Can you eat a whole Quarter Pounder from McDonald's?
I can’t. It was 3:30 and I hadn’t eaten a thing yet today and I was craving a Quarter Pounder, although I knew I couldn’t eat it all. At least I was wise enough not to order fries too, even though I wanted them!
Honestly, I can’t eat almost all sandwiches in their entirety from fast food places, whether I have sides or not. Can you usually eat all the food you order from a restaurant, fast food or otherwise? At restaurants I usually find that I can only eat about half of what they serve, even if I’m “starving” when we go in. Kid’s meals are ok, but often they aren’t particularly “down sized,” and the menu is very limited. The “kids hamburger” at one place here is the same size as the adult hamburgers. I forget what it is about the meal that makes them call it a “kid’s burger.”
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73 Answers
Yes. As long as their is no cheese or catsup. I prefer Double Big Mac’s and no fries and a small coke.
What is a double Big Mac?
I don’t even put a dent in my food at a restaurant. I have no idea how people do, because I think of myself as having a healthy appetite at 5’9” and usually a fairly active lifestyle, but restaurant food is gargantuan in proportions. I always feel guilty going out to eat, because it is so wasteful and expensive. As for fast food, I’ve never had a Quarter Pounder, so I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t like McDonald’s. I can eat some fast food sandwiches and a small fry or if it is a large sandwich, I can only eat the sandwich. If I’m hungry, I can eat the whole meal.
@Dutchess_III Double bread and double meat than a normal Big Mac. You can get in Canada. I don’t know if you can get where you are. It’s on the normal menu where I am. it costs $8 Canadian. Haven’t had one in two years.
I can eat two, with a large order of fries.
Yes, back in the day I could eat QP no problem.
My friends and I noticed back when I was in high school that one always left McDonalds feeling the same, no mater what or how much you ate. The same small ache in the gut that you ate too much.
I have not eaten food from McDonalds since the 1980s.
Back in the day I could eat them too. But my body is telling me that I’m slowing down so I need to stop eating as much as I did. I listen.
@Dutchess_III Me too. I can’t eat as much as I could as a teenager. For example. I can’t eat pop tarts or cinabonns anymore.
I imagine I could. I never go to McD.
It’s a LOT of food, @MollyMcGuire. It’s like 3 regular hamburgers.
When we make burgers at home I buy one pound of ground sirloin or round and make four burgers. Yes, that is a nice size burger but I can eat a 10 oz steak. So, without side, I could handle a quarter pounder I’m sure. :)
The last time I tried to eat anything from McDonalds it was after a 5 or 6 year break of not eating there. On this attempt, I took one bite of the burger, discovered that it was still vile, and threw the whole thing away. That was 5 years ago. So I have had one bite of their food in 10 or 11 years.
I can scarf down two Quarter Pounders any day of the week, love those things. As long as there are no pickles on ‘em, fast food place pickles are nasty to me. And I know they’re not healthy but I don’t care. I’m gonna die anyway.
I haven’t had a qp in some time.
I usually get two Mcdoubles with cheese, sometimes with a side of nuggets.
It is cheaper to fill up that way.
Sometimes I just get a number 2.
Mmmmmmmm, needing a cheeseburger!
For me, it’s cheapest to fill up on their regular hamburger for a buck.
No idea what that is.
I can eat a whole Super Döner though.
You know me, always jonesin’ for burgers. :-)
The Mcdoubles were just a buck until a few months ago. I think they are about a buck and a half now.
The best fast food in the whole world.
All the buck stuff has gone to $1.19.
@ragingloli, you have my curiosity. Is it a sandwhich, stew, salad, do tell please.
A quarter pounder hamburger is not a large portion anywhere except at McDonalds.
When you buy a ten pound box of frozen patties at Costco, you get 40 quarter pound patties. That is kind of a standard size.
I can. I don’t, but I can.
It’s ¼ pound pre cooked weight @zenvelo. The 10 pound box of frozen patties are about the same size after they’re cooked. I can’t eat all of one of those, either. Maybe if I ate just the meat and nothing else.
Yeah, but I won’t feel good about it afterward. To be honest, I like eating large hamburgers (though not from McDonald’s exactly), but I’m also extremely, often uncomfortably full, after doing so.
What’s in it?
I got a French dip with Swiss from Arby’s the other day. I haven’t been to Arby’s in years. It was so super good. I was sad that I couldn’t eat it all.
I could easily eat two of them. I don’t really eat fast food though.
I think I might like it @ragingloli, but not sure. I’m bad about new foods. My husband, on the other hand, loves to experiment.
A quarter pounder is a 4 oz. burger, a standard size small burger. Maybe the problem isn’t the amount of the meal but that it’s crap. Why bother?
A regular small hambuger from McDonalds is 1.6 ounces pre cooked.
A Quarter Pounder is 4.25 oz pre cooked. It’s about the size of 3 small burgers and I said above. I can tell by looking at it. Source
It’s the amount of meat. I simply can’t eat that much meat any more.
I firmly believe there is no special “crap” in McDonalds food. It’s just a wild myth. It’s just lean meat, and they’re very picky about how much fat is in their meat, which is why they won’t buy American beef. Those corn-fed, American cattle produce too much fat for McDonald’s standards.
mcdonalds and burgerking are for when all the other shops are closed. they are only one step above the train station vending machines.
@Dutchess_III I stand corrected before @Dutchessesssesss’s_III wisdom. When you’re right you’re right.
Burger King is SUBLIME! Maybe not so much anymore, but there was a time…
ROLOLL! It’s not MY wisdom! It’s mah Google!
