General Question

Pandora's avatar

Has anyone ever used golf balls to deter birds from building nests in hanging baskets?

Asked by Pandora (32674points) May 11th, 2017

I ran across a comment today where someone says golf balls has been successful at deterring birds from building nests in their hanging baskets because the birds think there is already an owner residing in the basket.
If you haven’t tried this method before and you have another way to deter birds that don’t involve killing them or harming them or not hanging baskets, please let me know.

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4 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

I recently tried to discourage robins from building a nest on top of an exterior light fixture near my front door. I can’t blame them, really, it’s an ideal location: under the corner of a wide eave, and on top of a solid and stable light fixture.

What worked for me there was to place an inverted plastic soup container over the top of the fixture. Looks-wise, it doesn’t detract much, because the milky grayish texture of the container didn’t stand out from the siding color much, but it apparently made for an unstable and slippery place to establish a nest.

Blueroses's avatar

When I was a kid, it was so cool to find a bird’s nest! Now that I’m a homeowner, those bastards are everywhere! It’s still kinda cool, but c’mon, dudes, leave me some space here!

My blackbirds and finches are so invasive on my back patio, I had to use a tech solution. True story.
I googled the territorial song of the blackbird and put it on an audio loop. I use an outdoor bluetooth speaker to broadcast “no vacancy” during mating season.
No more nests in my awning.

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, I don’t mind them near by. Tons of woods behind my house and large bushes even. Even a very nice trees all around my home. But they seem to like my hanging flower baskets. I had a gorgeous plant last year and it was doing ok, but then it caught some bug and I couldn’t spray insecticide while it was there and the eggs where there. I didn’t want to cause them any harm. So by the time they left, I couldn’t save it.
But I love having birds around my home. I love watching them and hearing them sing and they do pretty well at discouraging bees and wasps.

RocketGuy's avatar

I think it’s cool to have birds nesting nearby, but their poop is a bother.

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