Social Question
Why would someone leave their garage door open all day and night?
Just so people don’t get confused, this is not the same question as My Other Question About Garages
Although in both cases, the 2 sets of neighbors are relatively new to our neighborhood. The folks having parties in their garage live next door. The folks who leave their garage door open 24 hours a day live across the street.
We have an HOA in our neighborhood. One of the rules says that you must keep your garage door closed unless you are working in there, or there are service persons doing work in there, or, of course, if you are moving your cars in and out. Our HOA rules are pretty strict and there are lots of them. Many of them pertaining to our cars, driveways, and parking. Some of them are kind of silly, but people get fined all the time for all sorts of small infractions. Mostly parking infractions.
So the folks across the street almost always have their garage door open, day and night, rain or shine. I really don’t have an opinion on it one way or the other, I’m just worried that one day, they are going to be robbed. They’ve got lots of stuff in there, the usual stuff people have like tools and ladders and a lawnmower and whatnot. It would be a shame if their stuff got stolen.
I have only met them once, on the day they moved in 6 months ago. I gave them a little map of the neighborhood with the names of the other neighbors in their immediate vicinity, the name and number of our security patrol (the people you call if you are being robbed, or have been robbed) and some info on the closest veterinarians, good restaurants, etc. just stuff they might find useful, and my phone number just in case they needed anything. And I gave them a big bag of homegrown lemons from our tree.
I have occasionally seen their car pull away in the morning when I’m leaving for work, but I actually have not seen any of them, per se. I met 4 people, 2 parents and 2 kids and they were quite nice. Unlike most of my neighbors who are often out in their yards (or the folks next door who are entertaining in their garage) I never see them.
Most of the the time their garage door is wide open, even in the middle of the night. I only know this because I have to get up multiple times in the night to open or close the window (and turn on and off the fan) because of my hot and cold flashes. I’m usually up around 3 and 4 a.m.
I’m just curious as to why folks might want to leave their garage door open all the time and risk having their possessions stolen.