General Question

How should I write the 'warning' letter to someone who is about to be arrested and incarcerated if certain actions aren't taken?
I am not asking for legal advice here—I am wanting to know how to go about writing a letter. Maybe some of you are in the business of writing “bad news” letters to people where you don’t want to sound threatening or harassing or intimidating.
But part of the task requires or recommends that I write a letter warning of what she (referred to as Woman ‘A’) will face if compliance is not made within 15 days of receiving the said letter.
Anyhow, some readers may remember the lawsuit filed against against a certain (woman A) whom I know who invited another (Woman B) to stay with her while she (B) got an apartment— and once this woman (B) and I fixed her (woman A’s) house up and provided food and other necessities, she locked “woman B” out and kept her possessions.
When a lawsuit was filed, woman B had her evidences well documented, including insults, threats and mockeries which woman A taunted woman B with—including texts from woman A saying the judge’s orders to return the property or monetary amount was “a joke” and that woman B wasn’t getting her property back—and the police could not seize the property without a warrant to enter the house.
The steps went as they should have, but woman A still has not returned the property.
Here we aremonths later—and “woman A” still has not complied with the judge’s order—or even appeared in court. She believes she is safe if she stays in her home or hides, and eventually this will all die down and she’ll get off scot free.
Well, now its time to file a “Writ of Possession / Contempt of Court”.
I am to send the letter by registered mail and if she refuses to sign then that will be noted also.
Fifteen days after being served the letter, if she has not complied (and thus far believes all she has to do is avoid-avoid-avoid) a warrant will be issued for her arrest. She will remain in jail until the property or monetary compensation (determined by the judge to be $997 plus court costs and legal fees) is paid in full.
If she gets bail and still does not return the property, she will face a second arrest and will not get bail the second time. She will remain incarcerated up to 11 months 29 days until the property is returned or monetary compensation is made—but she will STILL have leans and garnishments. She will also pay a $500 contempt-of-court fine (due as soon as we file the paperwork since she did not come to court and has said the summons and orders were “a joke’ and “I never laughed so hard in my life”)
She will also owe $35 a day she is in jail, all court costs and legal fees.
Sounds pretty dramatic—and I do not wish to sound dramatic or threatening. But having spoken to several attorneys this IS what will transpire. She thinks she’s gotten away with it
So—how do I write this letter? How do I even start?
I am told to write a letter, as a professional courtesy, to Woman A, warning her about what will befall 15 days after receiving the letter

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