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Was this guy just rude, or was I truly out of line asking after his situation?
I was looking for pages on FB to post my daughter’s Go Fund Me link to. There were several. One was called, “Go Fund Me Page That Actually Works.”
I read the admins rules carefully. One of the rules for admission was to post $5.00 to at least one of the many GFM links on his page. His was front and center, of course.
So I went into his. Saw a bunch of $5.00 donations, obviously “admission” fees. He had a total of $125. His story was that his car was wrecked while on the way to the hospital to see his wife and new baby. He was trying to raise $10,000 to get it fixed.
Well, obvious flags now, like, “What, no insurance?”
Anyway, I donated $10. Then I noticed the GFM was over 2 years old, 25 months to be exact.
So I pm’d him. I said “Hi! Thanks for creating the GFM page. I noticed yours is over 2 years old. Did you ever raise enough to get you car fixed?”
He shoots back, “Not quite, if it’s even any of your business.”
I was really taken aback. I said, “Wow. Well, I was just concerned.”
So, was I out of line, or is he just a product of this new FB, scathing, “mean girl” (although he’s a guy) world that’s being created because some people think that’s a cool way to behave?
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