General Question

NomoreY_A's avatar

Who else out there believes the Apollo Program was fake?

Asked by NomoreY_A (5546points) May 23rd, 2017

I mean, we went to the moon (allegedly) in 69–72, in capsules with the computer power of a modern pocket calculator. But we can’t achieve the same feat 45 years on, despite our leaps in technology. Isn’t that like saying technology has gone backward?

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123 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

my mother thinks that

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s not that we don’t have the technology—just no money??

flutherother's avatar

Maybe premature but not fake.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SergeantQueen To me, it seems like the NASA fan boys would believe that back in 1925, we had modern vehicles with 4 wheel drive, Sirius satellite radios, cruise control, and built in dvd players, and the best we can do today is a Model A Ford.

SavoirFaire's avatar

There have been many missions to the moon since Apollo 8, most of them successful. The last flyby mission was in 2014, and the last landing was in 2013. And in case you haven’t heard, there has been an international space station orbiting the planet for nearly two decades. It has been occupied continuously since November of 2000, and it can be seen from Earth by the naked eye.

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’s not a matter of can’t, it’s a matter of haven’t because there’s no reason to. Do not confuse the two.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SavoirFaire Not to pick bones, but the question was about the Apollo Project, not the ISS. Which is in low Earth orbit, in any case.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The situation is not that we didn’t have the technology back then. We changed many things since then.
At that time the goal was to get to the moon, then home alive.
Since then we have experimented with various fuels, building materials, systems and practices.
We succeeded in a moon landing because that was the focus.
We had accidents, failures, mishaps since then because some of our modifications were less effective than expected.

mazingerz88's avatar

Saw a docu on tv in the 90s debunking the first moon landing. It was very convincing. I tried but can’t seem to find that docu again.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I saw that too.

gorillapaws's avatar

Give me a break. We haven’t gone back for several reasons. For one thing, we’ve learned most of what we want to about the Moon. Sure there is more to learn, but those questions could be much harder to answer and require huge budgets to make happen (e.g. building a core drilling machine on the surface of the Moon). Our budget has focused on the military, and what funds NASA does have have gone to answer more pressing questions about Mars, other planets and moons, comets, distant stars/planets etc.

It takes a lot of resources to send humans out of low Earth orbit. NASA has focused on sending probes/robots because they’re much easier to deal with an don’t kill people when they fuck up.

We haven’t built another Hoover dam since 1947, that doesn’t mean we don’t have the technology to do another somewhere else if we wanted. We just haven’t had the political will or reason to invest that kind of effort on a project of that scale.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A Your title is about the Apollo Project. Your details—which Fluther reminds us are the most important part of a question—attempt to corroborate your suspicion on the grounds that we haven’t been back. You then go on to suggest that we have not advanced in any meaningful way. So I responded by pointing out that (a) we have been back (several times, in fact), and (b) our leaps in technology have allowed us to achieve even more impressive feats than just landing on the moon. If you don’t understand how that constitutes an answer to your question, then perhaps I should have recommend this to you instead of those Wikipedia links.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SavoirFaire So when, since Apollo ended in 1972, or was it 73, have we been back? That is, a MANNED mission to the moon? Unless you have knowledge of some deep cover, secret program? And may I recommend this NASASCAM to you?

NomoreY_A's avatar

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A To repeat myself: the last flyby mission was in 2014, and the last landing was in 2013. No, these were not manned missions (as the links I posted would have easily revealed had you bothered to look at them). We don’t do manned missions anymore for the reasons @gorillapaws pointed out.

And no, you may not recommend random web pages written by nutcases to me. It would take me less than an hour to create an equally credible page arguing for the existence of Hogwarts. Would you fall for that, too?

