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ragingloli's avatar

How difficult/easy is it to break a goose's neck?

Asked by ragingloli (52371points) May 12th, 2017

Or to chop it off with a bowie knife.
It does look quite fragile.

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42 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

They have light,fragile bones, to reduce weight for flight. The hard part should be the ethics of the action.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I haven’t had roast goose in a very long time. I’m hoping to change that soon.

One good cut with a properly wielded ax will take off the head immediately.

And I see no ethics involved.

canidmajor's avatar

@MrGrimm888: the ethics wouldn’t even occur to me if a goose came after me, I still have a scar on my butt from an attack. Next time, the goose gets cooked!
@Hawaii_Jake, yes you’re invited! Bring a side.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@canidmajor Put me down for mashed potatoes with herbs.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I personally wouldn’t kill a bird, that at worst could scratch me.

If it were a animal raised to slaughter, or circumstances were extreme, I’d have no problem.

“Canadian” Geese are the biggest problem where I live, as far as goose attacks. But it’s illegal to kill them.

canidmajor's avatar

They bite, @MrGrimm888, very nastily.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Sounds like a first world problem.

Coloma's avatar

@ragingloli Really? You must be desperately bored today. Yes, their necks are fragile, most necks are when subject to wringing. This is why geese, especially, hate having their necks touched or handled. Predators always go for the throat/neck.

They know that is a very vulnerable area on their body. I think you can easily imagine that wringing a gooses neck would not be difficult and as far as hacking off anythings head with a bowie knife, well, that too kinda goes without saying.
Big neck, small neck, you’re still gonna encounter muscle, bone, tendons that need to be severed. Obviously a gooses neck will be easier severed than horses head.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Maybe we could build a wall on the Canadian border. You know, to keep the geese out. AND, Canada is going to pay for it…

Unofficial_Member's avatar

It might be hard, seeing that such neck appear to be elastic. Without a cutting equipment it’ll be hard but a cinch with regular knife. I have seen people cut the throat of some avians with butcher knife in traditional market, the meat they sell couldn’t get any fresher.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I propose a log wall such as surrounded forts in the American wilderness constructed by the advancing Europeans.


I think I was a child the last time I had roast goose. That’s going back a long way.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Those damn geese are here illegally. They take our jobs, and rape our women. America’s security is at stake here.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Is there any truth to the old saying that the meat of a goose is oily?

I remember goose hunting with my dad and uncle. I don’t remember my dad bagging a kill, but I do remember my uncle getting one. It was rather boring as a child hiding behind the blinds, sitting, sitting, sitting.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes, actually, it’s very fatty when cooking. I had to devise a method whereby I flipped it over half-way during roasting so it could drain evenly. It’s so delicious, though, I don’t mind the extra work. And if you save the goose fat, you can use it for a number of cool recipes.
Now I really want to roast a goose!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When is goose season?! :D Is it always in season? Can we kill one now?

canidmajor's avatar

It’s in the fall, around here. I think the only legal way to kill one now is self-defense.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I bet they’re good roasted…

canidmajor's avatar


Patty_Melt's avatar

There should be a rack, to turn the goose upright while roasting. There really is a very greasy texture. Perhaps a bundt pan would work?
Any thoughts?

Coloma's avatar

My 19 year old pet goose “Marwyn” is sending out his hit list right now. Beware goose eaters, may the force be with you. lol

canidmajor's avatar

He’s probably stringy, but I could make a fine soup from his carcass.

canidmajor's avatar

@Patty_Melt: I use a regular roasting rack, just reach in halfway through and turn it over. I have to siphon off the grease fairly frequently, but that’s OK, it’s worth the effort!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How much blood does one goose have? Is it going to make much of a mess when I chop its head off? I mean is it going to run out the door?

canidmajor's avatar

Better do it outside, those suckers can make a mess!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, you chop outdoors, for gosh sakes!

kritiper's avatar

I guess it’s up to me to answer this question with the easiest method: You grab the goose by the neck and swing it around violently until the head comes off and the blood-spurting body flies a ways away. That’s how my grandmother killed chickens! And can a chicken run around without it’s head on? You betcha! WEIRDEST thing you could ever see!!!

Coloma's avatar

^ A good old fashioned chopping block would be much easier and much more human, obviously. e

canidmajor's avatar

I dunno, I kinda like the swinging about and the banshee yelling. Very stress relieving.

Coloma's avatar

I know you guys are trying to get my goose, but..I’m not biting, He, however, would. haha

ragingloli's avatar

What about biting a goose’s head off?

Coloma's avatar

^ If your mouth is big enough go for it.

canidmajor's avatar

Ah, so this is about you? I just thought it was a goofy (and slightly gory) off shoot of the other goose Q. Or is that one also about you?

Coloma's avatar

@canidmajor I have no idea what you are talking about. The other Q. has nothing to do with this one. The other question is totally unrelated by a different poster.
Are you being sarcastic, if so, why is that?

Patty_Melt's avatar

@Coloma, I think she is unaware of your passion for geese, and how sometimes jellies like to fly with it.
However, I am starting to feel some hunger pangs.
What other fixin’s go well with goose. It is not the sort of flavor I want to put with cornbread. Rice maybe?

ragingloli's avatar

potatoes and red cabbage with apple pieces

Coloma's avatar

@Patty_Melt Yes, no worries, I take for granted most people here know the famous “Marwyn”. haha Bread stuffing, sage flavored, would be a nice side dish.

canidmajor's avatar

@Coloma Two questions about geese close together. Do the math. I am glad you are the center of your universe, that’s as it should be, but really, you are not the center of the Fluther universe. @Pattymelt, yes I know about Coloma’s goose, but I just don’t think about it all that much.

Or maybe you are, and I missed the memo.

kritiper's avatar

@Coloma But that’s just it: It is easier and not as messy, on the slayer, to just swing hard and drop the head. No need to hold the ax, and the head, and the body, and the wings, and then try to make a clean cut with the ax. (Like your hands aren’t full enough!!) You’d get blood on you for sure! And maybe even give YOURSELF a VERY nasty cut!

Coloma's avatar

@canidmajor Ookay… whatever.
I quit trying to figure out peoples snark around here a long time ago.
Clearly you prefer whipping out your broomstick in response to some innocent levity. Man the fluther coven is flying high today.

ucme's avatar

Bowie knives don’t chop, they slice & cut…just sayin

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