Where should I grow my tomato plants?
Asked by
Stinley (
May 19th, 2017
Let me explain. I rashly bought 6 tomato plants. I am not green fingered. If they are outside I will forget to water them, if they are inside they will take over the window and block the light. How can I remember to water them?
does anyone want some tomato plants??
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22 Answers
Do you know what variety?
Can you set a daily alarm to water them?
There are four varieties. I can’t remember what they are but can look when I get home. Is it important?
An alarm is a good idea. I’d have to make sure I hear it and respond.
I’ll need to repot them soon. What size? Full size or smaller and repot again?
Do you have a smart phone? Just set that alarm. Set it for a time you’re usually at home. It’s probably not a huge deal what time of day the plants are watered.
Do you water them with an outside hose? Or, you have a watering pot? If you do it by hand, keep water in the container, so it’s just picking it up, and watering, takes two minutes.
If you are doing containers think 5 gallon bucket size. When they get big tie them up with a small tomato stake. Keep them watered, in the light and simply enjoy what they produce. Toma or cherry tomatos do well in containers. Larger varieties like better boy, beefsteak or mr stripey do better in the garden with tomato cages
They’ll need the full sun of outside.
They need full sun and lots of water. If you aren’t up for that, perhaps you can give them to a neighbor and maybe they will share with you?
By the way, I don’t know how many is in your family, but just 2 plants were way too many for me and 5 of my friends.
Yep, full sun and lots of water and either tied up with stakes or in a tomato cage as they get very tall and viney and the vines need to be staked to support the fruit and allow the sun to circulate through the plant to ripen the fruit. Wine barrels make good tomato growing pots or put them right in the ground in a sunny location. They need full sun, meaning 8 hours a day or more for optimum growth.
There are battery powered watering timers available. i use an Orbit watering timer for my pond. I made up some flow restrictions of different sizes down to .10 liters/hr. and up to about 100 lph. I have it turn on in the early morning and run for 4 hours.
You can do that to water the plants but only run for a few minutes.
I can send you some flow restrictions if you want.
Convince them they are Portulaca and they will grow even if you forget to water them daily..)
@LuckyGuy – Do you have anything which is not automated..JK..)
^Rumor has it that he even automated his wife.
They call where I live Stepford. “They” is most people who visit here, or when they first move here. I was a “they” for a while.
Let’s see… set the timer to once per ‘click’ week, ‘click’ day, ‘click’ hour, ... duration…‘click’ 4 hours, ‘click’ 10 minutes… 3, 2,1.
Automation is cool.if it is not connected to the web so your data only stays with you.
I’ve got an alarm set. It’s on my Fitbit so vibrates. I don’t always hear my phone.
They’ve grown again!
@Stinley Plants grow at night, like children. haha
You all may like to know that I have grown my tomato plants in the greenhouse. I set an alarm in my Fitbit so it buzzed at 9pm to remind me to water them. Despite not watering than while I was away on holiday, I got back to some ripe ones and have eaten them! Why were the skins so tough though? Slightly unpleasant but still edible.
@Stinley They’re bred that way now for non-bruising while shipping.
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