Lightlyseared's avatar

It was the Cold War and The soviets were trying to get there first too. If they had faked the whole thing you can bet the Rusians would have mentioned it. Plus since then the US has been more interested in spending money on its military than on science and tech.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SavoirFaire I was, and am, inquiring about MANNED missions, not flybys or robotic landings.. And, anyone who disagrees with your preconceived notions is a “Nutcase”? Interesting. And by the way, Wikipedia is hardly the last word in reliability. They are actually very notorious, even a laughing stock in some circles. And you still have not answered my question, why, if we made these spectacularly successful (Alleged) manned missions to the moon and back 40 odd years ago, have we not been back?

RocketGuy's avatar

We have not been back because NASA’s budget got slashed by 90% – from 4% of the National Budget to 0.4%. How far can you go on 1/10th the money? Back in 1969, gas was 20 cents a gallon and 20 gallons ($4.00) got us 200 miles of driving. How far can you get with 40 cents worth of gas now?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A “I was, and am, inquiring about MANNED missions, not flybys or robotic landings.”

Then you should have specified that. As it stands, you didn’t use the word “manned” until your previous answer. It’s no one else’s fault that you can’t be bothered to ask your question properly.

“And, anyone who disagrees with your preconceived notions is a ‘Nutcase’?”

Can you quote me saying that, or are you just making things up because you don’t actually have a case? I have to say that it looks a lot like the latter. In any case, these aren’t “preconceived notions.” I have studied this stuff and came to my conclusions after doing so. Furthermore, I don’t think that anyone who disagrees with me is a nutcase. I do, however, think that anyone who builds an entire website dedicated to a conspiracy theory that has been refuted over and over again while providing much more in the way of silly rhetoric than actual evidence—everything on that site has a scientific explanation—can be properly classified as either a nutcase or a crackpot.

“They are actually very notorious, even a laughing stock in some circles.”

This is a claim taken directly from the website, and there is no evidence to back it up. That said, I am well aware of the fact that ignorant people like to travel—and laugh—in groups. But those aren’t circles I take very seriously (except in election years).

“And you still have not answered my question, why, if we made these spectacularly successful (Alleged) manned missions to the moon and back 40 odd years ago, have we not been back?”

It’s hard to answer a question that you haven’t actually asked (again, see the first part of my response). In any case, I actually have answered it (as has @gorillapaws). We haven’t had any need to go back since the last manned mission. Going to the moon is expensive and potentially dangerous. We aren’t going to keep doing it just because we can.

Now answer my question: do you think Hogwarts is real? Because there’s just as much evidence for that as there is for the moon landings being faked.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SavoirFaire “And no, you may not recommend random web pages written by nutcases to me”. There’s your quote.

Jeruba's avatar

Out where?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A But that’s not a quote of me saying “everyone who disagrees with my preconceived notions is a nutcase,” so it looks like the answer to my question is that you cannot in fact quote me saying that.

Rarebear's avatar

The only reason to go to the moon was because of Cold War politics. We beat the Soviets out there, the public lost interest, and here we sit.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@SavoirFaire I’m through playing semantics games, you basically insinuated that the Webmaster of that site is a nutcase, obviously because you believe the moon missions were real and he (and millions of others around the world) does not.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Rarebear It was also a great way to distract attention from the Viet Nam War, and the Soviets could keep their silence for shipments of wheat. Which started right after the end of the Apollo Program.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A I did not insinuate that the webmaster of that site is a nutcase. I flat out said that he is a nutcase. To be honest, though, I probably should have said “crackpot.” That seems more accurate. Furthermore, I did not say that solely on the grounds that I believe the moon missions were real and he does not. I said it because his website has all of the tell-tale signs of a crackpot.

P.S. I’m calling for a [citation needed] on the whole “millions of others around the world” thing. But even if you can find something adequate, (a) millions of people can be wrong, (b) appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy, and (c) on a planet as big as Earth, you can find 50 examples of anything.

NomoreY_A's avatar


Facts surrounding the Apollo missions.

NomoreY_A's avatar


Facts surrounding the Apollo missions.

filmfann's avatar

The moon landings were real, and it’s amusing to see there are people who doubt it.
Want proof? How about our ability to bounce lasers off the moon, thanks to a special mirror put there by the astronauts?

