Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Who would you like to be President (OTUS) after the current circus ends?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) May 22nd, 2017

It can be Republican or Democrat, or unaffiliated. Black, white, male, female, ... it does not matter. Who do you think would be a good leader that people would support and stand behind?
It should be someone with leadership skills, a good understanding of science and world politics. Someone who naturally commands respect and knows how to work with others. And that person must be scandal free.
Personally, I’d like it to be someone who regularly reads “The Economist”.

Look who’s in the position now. Who would you like to see replace him?

I’d like Colin Powell. or even Bill Gates.

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86 Answers

avoice's avatar

Kanye West

chyna's avatar

Colin Powell is my first choice. I think he would be excellent as the next president of the US. But he won’t consider it, apparently. I also like Joe Biden. I’ve not heard of any scandal with him, but something can always be drug out of a closet.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hmm. Biden I hadn’t thought of him.
Who else?

Elan Musk seems to be visionary, intelligent, and naturally command respect.
Maybe we should look at some of the speakers doing TED talks.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’d like a true centrist, someone genuine who will approach the office with humility and respect. Someone who solves problems and knows how to assemble a tight team. Someone who will allow the true experts to guide most decisions. No more lawyers or career politicians. Musk would fit that bill, I like that suggestion. He would probably make big strides in solving our energy issues.

janbb's avatar

I’d like to see Joe Biden as President. While the idea of a total outsider has some appeal, it never has worked. We need someone who is conversant with how Washington works but who has knowledge and compassion. I really like Elizabeth Warren but I realize she is polarizing; however, I don’t know anyone who could unify Congress at this point. We need some real changes there.

Mariah's avatar

Elizabeth Warren.

CWOTUS's avatar

Maybe someone could talk Bill Gates into running. I doubt if he would, but if we’re looking for someone non-polarizing, well known and with proven competence at running a large organization, he at least matches those criteria. (Elizabeth Warren? You’ve got to be kidding, @Mariah.)

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Can you think of other names besides Musk. He was born in South Africa unfortunately . “Birthers’” would love to get at that.
@CWOTUS Elizabeth Warren is a fine name to add to the list. We are just brainstorming for now.

In one of Saturday Night Live’s recent openings they had the Rock and Tom Hanks declare themselves candidates for 2020. It was a joke, but then I thought about Tom Hanks and thought some more. And decided to ask this question.

Come on people! Toss out some more names. They do not need to be someone famous. Maybe you know someone at your work. Someone with that skill set.

janbb's avatar

Just as Trump discovered, it’s a harder job than it looks! I doubt my friend Shay, much as I respect him, would be up to it.

Okay – let’s go for it while we’re fantasizing. Maybe Stephen Hawking – arguably the smartest man in the world. Or the Dalai Lama? Pope Francis?

chyna's avatar

Jay Rockerfeller, jr. He was governor of WV and then a state senator from around 1985–2015. I think he did a great job of getting new growth and jobs in the state.

zenvelo's avatar

Kamala Harris, the junior Senator from California. Smart, sharp, sensible, plus she was a great prosecutor and Attorney General.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m with @Mariah. I think Elizabeth Warren would be a great candidate.

janbb's avatar

^^ She is actually my top choice.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I personally would not vote for E. Warren.
@LuckyGuy Not off the top of my head, Jeff Bezos maybee but I don’t know much about his political positions. The real person who is the probably best fit for the job likely has their nose to the grindstone in a small office somewhere.

