Meta Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is Fluther down for you?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) May 25th, 2017

My questions rarely go through. This question works.

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44 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I haven’t tried asking a question in a very long time, but this is working right now.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Maybe I shouldn’t have reset my smartphone. My questions are not going through. On my smartphone or my laptop. Its gimmicky how to ask a question.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I don’t know why it wouldn’t let some questions through, but this one got through.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I can only ask questions in mobile mode.

SavoirFaire's avatar

This is a weird bug that seems to pass from member to member and then go away after a little while. It just started affecting me as well. Ben is aware of it, but I’m not sure where we are when it comes to fixing it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SavoirFaire So it’s like an online STD

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lol crosses legs

imrainmaker's avatar

I never faced any issue asking or replying barring very few incidents of server error saying something went wrong. Normally I’m able to ask without any fuss and you know I ask so many..)

imrainmaker's avatar

@Patty_Melt – Are you afraid @RedDeerGuy1 might be spreading it..)

Jeruba's avatar

I haven’t been able to post a question all day.

imrainmaker's avatar

I just posted one in Meta

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeah….... and, how’s that workin’ for ya?

imrainmaker's avatar

Are you able to ask questions now?

flo's avatar

I can’t ask a question either. I keep clicking on the Continue after the Question Title, and nothing happens, since ( May 24?) 25 and today 26th.

When you say go through do you mean after it lets you do all the steps and then after the last thing to click, nothing happens? At least it doesn’t let me waste my time.

Jeruba's avatar

I still can’t either. I fill in the question title and then click “Continue,” and nothing happens. This is the case regardless of which link I use to go to a question page.

I’m on a laptop, not a phone, and using Windows and Firefox.

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flo's avatar

It just worked for me using Firefox and Explorer with Windows, Last time I didn’t it with Firefox.

flo's avatar

…I mean last time I didn’t try it with Firefox.

Jeruba's avatar

Still not working for me. It’s been about 5 days.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Same here. Ask question, hit continue, then nothing. Can’t get into the chat room either.

flo's avatar

I wonder if it would work on desktop?

flo's avatar

It’s working on a tablet for me today, not on a desktop.

Jeruba's avatar

You know, this shutout is getting kind of irritating. It’s not as if we’d been having a surplus of good questions. Keeping people from posting—regular, long-time members—could be fatal to the site when it has survived everything else.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Jeruba Ben is aware of the problem. Do you really think we’re doing this on purpose?

@all For what it’s worth, the problem no longer seems to be affecting my account. Has anyone tried logging in using a different browser? It may be a complete coincidence, but I no longer had the problem after logging out, logging in using a different browser, logging out there, and then logging back in using my original browser.

samflu's avatar

@SavoirFaire What do the people who haven’t haven’t had a problem using or not using? etc.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@samflu That’s a good question. As far as I can tell, the problem is not specific to any particular browser or operating system. I have experienced the problem on two different browsers. I also know that some people experiencing the problem are using Windows and others are using Mac OS X. I’ve heard that the problem doesn’t affect the mobile version of the site, but I’m not sure whether or not that is true.

flo's avatar

@SavoirFaire What is excluded by the term mobile by the way?

flo's avatar

… I know people and the industry exclude the laptop just because it can’t go in the pocket.
Is the tablet a mobile? It can’t go in the pocket either.

flo's avatar

@SavoirFaire 1) I thought I saw a Please be patient, we’re working on it message somewhere by Andrew? Ben? or I don’t know. Where is it?

2)Could we ask our questions in this thread so that it can be posted some people or Fluther in the meantime?

flo's avatar

Yay it’s working now.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@flo I’m glad to hear it’s working for you!

To answer your questions: in this context, the mobile version of the site is just the one at My understanding is that phones and tablets default to using the mobile version of the site, while desktop and laptop computers default to using the desktop version. The reason isn’t the size but what sort of operating system they use.

As for the “please be patient” message, a lot of Ben’s recent answers are about bugs and bug fixes. But I don’t think any of them were about this specific instance of the problem. Nevertheless, he is aware of the problem and is working on it when he can. Regarding other people asking questions for you, that would probably be better do via PM or on a question specifically dedicated to that purpose (though it’s no longer an issue for you).

SavoirFaire's avatar

@all If you are still experiencing problems, there is now a dedicated question where you can share information that might help Ben figure out what’s going on.

flo's avatar

Alright @SavoirFaire
Today it’s not working on the desktop. But it is working on a tablet on the desktop version of the site. I’m on my way to trying it on the mobile version of the site

SavoirFaire's avatar

@flo Thanks! Keep us updated!

flo's avatar


2)On the desktop version, on the tablet, there is no Desktop tab to click on.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@flo If you’re already on the desktop version of the site, then there wouldn’t be. That only appears on the mobile version. What you’re seeing, however, seems to indicate that tablet computers actually default to the desktop version (whereas I thought the opposite). Good to know!

flo's avatar

Edited (typo)
@SavoirFaire ”’re seeing, however, seems to indicate that tablet computers actually default to the desktop version (whereas I thought the opposite).” I think it’s a bug just like the other bugs because I have always found the default to be the mobile version, which makes sense since it is a mobile device.

“Why wouldn’ t there be a mobile to click on just as there is desktop to click on. I mean why would it be a problem to go from one version to the other? Let’s say someone says to you “I saw….when I was using the mobile version, yesterday, but I don’t see it on the desktop version” how would they show you what they re referring to?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@flo ” I think it’s a bug just like the other bugs because I have always found the default to be the mobile version, which makes sense since it is a mobile device.”

Interesting. I’ll add it to the list of things to look into. Thanks!

“Why wouldn’ t there be a mobile to click on just as there is desktop to click on?”

That’s a very good question. I don’t know the answer, but I would guess it has something to do with how the mobile version is formatted. The formatting is so narrow that Ben and Andrew may have assumed no one who was using a desktop computer would want to use it. I doubt they could have anticipated a bug that made using the mobile site preferable even for desktop users. That said, maybe we should look into adding a link to the mobile site on the desktop version.

flo's avatar

”...may have assumed no one who was using a desktop computer would want to use it.” But I’m not referring to the people who are using a desktop computer.

I’m referring to anyone on a mobile, but already on the desktop version of the site (because that was what showed up automatically and wanting to switch to the mobile version of the site. So, nothing to do with the desktop computer.


SavoirFaire's avatar

@flo By “desktop computer,” I just meant “a computer that defaults to the desktop version of the site.” In any case, my point was they might have been assuming there would be no reason to switch from desktop to mobile (since devices that work best on mobile are supposed to default to the mobile version and should be able to get back there by loading the homepage). But again, it’s just a guess. I have no special insight when it comes to what Ben and Andrew were thinking way back when they were first designing Fluther.

flo's avatar

@SavoirFaire This looks like a miscommunication. I use the term desktop computer only when I want to refer to the hardware,
like when I want to say “The desktop computer is too heavy to move upstairs”, or “There is no mobile device insight, there’s desktop computer though.

I’ll check something and come back.

flo's avatar

I see on the Android no problem, Mobile and Desktop tabs are there at the bottom.

flo's avatar

@SavoirFaire I also say desktop computer when I want to say I am using it.
So, by the way no problem with the Android tablet.

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