Rarebear's avatar

@NomoreY_A The Apollo program was planned well before the Vietnam War escalated.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A Were those last two answers attempts to respond to my [citation needed] request? Because if they were, I’m afraid I must point out that nothing on the page you were attempting to link to even asserts—let alone proves—that millions of people around the world believe the moon landings were faked.

DominicY's avatar

I don’t believe the moon landing was faked, no. Hard evidence is the only thing that would prove it was faked, not vague questions that may or may not indicate the presence of fakery. We’re not talking about disproving something metaphysical here—if it were faked, there would be more to go on besides a wondering why we aren’t landing on the moon more now. I don’t know what exactly conspiracy theorists get out of latching onto ideas like this, other than the thrill of not being a “sheeple”, I guess. Can’t wait until I’m implored to “think critically” and “open my eyes” and “wake up”.

Uberwench's avatar

If you’re asking whether the moon landings were faked, then the government already has you in its clutches. Wake up, people! There is no moon!

Pachy's avatar

Of course the moon landings were not fake. We just don’t have the motivation or budget today we had back then.

ragingloli's avatar

You landed on the moon, because you had a GERMAN in charge of nasa.
Today you do not.

Lightlyseared's avatar

You could argue that aliens helped develop concord as there hasn’t been a commercial supersonic produced since.

Rarebear's avatar

No rags. The German just built the rockets. Us red white and blue Americans just told him where to put it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Rarebear so the Germans did all the hard work

LostInParadise's avatar

Your claim is based on not having the technology, but our technology allows us to send people and supplies to the space station. Some people have lived for several months on the space station. We have no problem reaching the moon, which we regularly do with unmanned spacecraft. Putting all this together, it would seem that it would be easily within our technology to send a person to the moon.

Imagine what a massive conspiracy would be required to fake the moon landing. The astronauts and other NASA employees would have to be in on it. It just does not seem credible that a hoax of such grand magnitude could be sustained.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

@NomoreY_A “why, if we made these spectacularly successful (Alleged) manned missions to the moon and back 40 odd years ago, have we not been back?”

Again, you’re mistaking lack of will for lack of ability. Technologically we have the ability to send people to the Moon and back. That’s not the issue. The issue is that there is no reason to. There is nothing left for us to gain by sending people to the Moon that cannot be gained through less expensive, and less risky, unmanned missions.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The astronauts placed a couple of retroreflectors out on the surface. You can easily hit them yourself with a reasonable size laser – no excessively expensive equipment required.
That’s one of the ways NASA determines the distance to the moon.

I guess the deniers think the man in the moon placed there.

Mariah's avatar

It is very expensive to send humans to the moon, and giving money to NASA has not been prioritized ever since the military incentive (the space race / Cold War) went away.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Electronics got a lot faster, better and smarter. You get far more information for your buck by sending an electronics package instead of a salt water meat bag that requires oxygen, water, waste removal, and a narrow range for temperature and acceleration.
And if there is a “rapid unscheduled disassembly” no lives are lost.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

As usual @LuckyGuy beat me to the punch, yes we placed a reflector on the moon. It was the space aliens that have a base on the darkside who confronted us and told us to get lost and don’t come back, that’s why we have not been back~

It could be that there is no reason to send people when we can do what we need with probes. It’s much easier to write off a failed probe than it is with human lives. Far cheaper too.

RocketGuy's avatar

Here is something to think about:
1) The Soviet Union (our rivals) had spies in NASA. They would have blown the whistle if there was any cheating:

2) An independent radio astronomer built a receiver to listen in on Apollo 11. He needed to aim the dish at the MOON to get the signal, then had to keep adjusting it because the Moon was moving:

3) Here are pics of the Moon landing sites (more than one) taken by non-NASA sources:

4) How about Moon rocks with micrometeorite damage (damage caused by tiny particles that could not occur on Earth):

Patty_Melt's avatar

@RocketGuy, what took you so long to get here?

One final point. Maybe NASA could get hundreds of people to carry off a lie, but I can’t see John Glenn taking it to his grave.

