General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How can I ripen the apricots I just bought?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37794points) May 28th, 2017

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6 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Place them in a brown paper bag on a kitchen counter, not in the fridge, until they ripen.

imrainmaker's avatar

Use a paper bag to help ripen them. Fold the bag over and keep this bag at room temperature until the apricots have softened a little. Keep out of direct light and the apricots should ripen within 2 – 3 days.

ragingloli's avatar

I heard you should put them in a paper bag with a banana.

imrainmaker's avatar

Yup adding a banana / apple will do it faster.

Soubresaut's avatar

If you have citrus, keeping them near the citrus will do it, too…. I think because citrus tends to release more of the ethylene gas into the air? Paper bag will trap the apricot’s own ethylene, though, so that’ll work too!

real_williams123's avatar

Keep them in a plastic or paper bag (outside the fridge), and lock the bag however you may want to so the ethylene gas that they produce will be trapped and help it ripen. Add oranges, banannas or any other fruits to the bag for better ripeness

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