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MakeItSo1701's avatar

What is the weirdest thing someone has ever asked you?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13779points) May 18th, 2017

What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you? I can’t think of one right now, but I’ve been asked some weird things.

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18 Answers

chyna's avatar

A first, and last, date asked me if he could call me something else because he didn’t like my name. This was as we were driving away from my house. I had him take me back home. Jerk.

marinelife's avatar

My brand-new in-laws from my first marriage were introduced to me and immediately asked “What religion are you?” It went downhill from there.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It wasn’t a question.

My first morning waiting for the cable car in San Francisco, a woman waiting with me looked at me and stated, “You know, I could drop dead at any minute.”

I took a literal step back.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t think of anything right now, but I’ll follow this.

Tbag's avatar

Once I was walking with a friend at the mall and this man approached us asking “Do you think I can reach Pluto one day?”
I remember this man and his question every time someone mentions “Pluto”.

marinelife's avatar

@Tbag It’s not even a planet to some. Do you think he still wants to go?

Dutchess_III's avatar

When my grandson was 8 he was ready to stage a protest when he learned that Pluto was no longer a planet. It really pissed him off!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have been asked by a few people if I am a witch.

One time some guy I didn’t know walked up to me and asked me if I would marry him. He seemed normal except for that. He said I was so beautiful he was hoping I would say yes, but he supposed I probably wouldn’t.

I had a woman ask if she could trade her kid for mine. I think she meant it.

Tbag's avatar

@marinelife He seemed very serious about it. Looking back though… I think he was pretty stoned haha.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A nephew, who was young at the time, asked if I was a parent or a kid.

NomoreY_A's avatar

A girl I knew in college walked up to me one day, while I was talking to some friends, threw her arms around me, and told me she was going to marry me. I told her to take two aspirin, and call me in the morning. That was staraaange, and she was pretty attractive too.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m going to alter my question to fit my answer because I can’t think of a personal experience for the life of me.

The weirdest questions I’ve ever seen asked (Some are NSFW and are labeled as such)
On a website, called “GirlsAsksGuys” (I am not active on it, I don’t know why I still have an account) There is a user whose name is “DinoTracks” (I will get a link later)
He asks the weirdest/dumbest questions. Such as, “Should a female be able to name a random male as the biological father of their baby?” He thinks that a female should be able to go “Bill Gates is the father” and then Bill Gates has to pay for the child—with no consent from Bill Gates or whomever the female names as the father

Another one was “Does a female’s offspring inherit DNA from Ex-lovers”

On another question, he implied that the pain a man goes through when rejected by a woman is worse than the pain of childbirth/ emotional pain of a miscarriage.

NSFW He made a question asking if it’s ever going to be possible for him to be able to point at a female and automatically get her to have sex with him. He wants there to be a day dedicated to woman worshipping him.

Last example; “If females decide to create their own country without men, how would they ever figure out electricity?”

These questions are all phrased based on memory-not word for word.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Weird @SergeantQueen.

This sort of answers the question. I thought of it when it happened anyway. I went to McDonald’s to get a bagel and cream cheese. When I pulled up to the pay window they told me they were out of cream cheese. I said, “Really? Oh well. I have some at home.”
Young girl says, “I think they have it at Walmart…Philadelphia….something. Or something like that.”

PullMyFinger's avatar

A woman stopped her car as I was walking near Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando. She asked if I could give her directions to Nashua, New Hampshire….

Coloma's avatar

My ex MIL that constantly would say (because I had a pair of pet geese)
” I just don’t understand WHY you like geese?” WTF! As if someone has to justify the things they like be that a particular choice of pet or a type of food or whatever they like.

I finally couldn’t take it anymore and about the 17th time she said this I blurted out ” Well..I don’t understand why YOU collect Mickey Mouse clocks!” That finally shut her up. Jesus, some people. Thank God she is my ex MIL.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mickey Mouse clocks??

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yeah, incredible huh? lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remembered something! This was in the 70’s. I was like, 16. The was pre cell phone, pre caller ID, even pre messages. Landline phone rang. I picked it up. This guy said in a real low, soft voice, “Talk to me while I check out.”
I said, “Whut?”
He said, slightly louder, but still in a low voice, “Talk to me while I check out.”
I thought “Is he thinking of committing suicide??” I said, “Are you OK?”
At that point he was becoming frustrated and said, “Yes, I’m ok! Talk to me while I check out!”
I said, “Why do you want to check out? Is something wrong?”
It was at the point he yelled, “NOT ‘CHECK OUT!!’ JACK OFF!!
Ooops! Sry dude!!

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