@All, loli is right. Whereas we put much time, money and technology into the space program, it was Duetsch rockets which sped us past the Russians.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Patty_Melt Uh huh. Werner Von Braun, Walt Disney’s favorite Nazi.

ucme's avatar

There’s compelling evidence to suggest fakery on some scale, helps if you’re into conspiracy theories.

Coloma's avatar

No, I do not think the Apollo program was fake and think the answers provided here are quite factual.
@NomoreY_A Do you think 9–11 and the Holocaust were fake too?

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Coloma The Holocaust was extremely real, my dad, I think I said before, was with a unit that liberated a camp. 9/11 was real, but I do not buy the official story. Inside job. I don’t have as much un questioning faith in my government as some people do. Look into the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) where in is stated, “What is needed is a galvanizing event, a new Pearl Harbor”. Also look into Operation Northwood, a Military contingency plan from the Kennedy years, where in the Powers That Be planned to hijack American airliners, and blame it on the Cubans. JFK nixed the plan.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Good points well made, but I still believe the moon landing was real.

Rarebear's avatar

@Lightlyseared There is a wonderful book on this by Amy Shira-Teitel called Breaking the Chains of Gravity. She talks about the early German rocket programs and Von Braun’s contribution to the Nazi rocket program and his later involvement with the American program.

Von Braun was very political, but he was less interested in politics and more interested in building a rocket. He actually sought out the Americans and surrendered to them as he didn’t want to be captured by the Soviets.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. They went there. (The moon.)

It was more of a benchmark for science. The computation power mentioned is not as important as the math done before the mission even had a budget…

The moon landing was real. It was also VERY dangerous. It was successful due to some of the best minds on Earth collaborating, and being innovative enough to pull it off.

A conspiracy involving “wheat shipments to Russia,” to cover it up?
@LostInParadise has a handle on it.

Such a massive conspiracy is less believable, than a faked moon landing. To me…

We could fly a manned spacecraft to lots of planets, moons, etc. It just takes money, and time…. And a realistic purpose, to secure funds and astronauts.

Coloma's avatar

@NomoreY_A I don’t have faith in the government either but also am not prone to question a lot of events. I simply don’t care. I live in my own reality. haha

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Coloma Not a bad outlook, I must say. I used to be much of your view, until this new fangled internet thingy came along. I have more info at my fingertips now ; )

Dutchess_III's avatar

Haven’t read the comments.

Of course we can achieve the same things now, and much much more. What makes you think we can’t?

No, I do not think they were “fake.”

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A “I have more info at my fingertips now”

You also have more misinformation at your fingertips. Figuring out how to tell the difference is a skill worth cultivating.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Go ahead and drink the Kool-Aid.

SavoirFaire's avatar

^ Case in point.

ragingloli's avatar

Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #190: “Hear all, trust nothing.”

Coloma's avatar

What’s the other saying, believe nothing you are told and only half of what you read or something to that effect.

RocketGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 is correct – the math was done on Earth. They were so desperate for mathematical success that they brought in anyone who could do it, even African-American women (double whammy!) who were math whizzes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you mean the math was done on Earth? Where else would it have been done?!

I still want to know why you think we can’t achieve what they did in the 60’s today, @NomoreY_A.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Dutchess_III a good bit of math was done by the astronauts in space with freaking slide rules. The guidance is was not perfect, still is’nt. We even have to course correct modern probes long into their journeys.
Just found this when I get to a real pc I’ll be tinkering ^^_^^

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

“this new fangled internet thingy came along. I have more info at my fingertips now” The internet is awash with bullshit. Most of the info people get now is of such low quality that it I feel it is actually making people more ignorant than if we did not have access to it at all. Conspiracy culture is petty clickbait. I am always amazed at how much of it is taken seriously and it seems to get worse every day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh that @ARE_you_kidding_me. Oh, I know. Blows my mind. I have more computer power in my car than the Apollo rockets and the control room did, combined. They didn’t even have hand calculators. Blows my mind. Watched them do their thing in “Apollo 13.” That whole thing was a TRIP! My favorite movie.
We bought a boat made in the 60’s, and wrapped up in the plastic cover was a LOOK magazine dated 1969 and it featured the Apollo 13 mission. I read every word of it. Amazing how accurate the movie was.

