Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What system, OS and browser are you using and are you having trouble posting Questions or doing anything on Fluther ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31640points) June 2nd, 2017

I use Mac and FireFox. Have troubles sometimes.

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38 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

I use chrome on Android phone and haven’t faced any issues for posting questions so far.

Zaku's avatar

Android, “Samsung Internet” browser. The formatting of the page appears borked.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Android phone. Google Chrome. The “questions for me,” hasn’t worked in months. Otherwise, it seems to function properly….

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sometimes the “Fluther logo” image fails to display, but everything else seems to work.

janbb's avatar

Windows 7 on my desktop usually with Chrome. I haven’t had many problems although yesterday I got 4 GAs for an answer and it only showed as one. (And it was a darned good answer too!)

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Acer Chromebook, using Chrome browser. Most things are working. Fluther logo never displays, moderator logos don’t display, and occasionally, the lurve star is just a box.

Soubresaut's avatar

Windows 10, Edge.

Asking questions doesn’t seem to work. I can’t get past the first page (phrasing the question title). I don’t know if I’ve had this problem as long as everyone else, since I haven’t tried until recently, but I assume I have.

The chat has stopped working again. I think that’s true for everyone.

Sometimes the Dr. Jelly Fluther logo doesn’t show up for me. Same with the moderator logos. It’s working right now, though… Usually when it happens, they’ll stop showing up for a few days, and then be back.

Everything else works for me… Well, sometimes I don’t get visual confirmation when I click “GA” or “GQ,” but I’ll refresh the page and the counts will have updated… and that’s only very occasionally, so I’ve just assumed it has more to do with internet connection? Idk.

I think that’s everything.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Windows 10 and surface pro. I can only ask questions on my Android Galaxy J6.

Jeruba's avatar

Windows and Firefox, and for more than a week I’ve been unable to post a question.

tedibear's avatar

MacBook Pro, OS X El Capitan, Chrome for my browser and no issues.

Strauss's avatar

Android, Chrome. Usually no problem.

Coloma's avatar

Firefox & problems here but my computer is also brand new, well, 6 months old.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Dr. J.” logo has not loading since last week.

janbb's avatar

It didn’t loard for me this morning and now it’s back.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I tried Safari too, nothing !

My Android phone with Nougat and running Chrome will load “Dr.J.”

zenvelo's avatar

iMac on OS 10.6, Safari, no problems.

At work, Windows and Chrome, no problem there either.

Jeruba's avatar

I have accumulated a backlog of questions I’d like to post, but my attempts are still going nowhere.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba Try accessing the mobile site: I’ve heard that allows you to ask questions.

Jeruba's avatar

No smartphone. Is there another way in? What would Indiana Jones do?

Soubresaut's avatar

Puts on cowboy hat, holds whip. In your web browser, you can go to the address bar and change the “www” to “i” and hit enter. Imagine it like that scene where Indie exchanges the weighted pouch for the valuable relic…. Except nothing will come tumbling down afterwards. You’ll be sent to the mobile version of the site—most notable for the way it only takes up a very narrow slice of the browser!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba In the address bar of your browser, type in the mobile site name, even though you’re not on a mobile device. Others who haven’t been able to ask questions say this works. It’s not ideal, but it’s a way around the problem. Or just click the link in my answer above. That should take you there.

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve tried this four different ways (starting with clicking that link above) and don’t get anything but an error message. I’ve also logged off my Fluther account and logged back in, and I reboot daily. Am I wearing the wrong hat?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am very sorry it’s not working.

I think this is when the mods contact Ben.

Soubresaut's avatar

It must be your hat. That glorious tentacle fringe must be scrambling the signal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Ben was “shared question” when I started the thread !

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks for trying, @Tropical_Willie. It just takes me to my usual place, the Fluther home page. Still locked out of questions.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Jeruba It might not work, but try this link. Without the “https://” part, automatically redirects people who aren’t using a mobile operating system to the desktop version of the site.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanx @SavoirFaire that seems to work for me !

Jeruba's avatar

Hurray! It worked. Thank you. I just tested it. It’s not ideal, but some workaround is better than no workaround.

Thanks to @Hawaii_Jake too. And to @Soubresaut for the millinery counsel.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am now noticing that I am receiving GAs and GQs that are not registering on the actual answer or question. I can see them in my lurve feed, but they do not register on the actual answer or question.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Do any of the questions or answers that are getting these phantom GQs and GAs show up as having zero GQs or GAs? I ask because there seems to be an aspect of the bug that lets people occasionally hit GQ or GA more than once, which causes it to show up in your feed without registering on the question/answer or increasing your actual lurve score.

Soubresaut's avatar

@SavoirFaire I think I’ve double GAed/GQed before… Sometimes I’m sure I’ve marked something, but then it’ll show up unmarked… When it happens, it seems to happen when I’ve switched devices (from laptop to phone, or phone to laptop).

@Jeruba tips hat

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SavoirFaire No, none were showing zero. One showed that I had 3 GAs but the lurve feed listed 6. Another said I had 4 GAs, and the lurve feed listed 6, I think.

I’m not actually worried about it. I only became interested a few weeks ago when I noticed I’m approaching a milestone.

I thought it was worth bringing up, because it is a glitch I’ve heard from others.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake It was definitely worth bringing up, so thank you. I just wanted to figure out if it was a completely new bug or not. But even though it wasn’t, knowing who is being affected by which bugs is helpful.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The I-can’t-ask-a-question bug has hit me, too. To ask my question today, I had to use my tablet which greatly decreased the amount of detail I was able to add.

I am on a laptop running Windows 10 using Chrome. Everything is up-to-date.

I tried logging into to work around it, but that did not work. What other work-around is there?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

At work, I can ask a question. Using Windows 7 with IE. Absolutely nothing has been updated. No clue what iteration of these apps I’m using here.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

And there are discrepancies between my lurve feed and what is showing on my question in Meta. Again, I’m not worried about it, but it is a bug that should be looked into.

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