How do you like your steak cooked?
Medium rare here. I’ve been considering ordering rare one time, to see how I like it. Mmmm, so juicy.
Also, do you put anything on it like a steak sauce? My dad would roll over in his grave if I put steak sauce on a good cut of steak. Steak sauce is like barbque sauce…it’s used to cover the flavor of cheap meat.
How do you like your steak?
I know. What’s with the steak questions? Because I ordered steak on Saturday, for the first time in about 2 years.
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32 Answers
Medium rare. 1” to 1¼” thick, grilled eight minutes per side. Rubbed with a spice mix ten minutes before grilling.
No sauce.
About once a year I will have a sauce BĂ©arnaise, if I get a steak at a French restaurant.
Grilled is the only way to go!
What kind of steak @zenvelo?
Medium rare. I actually like it medium, but whenever I order it medium it’s always overcooked. So I do medium rare.
Rare. Medium rare if I have to.
Medium well, a tinge of pink is fine, but I mean a very, very, faint tinge.
No bloody raw insides for me. Why I hate Prime Rib. Bloody raw meat is disgusting.
Blue. (Depending on the restaurant / quality of the meat).
But it is so juicy and tender @Coloma! I ordered a medium rare T bone at the restaurant. Brought at least half of it home. I ate a few bites, cold, the next day. Still good.
Then Rick cooked the rest up the next day. Wrapped it in foil and stuck it in the oven. When he was finished it was well done, and not nearly as tasty (in my opinion) and juicy.
Well done. Little to no fat. If at home, I add lots of seasoning, and mushrooms. A1, or Heinz 57.
I haven’t had much appetite for it since I see Trump eating them with ketchup everywhere he goes though…..
Usually eye of round. London broil is on sale sometimes. It has to be a pretty piece to get me to drop the dough, for steak.
I’m a big guy. It’s expensive to fill me up with steak. I buy one every few months. Almost never get them eating out. There is a place I used to eat with my ex where they had a 64 oz for pretty cheap. But I rarely go there because it reminds me of her….
How do you cook? Sorry about your ex.
I usually bake it, until well done, and then cut it up and finish in the microwave. It’s just easier.
Thanks, but my ex was my fault. I trusted her. That was my mistake. “Did someone say steak?” .....
I take my steak on the rarer side of medium rare. I almost always broil mine, just because that’s how I ate it growing up.
I never really liked eating my steak with sauce, even cheap cuts. But I do really like steak sauce on meatloaf!
Well burned or medium raw. Just cut off the horns, slap it on the ass, toss it on the plate.
No sauce on it! Just no. Except to say once in a very blue moon (maybe once every few years) I make it with oyster sauce. But, the sauce is put on beforehand, and then the meat is broiled. It’s not saucy, it just adds flavor.
At home I often prepare steak by rubbing Good Season’s “dressing” from the packet, and a little more salt, and then grilling, or in a pan with olive oil.
I’ve also used the Omaha steaks seasoning, and we like it.
My grandma used to cook steak in an iron skillet with kosher salt and I used to live it that way.
I also like breaded steak (not batter) the Latin way, not the American way. I make it with a thin coat of Italian breadcrumbs, and very thin steak.
Once in a while I order Palomilla steak at a Latin American restaurant, which usually has onions on it, and I like it with lots of lemon.
I love ropa vieja, which uses skirt steak I think. That not really like eating a steak, but it is beef.
Damn your eyes, now I’m hungry. And I cant afford a steak house right now. I’m so broke I can’t pay attention.
For years I preferred mine Well Done but as I have gotten older I find myself liking Medium Rare. Not that I eat steak that often Truth be known I would rather have had a good juicy burger.
@NomoreY_A I know! We’re talking about Prime Rib, Filet Mignon, KC strip….and I was stuck with a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios to eat!
My Dad was just fanatical about steak, how it should be prepared. Lots of cracked pepper and a bit of salt. That’s it. Never well done, and never any steak sauce. . Maybe it was a Texas thing. Lately though I have found that combing sauteed mushrooms with a bite of steak is super duper yummy.
@Dutchess_III Dang it girl, now YOU’RE making me hungry, that does sound super duper yummy. Now I’m inbound to work, and have to make do with a burrito from Taco Smell. Just tain’t right, tain’t right hat all. : (
Ha ha ha ha! And Taco Smell advertises their “steak” burritos. Give me a break!
Here’s my local butcher shop, best meats in the county.
I had a Porterhouse steak from here about a month ago.
I cooked it up with mushroom caps and grilled onions and then used the leftovers, cut in strips for steak sandwiches covered in sauteed red and orange bell peppers with the grilled onions and melted provolone cheese on a steak roll. Divine! I only have a steak about once a year and it is a real treat.
Stooooppp! I can’t take it any more, I’m going mad… I’m off to work, maybe folks won’t torment me like this, have visions of juicy, nicely prepared steak dancing thru my head. While I eat my nasty junk food. You gals are about to see a grown man cry. Or just plump lay down and die.
Don’t look @NomoreY_A.
Here is ours @Coloma. It’s in a neighboring town. There is a beef packing plant in town. Maybe that’s why every Tbone I get from there has such generous potions of both cuts on it.
Weird that this popped up in my questions for you when it’s almost 2yrs old.
Oh, this is just insane! I asked this question (how do you like your steak) TWICE today (March 11, 2019) and both times it just disappeared.
Then I asked a question about why it disappeared and put it in META, and the mods sent it back for editing because you guys would have no idea why they disappeared. Since there were no answers on it originally, I figured they wouldn’t mind if I completely changed the question back to “How do you like your steak”....and then THIS 2 year old question pops up!
How weird.
2 years old? Dang i thought Coloma was back.
It’s weird. The question I asked yesterday is now in Social.
Usually Medium or Medium Well. I don’t tend to use steak sauce too much, though I like putting A1 on my steak sometimes.
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