I remember playing with my dad’s slide rule, too. He was an engineer at Boeing.

I know you weren’t talking to me about the internet stuff, but I agree. It is full of shit, and SOME people will believe ANYTHING they read. If it’s in print it has to be true.
But, on the other hand, we do have millions of libraries and research of valid information at our fingertips, that we used to have to go to the library to get.


Patty_Melt's avatar

Because of the mission fails we have had since. However, as I pointed out wayyyyyyy above, those fails followed changes made along the way.
We have had fails, and successes, but not returning to the moon is an act of choice. We haven’t sufficient reason for making multiple trips.
By the way, don’t believe the claims of secret mining ops.

flutherother's avatar

You’ve fallen for a pretty big hoax yourself if you really believe the government could maintain a hoax on this scale.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, we have no reason to needlessly risk human lives to go to the moon when we can send rovers up instead.
We’re on Mars, for crying out loud! Couldn’t have done that in the 60’s. We have the Hubble telescope. We have Voyager I and II. We’ve far outstripped anything we did in the 60s.

ragingloli's avatar

not really.
sending robots to mars is a lot simpler than sending some of you apes.
no need to store food, life support systems, living quarters, extensive radiation shielding, and extra fuel to propel all the extra mass.
And there is no return trip for robots either.
Mars may be further away, but dropping a robot onto mars in a bouncing ball is in my estimation quite a step down from soft landing on the moon and returning.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If we had a reason to go to the moon we would. We don’t.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

While not in space the LHC could not have been pulled off in the 60’s

Kropotkin's avatar

The technology to convincingly fake the Apollo missions didn’t exist in the late 60s and 70s.

The rocket technology did exist.

The computing power available may have been very meagre, but the required calculations were also relatively trivial.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Actually the tech to fake it was there. That was the premise behind the whole Stanley Kubrick apollo conspiracy theory.

Kropotkin's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me That’s the premise of that conspriacy theory, but it still doesn’t follow that the technology existed.

It’s not as if 2001: A Space Odyssey was actually realistic and convincing. It was great for its time, and maybe the first film to attempt to more accurately portray space—but that’s a far cry from actually doing so convincingly.

RocketGuy's avatar

2001 looked pretty fakey to me:
Corrugated rubber spacesuits? Right! And no dust anywhere.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Misleading data from the (fake) Moon missions. From


The following data has been taken from “One Small Step” by Tim Furniss, and the Mcgraw Hill “Encyclopedia of Space and Technology”.

APOLLO 8: Mission duration 147 Hrs Moon orbits 20 Hrs Journey time 127 Hrs

APOLLO 10: Mission duration 192 Hrs Moon orbits 64 Hrs Journey time 128 Hrs

APOLLO 11: Mission duration 195 Hrs Moon orbits 62 Hrs Journey time 133 Hrs

APOLLO 12: Mission duration 143 Hrs Moon orbits 90 Hrs Journey time 53 Hrs

APOLLO 13: Mission duration 143 Hrs Moon orbits 1 Hr Journey time 142 Hrs

APOLLO 14: Mission duration 216 Hrs Moon orbits 68 Hrs Journey time 148 Hrs

APOLLO 15: Mission duration 295 Hrs Moon orbits 148 Hrs Journey time 147 Hrs

APOLLO 16: Mission duration 266 Hrs Moon orbits 128 Hrs Journey time 138 Hrs

APOLLO 17: Mission duration 302 Hrs Moon orbits 150 Hrs Journey time 152 Hrs

Apollo 8 took 20 hours to complete 10 Moon orbits, which equates to an average time of 2 hours per orbit! Transferring the data to other missions results in vastly differing journey times to and from the Moon, which does not make sense. So Apollo 12 got to the Moon in 26.5 hours, and yet Apollo 17 took 76 hours, how come? Did it get held up in a ‘coned off’ section of the galaxy on its way to and from the Moon? For crying out load, it takes the space shuttle 66 Hrs to reach the ISS which is only 185 miles above Earth. NASA claim Apollo 13 encountered a problem 55 Hrs into duration time when it was over 200,000 miles from Earth. NASA also claim the Apollo missions traveled to Moon by ‘trans lunar orbit’.

