Social Question

Rememer the good ole days -- when modern technology worked?
Ah, the coffee shop / cyber café years!
All you had to do was put a CD in a CD player or even a computer, and it played. You could make your own music tapes then. If you needed a telephone number, it was online somewhere for free. This was before all the services started hijacking and redirecting you to their own sites.
In addition to cassette tapes and CD players (remember the joy of opening CDs?) we had record albums that were as interesting as the music itself. We could explore book stores and libraries and find a cure for whatever curiosity was consuming us.
With cameras, you threaded your Kodak or Fujifilm on the little spokes and closed the back and advanced it forward, Taking a picture always made a satisfying ‘click!”
You could even experiment with the color on television by turning the knobs. And T.V. was free and usually clear.
I guess what I miss the most was being able to control my own CDs, DVDs. and Cassettes— and getting whatever kind of telephone I wanted—from portable wireless receivers with Spread Spectrum to old fashioned (or even vintage) rotary phones. I was the first person in Cherokee, Alabama to have caller I.D.
Corelle Word Perfect is still around but nothing will print it and few computers will run it.
What do you miss the most—now that technology has become so complicated? I am really wanting to play a CD now, but my computer is too jacked up to make it simple. God how I long for a good ole fashioned cassette player and CD boombox right now.