General Question

Jeruba's avatar

What shall I do with a pair of prescription bifocal sunglasses that I can no longer use?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) May 22nd, 2017

The first pair of prescription sunglasses I ever bought became obsolete after just a few months because I had cataract surgery. That was years ago, and it’s time to dispose of them.

They’re bifocal because I wanted to be able to look at a map or directions while driving.

Is there any value to them for anyone, or should I just throw them away?

Tags as I wrote them: glasses, vision, sunglasses, bifocals, recycling, optical.

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15 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Where? to whom? That’s basically what I’m asking.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Donate them to your local chapter of the Lions Club. That’s one of their big things.

canidmajor's avatar

If you have a senior center in your area they will probably be delighted to take them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My local Lenscrafters has a drop box for the Lions Club.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Or a local Pharmacy.

chyna's avatar

My library and Walmart both have boxes where they take used glasses for the Lyons Club.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Most eye docs have a drop box for them

CWOTUS's avatar

As @Espiritus_Corvus notes, the Lions Club. They work to fight blindness all over the world, and one of the things that they do routinely is to provide and restore workable eyeglasses free of charge to those who cannot afford them.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll take ‘em. I’m blind in one eye, and cant see out the other.

JLeslie's avatar

Can’t you put non-prescription glass if you don’t need a script anymore?

Pachy's avatar

My optometrist has a receptacle in the lobby for donations of old glasses.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, definately donate.
If you don’t know where you can at your area, call various optometrists. Most know who takes the donation even if they don’t themselves.
I was once provided a pair of glasses by the Lions. I require an extreme prescription, so they set me up with an appointment. The more donations they get, the less they have to fork over to help someone.
I believe the VA also takes donations of used glasses. I know they take old cell phones, and they used to take old dentures. I think they do that because they can dismantle the teeth and reuse them.

People are incredibly grateful when they can be helped because someone cared enough to donate.
Kudos to you, for caring enough to ask.
Just so other jellies know, in case they hadn’t considered it, when a family member passes, donating should be considered for some of the personal items left behind.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The several Goodwill stores in my area accept them. Goodwill supports ABVI (Assoc for the Blind and Visually. Impaired.)
They have a device which instantly measures the lenses so they can be given out to someone with a similar prescription – free of charge.
A couple of the cashiers are blind. Read that sentence again! Next to the register they have a machine which reads the dollar bills and states what they are. Fantastic.
I love Goodwill.

chyna's avatar

Just as a bit of trivia that I heard on the radio today, Benjamin Franklin invented bi-focals. I didn’t know that.

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