LostInParadise's avatar

Add me to the Warren supporters. There is one thing I would ask of her. Campaign on issues and avoid the circus that we had in the last election. By 2020, the Republican control of Congress and the presidency will provide plenty to work with. Warren is smart and articulate. Having been a professor of economic law should count as a plus, which she could casually mention the next time Trump says how smart he is for getting a diploma from Wharton’s undergraduate program.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I like this discussion. @ARE_you_kidding_me You bring up a good point . It could be the best person for the job is as yet an unknown. Keep thinking about this and ask around.
Ask FB friends?.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The mayor of my town would be a good pick, she is the only democrat I have ever voted for and has done wonderfull things for this town. She needs a little more experience but eventually I can totally see it.

ucme's avatar

Peter Griffin or The Greasy Strangler

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Put her name on the list! Unless you feel it would give your name away. ;-)

cinnamonk's avatar

I used to be an enthusiastic supporter of Bernie Sanders, but I’ve recently learned he’s taken to treating women’s reproductive rights as negotiable political property – going as far as to back anti-choice candidates in the name of “reconciling” the parties – so he no longer has my confidence.

I don’t know. How about a supercomputer?

gorillapaws's avatar

Probably Tulsi Gabbard. She’s a rockstar IMO. She backs the right policies, she’s a veteran, She doesn’t take corporate money. She is smart and articulate.

I would say Bernie, but I do worry about his age a bit. I like Warren, but she hasn’t shown the spine on progressive issues that I would like. e.g. She didn’t say anything about the DAPL until after the situation had resolved, she stood on the sidelines during the primary, and she just recently supported Clinton’s PAC.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Can we have Jed Bartlet? He seemed to know what he was doing.

Mariah's avatar

No, I am not kidding, @CWOTUS. I love her.

Coloma's avatar

To parrot an old Led Zeppelin tune, I think we’re looking for a president thats never, ever, been born and I think we might be sinking. lol

cinnamonk's avatar

Honestly though we’re probably going to end up with Pence which is almost as nauseating. Say goodbye to marriage equality and abortion rights.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Alternatively how bout Borris Johnson? that would be fun.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared BoJo seems to be the Brit version of Trump. It would be hilarious to have them both in the same room We could test to see which ego needed to be stroked more. He’d want 3 scoops of ice-cream for dessert vs Trumps 2.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LuckyGuy yeah. he is a bit of a nutter. And even better he was born in America so he is (I believe) technically eligible for the role. He could be PM here for a few years then you guys could have him. That would be great.

there may be a certain level of sarcasm in this response

Coloma's avatar

Is Ross Perot still alive? lol

gorillapaws's avatar

@cinnamonk This is a decent rebuttal of Bernie’s endorsement of Heath Mello. It is my understanding that the most egregious piece of legislation Mello supported was a bill that required doctors to give abortion-seeking patients the OPTION of viewing an ultrasound if she wanted to. Which seems silly, but if we’re going to say that endorsing someone who supported such a bill many years ago is sufficient grounds to rule out a candidate, then I think a supercomputer may be the only option.

Bernie has a 100% record on women’s rights. I think that speaks for itself.

MrGrimm888's avatar

A super computer could be hacked, or programmed. Similar to a human being bribed, by campaign contributions…

I don’t think any candidate is beyond corruption. Not at the POTUS level. Even a computer…

The Russians hacked our election. What would they do to our President Super Computer?..

cinnamonk's avatar

@gorillapaws It wasn’t just a candidate he backed, there was a candidate he refused to back despite his running against a hard-lining anti-abortion Republican. He also made some comments that indicate his willingness to capitulate to conservatives on women’s reproductive rights.

ragingloli's avatar

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ragingloli Hey. They elected this guy governor of California so anything is possible.

Zaku's avatar

I would like a non-corporate-pawn. I’d like a non-establishment progressive.

The main politicians I know who fit and have some experience and popular recognition are Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. There are other good progressive politicians, but they don’t have the same exposure (yet?). I like Elizabeth Warren when she’s on a roll against some worthy target, but I think she’s also got one foot in the establishment.

ucme's avatar

Michael J Fox…he’ll shake up the world

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’m still feeling the Bern. Bernie Sanders for POTUS!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ucme. And he’s seen the future so he knows how it all plays out.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Someone calm, intelligent, organised and capable of cleaning up a mess.

janbb's avatar

Michelle Obama!

cinnamonk's avatar

A German Shepherd.

LuckyGuy's avatar

We need more names. Come on people! Think!

