How would you describe your typing skills?
Asked by
jca (
May 22nd, 2017
On a standard keyboard (meaning, not texting), how would you describe your typing skills?
Are you an excellent typist? You’re fast and never or almost never look at the keyboard.
Are you a so-so typist? You can type slowly and may have to look at the keyboard from time to time.
Are you a “hunt and peck method” typist, using one or two fingers to find the keys?
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20 Answers
I type fast. I use all my fingers. I don’t look at the keyboard. I do make mistakes at times. I can’t actually tell you where the keys are. If you said “where is the L on a qwerty keyboard”, I couldn’t tell you without looking. I’m on auto-pilot.
My speed may not be great but I don’t have to look at keyboard either. And I can’t tell where specific key is located like said above. I have just got used to it.
I typ e quickly, most ofht e time. But when I try to go too quickly I start owt put key sint h e wrong order…
^^ Okay, a bit of an exaggeration, but you can kind of get the idea. The random “w” was an accident…. Really want to delete it.
I use all my fingers…. well, technically nine of them (my left thumb just sort of hangs out and acts cool). I have no idea what my wpm rate is.
Hybrid hunt and pecker. I use 3 or 4 fingers on each hand. But I don’t use conventional typing method.
I’m an advanced pecker. I don’t need to hunt much, I know the keyboard well, but I use my forefingers a lot, but other fingers too. I type at about 40 words per minute.
I’m very very fast on the number keypad for number data entry. Some calculators the zero or decimal point is shifted from the tradition place, and I don’t know why they do that! Frustrating.
Extremely fast. As a pre-teen I taught myself to type using mostly just two fingers on a Royal typewriter. In my 20s I honed that style working at a NYC newspaper in the early ‘60s (where mostly everyone used only two digits—Jimmy Breslin, for example), and in my 30s transitioned to computer keyboards in my advertising career, same two-finger style.
oTHER THAN THAT, I’M pretty GOOD. eRRORS ARE ALL PRETTY-MUCH THE KEYBOARD’S…... (dammit !!).... fault…..
I’m a “hunt and peck” -er.
The most useful class I ever took was typing, in Jr. High.
My husband says watching me type is like watching water flowing. I thought that was nice. It’s also why I dislike using my phone for posting. I’m forced to “hunt” and peck, although I don’t really need to hunt. I know where the letters are. 60–65 WPM.
I got 80 wpm with 98% accuracy. Thanks for that link, @Rarebear.
LOLL! Took off my wrist brace and assumed the position! Not sharing my score yet. That was an odd test. Gotta go hang out with the craziest grand kid I have. BRB.
Dayaaam! Took that test twice. 78wpm with 97% accuracy. 72wpm with 99%. According to court reporters, people talk at an average of 75wpm. I had no idea I was that fast.
Thanks, @Rarebear. Made my day.
I type like the left handed right brained person I am. Pretty accurately but abstractly with zero speed capabilities. Maybe 30–40 words per minute. Maybe. I’m not taking that damn test. haha.
I never could pick up typing with any speed or not having to look at the keyboard.
I would have been a horrible secretary, they would have put me in the basement filing room, or, fired me. lol
My talents lie in other areas but speedy typing is not one of them.
Pretty bad. I’m a slow typer, but that’s okay. I don’t have a job that requires me to type.
i heaRD some THINGS THat it doeSN’T make us a bAD peRson…..
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