This is complete and utter nonsense, as it defies all laws of physics in relation to the way objects move in space. The only way to travel in space is by orbiting the planet from where the spacecraft was launched. On each orbit the spacecraft is moved out a little further from the planet which it is orbiting. You can imagine it as giro circles, or the groove on a vinyl record, moving from the center of record to the outer edge, the center part being the heavenly body, (planet), from which the spacecraft was launched. That’s why it takes the shuttle 66 hrs to reach the International Space Station 185 miles above Earth.

The Apollo mission for each of these astronauts, (or astroNOTS as Ralph René calls them), was their FIRST and ONLY experience of space travel, apart from Shepard’s 15 minute sub orbital space hop, which was limited experience of weightlessness. Anders, Bean, Haise, Swigert, Mitchell, Shepard, Irwin, Duke, Schmitt, Roosa, Worden, Mattingly and Evans. The last three of this list allegedly performed deep space walks, (125,000 miles from Earth), on the return mission.

Would someone who has had no space experience whatsoever be assigned to such a complex, and dangerous mission in deep space, and why faff around doing space walks outside the capsule exposing one’s self to highly dangerous cosmic radiation, not to mention the possibility of something going wrong, when getting back to planet Earth would be the top priority? Shouldn’t those listed have had some sort of experience in low Earth orbit before such a challenging and complex mission? Not really, they knew they were not going to the Moon.


Apollo 8 did 92 Earth orbits. Apollo 10 did 121 Earth orbits. Apollo 11 did 123 Earth orbits. Apollo 12 did 154 Earth orbits. Apollo 13 did 90 Earth orbits, with the so called problem occurring whilst in Earth orbit. Apollo 14 did 136 Earth orbits, without Alan Shepard on board. Apollo 15 did 186 Earth orbits. Apollo 16 did 168 Earth orbits, and finally Apollo 17 did 191 Earth orbits.

NASA used Apollo to further the time that astronauts could spend in Earth orbit, with the view to constructing a space station, however they conned the world into believing they were making Moon landings. This is confirmed by the mission duration times before, and after the Apollo program. The last Gemini mission prior to Apollo did 59 Earth orbits in 94.5 hours. Following on from the last Apollo mission in Earth orbit, (Apollo 17), Sky lab 2 launched in May 73 did 404 orbits in 672 hours before crashing back to Earth. Apollo missions fill the gap between Gemini’s 59 orbits, and Sky lab’s 404 orbits.


Patty_Melt's avatar

I am unqualified to do the math. There was a time I could have done it in my head.
It would take a lot to convince me it was all a hoax.
Hey math wizards! Any of that work for you?
I am curious how you came to be so interested in this.
Do you have some sort of close connection to any aspect?

LostInParadise's avatar

The plot thickens. Not only are astronauts and other NASA employees in on it, but any mathematician or engineer who looked at the data and did not call out its impossibility. This also raises the question of how the government could be so inept as to publish false data that even @NomoreY_A could see was scientifically infeasible. At the very least, I want my tax dollars to go to people who are capable of providing believable fake data.

