Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do women ask more questions than men?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) May 19th, 2017

I told my son that we were heading to Nebraska tomorrow and might stop by on Sunday on our way back.
He just texted, “OK.” Didn’t ask why we were going to Nebraska! I can’t think of one woman who wouldn’t ask “Why you going to Nebraska?”

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62 Answers

NomoreY_A's avatar

I guess women are just more inquisitive?

avoice's avatar

My owner would do the same as your son, and she’s female.

And women just like being chatty, even when it’s unnecessary.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit redacted. Sorry.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not all of us do @avoice. My husband will talk FOREVER. ON and on and on. And on. And he gossips. On and on and on. And he would ask questions. So many questions. I don’t ask so many questions, but I would ask why someone I knew well was going to another state that’s 5 hours way!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Why a ARE you going to Nebraska? Seeing a Cornhusker game?

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hey, we don’t gossip. We just, uh… chew the fat, or shoot the breeze. So there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Going to see a man about a truck @Patty_Melt!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I hope it’s not my old truck. I really got rooked on that deal.
Be careful on that stretch of highway which is two lanes, and wooded on both sides. It gets foggy easy in the low parts, and that’s when the deer think there will be no traffic.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pffft. We’re taking 135!

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III Around here, we call going to the bathroom “seeing a man about a horse”. But aren’t there bathrooms in Kansas? Or has Brownback shut them down to save money?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Only the ones that were surrounded by schools!

Around here we call it “going to the can.” Such a tacky term! Ahh ahhh Kansas.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

We (delightful) ladies are conditioned to ask questions, which show interest and engage the other partner in a conversation.

Inquisitive small-talk is hardly profound, but it’s the grease that lubricates social interactions.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate small talk! I mean, at least here I can just walk away when I want.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III You hate small talk? You do surprise me!

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb Everything that @Dutchess_III says is not small, in fact it is always very large!

longgone's avatar

‘I can’t think of one woman who wouldn’t ask “Why you going to Nebraska?”

Think “longgone”.

Some people are just in their heads a lot. That’s how I feel. I’m curious about how the world works, but other people’s plans are not necessarily relevant to my life, and they might even be private. I only ask when I remember to act like an extrovert.

imrainmaker's avatar

I like to ask questions but don’t like to be asked much..) That’s about me..not sure about others.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Perhaps your son has figured out an important life lesson. Never argue with a female….

A question about why, would imply he has a choice.
The reason for going is irrelevant. It’s going to happen, or he’ll regret it.

Lots of men I know adhere to this strategy. The ones who don’t, have lots of meaningless arguments, and end up with the same outcome.

There’s a saying where I come from; “happy wife, happy life.” In other words, keep the women in your life as content as possible, regardless of your own feelings… Words of wisdom…

chyna's avatar

@Dutchess_III Your numbers imply otherwise. You have been here since July 2010 and you have asked 2,242 questions and have 47,035 responses.
I have been here since August 2008 and I have asked 322 questions and have 17,614 responses. I think you do like small talk.

kritiper's avatar

Men don’t like to appear to be stupid.

kritiper's avatar

A better question might be “What the hell is there to see in Nebraska?”

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ Colorado

janbb's avatar

@kritiper You’re a man and you just asked a question!

rojo's avatar

Saw something that said that men speak about 2k words a day while women speak about 7k. Just the volume of words spoken would mean more questions would be asked.

But, I know what your son means. I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked something along the lines of “Well, did you ask if…......?” or “Well, did you try to get….?” to which I generally respond “No” and am then asked “Why not? To which my response is usually “Because it didn’t occur to me”. I have found that this answer is accepted much more readily than “Because I didn’t care that much”.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

At a certain age most guys see trivial background chatter as just that. We also see that when baiting the question of “why are you going to nebraska” asking it is usually best avoided as it generally leads to said trivial background chatter. Chatty men usually don’t bait questions but will chat with impunity.

kritiper's avatar

@janbb I posed a question that someone else might ask. I’ve been to Colorado: I know what Nebraska looks like.

josie's avatar

Who knows?
Maybe they just don’t get the whole picture the first try

avoice's avatar

^ hehehehehehehe

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oops my first link I miss typed the link. The other two work.
Henry Doorly Zoo

kritiper's avatar

“Bury me not
On the lone prairie
Where the coyotes howl
And the wind blows free.”

ragingloli's avatar

Because men, all men, are deluded enough to think they know everything already.

janbb's avatar

^^Clearly the right answer.

imrainmaker's avatar

Nah..that’s not true!!

JLeslie's avatar

Most women need to talk more, and care about bonding through conversation, empathy, and identifying with the other person

Some men see some of the personal minutiae as trivial, boring, and unimportant. It depends on the man.

Also, some people really take very seriously that asking is prying, and that if the person wants to tell you they will. This can get overblown with years of practice of stifling inquisitive conversation.

When it comes to children and parents, I think it’s not unusual for children to not want a long conversation with their parents so they refrain from doing anything that will draw out the conversation.

Those or my guesses anyway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Before everyone loses their mind over my comment that I don’t like small talk: I did not say I didn’t like to talk. I don’t like small talk in real life because I feel trapped, discussing some mindless thing like a sunny day. Here I can’t throw out a comment and leave and come back when it’s convenient for me. I don’t like talking about boring things. If I find something boring on here I ignore it.
It’s difficult to extract yourself from a small talk conversation with a person in real life.

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chyna's avatar

@dutchess. No one here has lost their mind over something you said.

rojo's avatar

^^ good thing a certain party isn’t present or we would all be labelled “hysterical”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It’s like you see red,when you read that word….

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s not difficult at all to extract yourself, just use the old, Hey, I just remembered, I got a dental appointment. Yeah, I know it’s past midnight, the guy keeps late hours. Go figure!

rojo's avatar

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj @MrGrimm888 This was my cats input

Mine is more like I see yellow not red, dawg

MrGrimm888's avatar

T R U…. Well done.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know @NomoreY_A, but it’s still very uncomfortable, plus I’m lying. But yeah. I have to do that all the time on the phone, but I always have to wait for a good time, and try to be gracious. Don’t have to do that on line.

jca's avatar

In real life, it’s “So it was so nice to see you! See you soon!” and then we say our goodbyes and walk away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You never find your self trapped with a person who just talks and talks and talks, mostly about themselves?

imrainmaker's avatar

I think women want to get to the root of everything which we don’t think as necessary all the time.

janbb's avatar

@imrainmaker You’re a guy??

imrainmaker's avatar

^^Yup..Is that a revelation? Why do you think otherwise?

janbb's avatar

Just had you pegged for a female.

MrGrimm888's avatar


Brian1946's avatar

For some unknown reason, I had @imrainmaker pegged for a guy, but I actually had no indication of his sex.

Gender pegging is much easier with names like @MrGrimm888, Brian, and @Dutchess_III

jca's avatar

I thought @imrainmaker was a girl, too.

@Dutchess_III: Yes, I’ve been stuck with people who ramble on. When I’ve had about enough or I feel like it’s time to go, I cut in and say “So nice to see you! I have to run! See you soon!”

imrainmaker's avatar

^^Wow..I’m wondering what did i write / say which made you think so. Now I hope you will realise men can be as sensitive as women..)

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m actually a female too….

Just kidding….

jca's avatar

I’ve had a few Jellies tell me they thought I was a guy. Maybe my avatar looks like a boy cat.

imrainmaker's avatar

At this moment many people who have responded on this thread have 53 / 453 in the lurve score.. What a coincidence..) it includes myself, mrgrimm, janbb and jca.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been on the fence about @imrainmaker. Good to know for sure.

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