And be thinking about it tomorrow, too.

chyna's avatar

Hmmm, wonder why no one has said Hillary?

cinnamonk's avatar

Hillary Clinton.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Hillary is partly why we’re in this mess. If she lost to Trump, she’s clearly not the candidate the dems should run…

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m going to throw Al Franken’s name in here…

cinnamonk's avatar

She didn’t lose to Trump in the popular vote.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

A good bit of Trumps votes were “not Hillary” votes. If the Dems put their support behind someone else Trump would not be president

cinnamonk's avatar

A good bit of the Trumps votes were “idiots’” votes.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Idiots have the right to vote too. Unfortunately…..

kritiper's avatar

Tea Baggers are ultra conservative and too extreme to be realistic, same as hard core Republicans. Die hard Democrats are too liberal, and thus too extreme to be realistic. But with 50% of Democrats and 66% of Republicans actually being Moderates, the system is prime for a true middle-of-the-road Moderate to be the next president.

gorillapaws's avatar

@cinnamonk That article is a hit piece. He calls Berine a “socialist” not a “democratic socialist” for one thing. There is a BIG difference like the difference between Kjell Stefan Löfven (the current prime minister of Sweden) and Chairman Mao.

The reality is that the Democratic Party has become infested with corporate sellouts (so much so that FDR probably won’t recognize it), and there is a lot of interest in maintaining the status quo (including from the media and other insiders). The revolving door between government, lobbyists, professional speakers, and political consultants is very lucrative and the people in the DNC REALLY want to keep it that way. They are working overtime to come up with smears against Bernie to distract from the point that the party has become so corrupt and self-serving. Bernie was supporting gay marriage well before it was politically “ok” to do so. How many lesbians was he supporting when other Dems were too cowardly to back their rights in the 90’s? He has a FLAWLESS voting record on women’s issues. This is all smoke and spin to try to cover for people in power who want to stay there.

Is Bernie perfect? No. He backed Clinton for one thing. He never called out the DNC on their election fraud either. When it comes to the anti-women narrative or the anti-black narrative, that’s just a bunch of crap.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Joe Biden and Michelle Obama have both stated firmly that they do not want to be POTUS.
Dwayne Johnson has actually talked about running, though I believe he was joking, some people joke like that and then talk themselves into it.
Dr. Hawking is a brilliant man, and I am awed by him, but he is limited in what areas he shines.
Michael J. Fox could not pass the physical.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Several of you brought up good points about the physical health and stamina required.
So in addition to the other characteristic mentioned above I will add:

- excellent health and stamina. (capable of walk/running at 12 minute mile – an easy task for someone healthy.)
(Someone fit, between the ages of 40 and 60 right now would be nice.)

Please toss out more names.

Mariah's avatar

Why does the prez have to be able to run a 12 minute mile? FDR wouldn’t pass that test.

janbb's avatar

@Mariah Besides, 45 thinks that exercise can kill you.

Mariah's avatar

I would love a disabled prez, personally. Maybe someone for whom dying from lack of healthcare isn’t an abstract concept would be able to make more compassionate decisions in that arena.

Maybe Tammy Duckworth.

ucme's avatar

Roger Moor…no wait, oh shit!

Patty_Melt's avatar

@Mariah, physical fitness does not mean person’s of disabilities would be excluded.
The prez does not need to be somebody who can shoot baskets, walk/run a 10K, necessarily, but they need to be fit enough to survive at least four years of sleep deprivation, and extreme emotional stress.

I can’t think of any names just yet, who I would really want should DC be wiped out and we have to start fresh.
I know I don’t want some soft talkin’ “let’s all be friends” type.
I want someone with strong organizational skills, with people, money, everything, but a Rambo attitude. “You drew first blood motherf°¤¥€¤°, now all you bitches die.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Mariah The president should be able to handle a grueling schedule. Travel subjects them to jet lag, loss of sleep, long working hours. They need to be healthy.
Their finger is on the nuclear button.
I selected a 12 minute mile since it is easy enough for most people in reasonable shape. It is slightly faster than a healthy walk and often the speed you need when in an airport. It is an easily described and easy to test measure of health. It is much easier to test than giving full physicals and looking at blood pressure and stress test results which we are not privy to.

