinds of bells and whistles going off in the background and a big flashing “TILT! TILT! TILT!” going off.
I think if they do it will mainly be focused on the obvious chest area, not the gentiles.
Jews or gentiles, who cares what religion the robots are…
I would probably go there if I was forced into a four-way with Judge Judy, Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway
But seriously, I couldn’t fuck Kellyanne even if I used Ann Coulter’s dick.
You’re considering playing God to your creation.
Is it right to create a being with emotions and reactions that mimic humans without giving them the pleasure outlet?
If all of our efforts are basic, as humans, carrying on our kind… and we could build machines to act and behave as we do… but we are merely animals worrying about propagation on our basest level…
Why would we deny that to our creation?
…Because it’s a waste of money because, no matter what we do, they can’t propagate because they are not animals.
Unless they eat all the raw materials and their internal nanomachines assemble their offspring.
^Ah… That would work. But they wouldn’t need to “have sex,” to reproduce.
So. Opinion from some, is that they should only be given sex organs for purpose. Either for reproduction, or design as a sex robot. What about pleasure?
If we allow them to find “mental” pleasure, why not “physical” pleasure? Or at least a part of their body,that could provide pleasure, if the robot decided that it wanted pleasure…
Would pleasure, or the ability to choose to have it, be a weakness? Would they be too human? Susceptible to addiction?
Pleasure and pain are vital for their sense of empathy, too.
^If they are made to feel pain, it’d be pretty fucked up not to allow them pleasure…
What happens if we give them the abilities to feel pleasure and pain and they decide that there are more pleasurable things to do than what we ask of them? Or do we program them to feel pleasure in doing what we want them to, like in Brave New World?
^Well. My hypothetical AI robot cannot be programmed how to think. So, it couldn’t derive pleasure from doing what we want, unless it was a charitable, selfless robot.
I guess I’m thinking of something similar to what we have. Ultra sensitive body parts, that reward the robot somehow when stimulated… But that might assign the robot a “gender” in human eyes. And it could change the behavior of the robots.
They wouldn’t be like us,in that we have hormones driving our sexual desire, that happens to feel great. I think it would be more like a drug to them… They could decide to do it, or not, and with what frequency.
This article talks about a $6,000 customizable robot that can hold a conversation and participate in a loving relationship (it implies on a sexual relationship in the article). They have male and female robots.
Pleasure without guilt or consequences?
There something fundamentally wrong with that programming.
Change the parameters to be more American.
^^ And, if you make the parts interchangeable you can replace them with replicas of your favorite celebrity du jour whenever the whim takes you. They could be offered like other merchandise in huge display racks.
Hmmmm…. I wonder if we would need some kind of federal regulatory commission to certify that they are “anatomically correct, dimensionally accurate, non-enhanced replicas”.
Wait. Do we make gay robots too?
Yes. And the first one will be called C3PO.
It gets me to thinking: If I was a robot with male genitalia, would I want the driving force of this appendage to be a ½”, ¾”, or 1” pneumatic impact wrench? “Oh, BABY!”
Dutch. I think it would be a choice for the robot. If it wanted to be gay. Unlike humans…
LOL! What a quandry for fuck’s sake!
I wonder if each robot would eventually reach the same conclusion about their sexuality?
@Dutchess III ¼” impact wrench? Never seen one of those… Must be a reject… Or a little boy robot…
A little boy robot would be very weird to me…
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