Burger King is really good too, but we lost ours here. When we go out of town I get a Whopper Jr.
Hardees used to be super good too, from what I remember in the 70’s. Doesn’t seem so good any more. But I’m not hungry and on the move 24/7 like I was in the 70’s.
Do they even cook their burgers in the restaurants any more?
No, I don’t eat fast food junk food.
I can, but there are so many better burgers around that I haven’t had a quarter pounder in a looooong time.
Yes. Easily. But I’d rather not.
Loli. That meat is awesome. We eat it here in Greek restaurants. Mainly in gyros….
I can. That’s what I usually order when I’m eating at McD’s. Once in a blue moon I order it with cheese, but usually not. I eat a few of my husbands french fries too. A ¼ pound of meat before cooking isn’t that much meat, It weighs less after cooking I’m sure. So, that’s less meat than 4 ounces of deli meat. Go to a steak place for dinner, and the cuts are typically 6–12 ounces, depending on the type of steak. I’ve seen bigger.
I remember when I was very young I couldn’t finish a regular McDonald’s burger. The happy meal size, a QP looked huge to me back then. Not anymore.
Edit: I just saw your link that the QP now is 4 oz after cooking. It’s still not a very large portion of meat for an adult. Most nutrition tables use 3 oz as a portion size.
Hardee’s is different because Carl’s Jr. merged with it. I liked it better before.
@MrGrimm888 I just read your answer. Hamburger meat in gyros?! All the Greeks are holding their chest and calling out “here I come Elizabeth.” Blasphemy.
He’s refering to loli’s link.
^^Oh, ok. Lol. That makes me feel better. I didn’t read through the entire stream of answers. I didn’t think it would be overly important to read everything in detail on a yes or no McD’s hamburger Q.
I haven’t for over 25 years, but I used to be able to easily.
I’ve eaten four of them in one sitting. I’m not crazy about them, but I was very hungry after being at sea for a couple of weeks on short rations. And the McDonalds was right across the street from the maina. Afterwards I went back to the boat and crashed for 12 hours. Surprisingly, I wasn’t constipated.
Quarter pounder with cheese used to be my go-to at McD’s. I can still scarf one down, along with the mandatory fries and Coke. I usually don’t eat as much at a sitting as I used to, and there are some decent fast-food alternatives around, so I usually choose to eat elsewhere.
An In-N-Out patty is two ounces. I can scarf a Double Double (double patty, double cheese) no problem.
Last night I had a third of a pound turkey burger from the local place. Damn it was good!
@JLeslie It’s 4 oz before cooking.
Once upon a time their 1.5oz burger was all they offered. You may think that 4 oz isn’t “much,” but it would have been quite a bit in years past, the 60’s and 70’s, for example.
I agree portion size has drastically changed.
Remember the movie with Dennis Whatshisname (Hopper?) in it, about the trucker who lost his brains and started stalking Dennis’ character? That was made in the 70’s. The last time I saw it, about 2 years ago (after having seen it 10 times since it came out,) it struck me: He went in to a truck stop and got a “cheese sandwich.” And that is exactly what he got. A piece of cheese between two pieces of bread. No chips, no nothing else. Never struck me as odd before, because that’s the way it was in the 70’s.
That wouldn’t happen in today’s movies. If food is part of a scene, it’s part of the scene in a big way.
It seems like all of society is geared toward making us think we need more to eat than we really do.
Yeah, I saw a Leave it to Beaver episode several years ago, and they were eating dinner, and the dinner plate was small by today’s standards.
When I was growing up.our plates were regular sized and Mom fed us stuff that would give some people fits today! Lots of meat and potatoes and gravy. Butter. Very few veggies. Milk at every meal. We only had fruit around occasionally.
Many kids eat great stuff today. I’ll hear a kid at an all you can eat dinner bar hunting for broccoli and stuff. Often see kids putting fruit on their plates. I give Michelle Obama much of the credit for that. However I don’t know that they’re any healthier than we were.
There is no such thing as too much gravy.
Back that tanker right to my plate, fellas!
Me too guys! Pour it all over everything at Thanksgiving!
Add me to that gravy train, troops. Has to be what we call Yankee gravy though, love me some brown gravy. Not that crazy about what we call gravy here in the south, that thick, soupy white goo.
I once ate a large fry, 50 pc chicken nuggets, and drank a large mocha frappe in one sitting.
But I can’t eat the quarter pounder
No. I like the idea when I see the pic on the menu but find them too sweet.
Long ago, when my transportation had a great big head, and little arms, I worked at Mcd’s. I had two go to’s for my meal break. One was a quarter meal, the other was mcchicken without sauce, catsup mixed with sweet and sour instead. Mmm, like a giant nugget.
One of my first jobs was Taco Tico. I made, for myself, an excellent bean and cheese burrito with extra cheese inside and smothered in cheese. I’ve tried to order than but they’re so stingy with their cheese it would cost me $20.00 for a $1.00 burrito when all was said and done.
Man, I remember when they gave cheese away.
When I worked there in the mid-70’s they’d clock me for putting too much cheese on orders. But the few I did, before I got clocked, had customers coming up and saying that was the best burrito they’d ever had there.
@Espiritus_Corvus Man, I remember when they gave cheese away.
Me too! They called it “Guv’mint Cheese!”
As an aside I always thought Government Crack would have been an excellent name for a band. Sadly the time for that name to be relevant is long passed.
@Strauss Yep. Down South they called it Gummint Cheddah. Carefully aged on shelves deep in some doomsday cache in the Rockies.
LOL> You da man, Strauss.
Half right is still all wrong.
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