Sparklelady's avatar

And simply the whole world til is really supposed to believe that the U.S. is the only country to ever put a man (all 12) ON the moon? And since 1972 nobody has been back in lunar orbit. So, we’ve learned all we want to know? We were behind in the space race, then suddenly jumped leaps and bounds ahead? Even televized it so the kids at home could watch. People were still living and ahhing over Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry could’ve created a lunar landing. It’s the same as everybody believing every headline they see in papers and media today. They believe what they want to believe. But its like debating Bigfoot, what’s the point anymore? Its become Urban Legend.

flutherother's avatar

Paper Moon

I never feel a thing is real
When I’m away from you
Out of your embrace
The world’s a temporary parking place
A bubble for a minute
You smile, the bubble has a rainbow in it
Say, it’s only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn’t be make-believe
If you believed in me.

filmfann's avatar

Here is the timeline for Apollo 12. You will note that lift-off occurred on November 14th at 16:22GMT, and they entered Lunar Orbit on November 18th at 3:52 GMT. So, the information you are basing your assumptions on is incorrect.

NomoreY_A's avatar

The entire staff of NASA was not involved people, nor did they need to be. The top people and the Astronauts themselves were the only people who had to be in the know. The ordinary rank and file, didn’t have a need to know. The people who manufactured the various parts of the space craft had no need to know. The people at the Control stations in Houston had no need to know. These people did their small part and had no idea of the big picture. Just as a Private soldier in the trenches, his squad and platoon leaders, and Co. Commander have no idea what’s going on with the High Command who are running the war. They do their small part, and that’s all that’s required.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@NomoreY_A You need to post a link to your sources. If you don’t think you do, try this on:

Apollo 12 didn’t send men to orbit the moon. They sent Yeti and Unicorns. It’s true.

They went to the moon. And you still haven’t answered why you think we can’t achieve the same thing today. That’s the basis of your whole crazy theory, and it’s just not true. We have no need to go to the moon. The only reason we went in the first place is because we were having a pissing contest with the Soviet Union.

ragingloli's avatar

As Kennedy said in his speech:
“We chose to go to the moon. We chose to go to the moon, because we need a propaganda victory against the Soviet Union, who have embarrassed us every step of the way. And if we have to put a Nazi War Criminal in charge of NASA, all the bett- I mean, so be it!”

LostInParadise's avatar

@NomoreY_A, Launching a rocket to the moon is no small matter. In addition to the astronauts and top brass, there are the people who track the spacecraft and those who maintain communication with the astronauts. What are you going to do, replace the people who ordinarily do these activities with a bunch of stooges? Sorry Joe, you can’t track this launch, we will be using the guy in the clown uniform.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@NomoreY_A “Transferring the data to other missions results in vastly differing journey times to and from the Moon, which does not make sense.”

It only makes no sense if you accept the crackpot’s assumption that you can deduce the journey time by multiplying the number of orbits times two and then subtracting that product from the total mission time. But this assumption is clearly unwarranted because nobody claims that the moon missions consisted of solely traveling to space and then going into orbit.

In fact, this little piece of logical illiteracy forgets that the whole debate hinges around there being more to the missions than this (viz., landing on the moon). All of these putative discrepancies disappear once we remember that there was also time spent on the moon. And that’s before we even get into the points made by other jellies.

@Sparklelady “And simply the whole world is really supposed to believe that the U.S. is the only country to ever put a man (all 12) ON the moon?”

Russia canceled its lunar programs when we beat them to the moon because the whole point of their program was to beat the US there. There was nothing for them to gain from being second, so they moved on to other projects (though it turns out they’re thinking of sending someone to land there soon). And for whatever it’s worth, China is also planning on sending a man to the moon now that they are getting close to having the technology to do so.

“And since 1972 nobody has been back in lunar orbit. So, we’ve learned all we want to know?”

Of course we haven’t learned all we want to know. That’s why we keep sending orbiters, landers, and rovers into space. Indeed, lunar orbit has been achieved many times since 1972. We don’t send people into lunar orbit anymore because there is no need. It’s safer and more efficient to use machines.

“We were behind in the space race, then suddenly jumped leaps and bounds ahead?”

