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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How much power can you be trusted with?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25058points) June 5th, 2017

Before you get corrupt? Humor and real answers welcome.

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12 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I went power mad as a night manager at a convenience store. Too much power. : ) I went slowly insane. It was a taste of true power. I don’t want that much responsibility and power ever again.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s never had a negative effect on me, if anything power is humbling. I simply don’t want that much but responsibility and accountability is something I am trusted with and don’t mind.

CWOTUS's avatar

480V, three-phase

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@CWOTUS in that sense:500kv

stanleybmanly's avatar

Interesting. What sort of power? I have no idea how to answer such a question. You can entrust me with all your valuables, but it’s probably a bad idea to lock me in your top-notch bakery overnite.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am reminded of what happened to Jafar in Disney’s Aladdin.

He got “phenomenal cosmic power” with an “itty bitty living space.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@stanleybmanly Employee and employer power to start. Any types of power welcome. Also what opportunity can your be trusted with. @Hawaii_Jake Exactly thanks. GA.

zenvelo's avatar

Complete and total, as I am an ethical man who does not seek power. I would meet the Platonic Ideal of a Benevolent Dictator.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Well, being….you know….a manly-man, I never use it, but my wife says if you apply too much, it can actually make you look older…......


Oh, I’m sorry…...I thought it said “powder”.......

johnpowell's avatar

For some reason people give me a lot of power. I’m not sure why. Just the other day I was helping a guy sort out a problem on his server. I only knew the dude for about a hour. But he handed over the keys.

I could have totally fucked him but I didn’t since I am not a horrible person. And I am lazy. 20 years ago I would have managed to Rick Roll people with my root password. I’m old now and a person needed help so I will do my best to help. We are all in this together.

I was even given the passwords to log into the servers here since they were always dying and I would occasionally step in and reboot them. I could have been bad and done damage. But I didn’t since I am trying to be a grown up and I am really fucking lazy.

NomoreY_A's avatar

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, God is all powerful. Draw your own conclusions.”

Zaku's avatar

Sort of depends on what one means by corrupt.

I can be trusted with vast amounts of power, unless you’re someone I think is really wicked/deplorable, in which case I might use my power against your wickedness, even if you’d given it to me, which you might tend to try to label as corrupt.

That is, I wouldn’t be temped to do what people traditionally think of as corrupt, because most or all of that I don’t like or want. I would like to stop human destruction of the environment, stop lots of corporate misbehavior, reinvent the economic system, etc., and that would tend to involve removing many people from their current positions. There’s so much power invested in corporate greed and mega-wealth amassment, though, that I don’t think there is enough power in human hands to change it by brute force. It has to change by transforming our ideas.

I think a lot of “corruption from power” isn’t some sort of essential force of truth. I think it has to do with unhealthy people grasping while trapped within twisted notions of what makes sense.

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