Also the pres should not be an illegal drug abuser.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So they can abuse legal drugs?...

janbb's avatar

Congressman Joe Kennedy III is making some pretty wonderful speeches. I think he’s an up and comer.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I was going to say alcohol or drug abuser. Then “alcoholic”, Then “cocaine user”. Rather than go down that rabbit hole. I shortened it.
I would not want the POTUS to be hooked on oxycontin, have the DTs from alcohol, be bouncing off the walls from cocaine, etc.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I know. I was just being a jerk.

As far as a candidate, I’d settle for someone who isn’t a career criminal like everyone who rises to the presidential level.

I’m of the opinion that all politicians at that level have done plenty of deplorable things to get there…

I don’t think people who want to be POTUS should be. They’re probably up to no good…

They (politicians) are all crooked, and if there’s one whom you don’t think is, they’re just good at manipulation…

LuckyGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Your forgiven. ;-) So… Give me a name.

I can’t believe I am actually writing this but at this point we’re brainstorming:
Brad Pitt.
George Clooney
Vince Vaughn
Matt Damon

They are all healthy, educated, have a world view, and most are significant philanthropists. They can read teleprompters and remember lines ,and presumably facts). They manage their careers and substantial wealth well.
(This is not as outlandish as it seems. Remember, the country elected Reagan – twice!)

LostInParadise's avatar

How about Al Franken? Having a good sense of humor might prove to be advantage for being president. Trump shows what can happen if the opposite is true.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LostInParadise. A couple of other people suggested him as well. He is actually a very smart capable guy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Charlie Sheen?...

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Lawyers and actors instantly get crossed out in my mind. No thanks folks.

tedibear's avatar

I would like us to find someone like Ike. (Dwight Eisenhower, 34th POTUS.) Unfortunately, I can’t think of anyone who fits that bill.

My friend Dave would be a decent choice. He’s sensible, intelligent, neither extreme left nor extreme right. His stand on social issues (abortion, gay marriage, LGBTQ rights, religious freedom, etc.) would appeal to many people on the left. His understanding of economics, budgets, the military, and states’ rights would appeal to many on the right.

Unfortunately, he is too sensible to run.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^What sensible person would want the job?

ragingloli's avatar

Someone who does not write the following into the guest book of Yad Vashem:
“It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends – so amazing + will never forget!”

gorillapaws's avatar

@LuckyGuy You’re going to add Vince Vaughn to the list but disqualify Tulsi Gabbard because she’s too young? Seriously?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@gorillapaws I didn’t disqualify anyone. I have not checked ages. I believe there is an age requirement but I’m not sure what it is. I have not looked at Tusli Gabbard yet.
I’m just looking for names. Keep it up.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just check req’ts. Summarizing: Must be at least 35, “natural born” in Us and must have lived at least 14 years in US.
She was born in 1981 so she’d be fine.

gorillapaws's avatar

@LuckyGuy Ok, I’m with you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Got another name?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Jimmy Fallon. The man is hard working, intelligent, multi faceted. It would also be interesting to see what SNL would do.
I guess then Tina Fey would finally make VP for real, and Justine Timberlake would be Secretary Of State.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ve heard Nina Turner’s name being thrown out there too.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just heard Elizabeth Warren discussing some proposed changes in financial rules and regs. She is very good!

Jimmy Fallon… I could see that.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Elizabeth Warren is sharp as a tack, has the facts and figures, doesn’t back down and is compassionate. She would be a great President.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I told you. Elizabeth is pretty impressive….

LostInParadise's avatar

I have posted this link before but it is worth posting again. It is a speech given by Warren before she ran for the Senate, in which she explains fully but clearly what is wrong with the economy.

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