We were never that far behind—that’s why it was considered a “race” to begin with. So while making it to the moon first was certainly an achievement, especially considering the fact that Russia made it into space first, it was neither sudden (the US announced its space program first and had been working towards landing on the moon for a long time) nor a miraculous leap (the first American was launched into space less than a month after the first Russian). It was always a close contest. The US just managed to cross this particular finish line first.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you @SavoirFaire. Very well said.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, will mylar sails stop a meteor?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure. Not a problem.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Depends on the size of the meteor…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Some meteors can be tiny, teeny tiny, like the one that hit the windshield of my car once.

ragingloli's avatar

Micrometeorites are super high speed bullets. Good luck trying to stop those.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My windshield stopped one.

ragingloli's avatar

Most of the work was done by the planet’s atmosphere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To answer your question @NomoreY_A, no one else here believes the Apollo missions were faked. No one here thinks the pyramids were built to hold grain, either. No one thinks aliens visited the planet in the past and drew circles on the ground and then just left, like interstellar thug nasty graffiti artists. There is a scientific explanation for the things that happened in or around the Bermuda triangle, if any explanation is needed. And on and on.

ragingloli's avatar

The pyramids were landing pads for Goa’Uld Motherships.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought that’s where the aliens did genetic testing and came up with humans.

RocketGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III – I thought that was a movie:

RocketGuy's avatar

Here’s an interesting tidbit – the last rung of the ladder on the Lunar Excursion Module was awfully high (maybe 18 inches?):

How were they supposed to climb back up while wearing bulky spacesuits? In 1/6g environment, they would jump up! (see 1:39):

Subtle clue that they were, in fact, on the Moon.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wait, aliens didn’t do crop circles? Who did? Loraxes?

ragingloli's avatar

demons, clearly.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Everyone knows that Obama is responsible for crop circles…...

Dutchess_III's avatar

Obama is responsible for Vietnam and 911, too. AND the great depression.

MrGrimm888's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

^It says the link isn’t authorized by yahoo…..

Darth_Algar's avatar

Swing and a miss…

SavoirFaire's avatar

I have to admit that it’s highly amusing how many ways @NomoreY_A has found to fail at posting a link to that crackpot website. However, I’m starting to wonder if the site itself might be a hoax. It contains this image, which is either a terrible attempt at comedy or a clever wink to the attentive reader. I think I may have to invoke Poe’s law on this one.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You don’t think Nixon uses the Internet a lot?...

Dutchess_III's avatar

Another thing to consider; we went to the moon solely to beat the Russians. You think the Russians weren’t tracking us every inch of the way?

RocketGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Russians had spies in NASA who passed info back to their rocket scientists to back calculate what our Saturn V could do, and orbital gurus who calculated where Apollo would be so that they could point their antennas to the right sector of space to pick up our signals. That’s what I call tracking! They would have laughed their asses off if they found any kind of cheating at all.

ragingloli's avatar

Unless of course the Soviet Union conspired with the Colonies to play-act the so-called “Cold War”, so each bloc had a big bad enemy to unite the populace against for complete societal control through propaganda.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@ragingloli But if they’re in on it together, then there’s even less reason to fake the moon landing. The conspirators just pool their scientific knowledge and choose who gets to “win” each stage of the space race. Plus they get the added benefit of learning about the moon. After all, conspirators know better than anyone that knowledge is power.

flutherother's avatar

The “soviet union” never existed. It was the greatest example of fake news in the history of the world.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I remember well when they didn’t exist!

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

No, it was not fake. There are too many reasons to know it was genuine. The alleged “conspiracy theory” becomes so entangled and convoluted that it trips over itself.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Can’t argue with a conspiracy theorist. They take every argument and twist is to fit their conspiracy

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here is a list of the Lunar Ranging Retro Reflectors placed by the United States on the Moon. Also included is the Mission, Date and Coordinates. They are available and accessible to anyone in the world. You can hit them yourself with a good laser and receiver.

Mission Date Location
Apollo 11 21 July 1969 0.67337°N 23.47293°E
Apollo 14 31 January 1971 3.6453° S 17.471361° W
Apollo 15 31 July 1971 26.1°N 3.6°E

The Soviet Union placed two with their robotic rovers in 1970 and 1973.

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