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ragingloli's avatar

So, what do you think about the new "Star Trek: Discovery" trailer?

Asked by ragingloli (52360points) May 17th, 2017
I say it is horrendous.
A terrible mishmash of JarJarTrek and Mass Effect.

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16 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Too many female lead characters….

Just kidding; )

Admittedly, not a great trailer. Maybe it’s better than advertised…

I love most things Sci fi. I might give it a chance…

josie's avatar

Sense the coming of death?
When its nearby, it doesn’t take a specially engineered being to know it.

Rarebear's avatar

Just saw it. They decided to go with the lens flares.
I agree with you.

Rarebear's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The problem is that CBS is going to make you pay for it with CBS All Access if you decide to do it legally. I wasn’t going to pay for it anyway, but now I really won’t.

If you want true Star Trek-type stories, Google Star Trek Continues.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I doubt I will pay to see it…

ucme's avatar

I refuse to view anything Trek related because it offends every sense including common.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@ucme . Where’s your imagination? I know you have one.

Space travel, and aliens. I’ll never live long enough to see such things…. I have to settle for Sci fi.

ragingloli's avatar

All that alien makeup reminds him of his family’s genetics.

ucme's avatar

Ha…ha…haha…hahaha…coz that was so funny, look, my sides are splitting

Zaku's avatar

I don’t even have the will to watch the trailer. I couldn’t make it through the first part of the second Abrams nonsense film. I’d hate it slightly less if it were just a new sci fi franchise rather than an insult to TOS Trek, but I still wouldn’t like it because it’s so dumb and ridiculous even without being bad wrong Trek.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I liked the trailer OK, but then I watched an episode of Star Trek Continues.

Whoa! Much better. It’s like highly advanced community theater! Wow.

It makes me think of people writing and putting on a show instead of people filling in the gaps in a CGI cartoon.

ucme's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I never said I don’t watch & like sci-fi now did I?
Trek has never appealed to me at all, it & it’s fans take themselves way too seriously.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@ucme . I meant nothing personal brother.

I would have to agree that some fans take it WAY too far.

I’m on the fringe, I guess I love Sci fi, but by nature don’t take lots of things too seriously.

Whenever a story sounds too implausible, remember the human story…
Our history reads like unimaginative, repetitive, crap… If it were fiction, it would be deemed too ridiculous by critics to be realistic…

Truth, is stranger than fiction.

ucme's avatar

Yep like a redneck with dental issues…the tooth is out there

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I cant get involved with more. my plate is full. I might watch some of the first episode tonight.

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