I don’t think history will “correct” any views of the Trump years. We may be forever divided. I think times today are a little more unrest than the 1960s protests and may be approaching Civil War levels.
Here are some things which will be remembered, however:
—I think the main thing will be the election-night itself—virtually all news was predicting a major landslide win for Hillary Clinton as late as two hours before all results were in—and what happened sent a nation into shock.
—Trump was regarded as a Republican but did not get much support from the Republicans. Those a little better versed in history will probably regard him as a “Populist”.
—The downfall of the Republican and Democrat parties
—False news stories and scandals being rampart in major newspapers
—Unmaskings and espionage by the Obama presidency being largely unreported and the Comey findings on Hillary Clinton being swept under the rug because of the unpopularity of Donald Trump.
—Continued protests against law enforcement,
—The obliteration of North Korea will be necessary to protect the very states that oppose Donald Trump the most—- most Americans will blame Trump and not the nuclear threat from North Korea. If North Korea isn’t taken out, expect at least one nuclear bomb striking an American city and probably a few nuclear strikes into South Korea or Japan even before America’s involvement.
—The lack of media coverage of Trump’s recent world tour, which will have large impact in the course of the future—whichever way it goes.
—How we deal with North Korea and global terror.
—Some will always blame the growth of terror on Bush or Obama—those beliefs will not die
—Major rioting and suppression of speech on college campuses.
—The fall of Ivy League schools and the rise of apprenticeship-type programs—and the fall of respectable journalism and the growth of alternate media and social media
—Double standards in politics. Hillary crying for the firing or designation of James Comey one day, then when it happens the next day blaming Trump and Comey being the good guy, Or, Trump saying “wait and see” about whether he will accept the election results—resulting in nationwide paranoia about whether Trump will create a coupe of he looses— Biden saying for him to “grow up” and Obama to “Quit whining” and Hillary “How DARE he question the integrity of the American election process?” and when he looses, the democrats doing exactly what they accused Trump’s supporters.
With the passage of time, many things significant to us now will be largely irrelevant to everyone. Whatever intelligence conceals or is misreported now willprobably be known and readable to all.
It is impossible to say much more because we don’t really know what the Trump years will accomplish. I DO believe that political coupes and assassination attempts will be made within the next few months.