Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Can we make wildly inappropriate adverbs?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) June 7th, 2017

Bigly is too easy. That one’s overused these days.

I happily suggest we each carefully consider the plight of the lowly adverb. It’s nearly forgotten. I woefully ponder its fate.

Can you graciously help me revive it?

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22 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I will enthusiastically endorse that bizarrely opinionated view. :-P

CWOTUS's avatar

I do that sillily, and not infrequently.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar



CWOTUS's avatar

Why is it, I wonder sometimes (wonderfully, that is), that I can readily sit down to watch a movie, but I can’t moviely – not even moviefully – read a book when I want to?

I can dreamily ponder, but when I ponderously dream I just plain fall asleep. (Plainly, that’s no good. Why can’t we realize things mountainously?)

Apparently, I can’t do “wildly” inappropriate adverbs, but I can do ‘em tamely.

Soubresaut's avatar

This stupendously crafted question has, irrefutably, inarguably, done more for the adverb—which has been treated worse than any other part of speech in history—and I know the adverb. I love the adverb. Hugely. I love him best. He’s like the adjective, but the adjective modifies weakly, okay? The adjective modify nouns. It’s nothing, exactly nothing compared to our… indubitable friend. And I’m going to make the adverb so revered. And I’m going to do it quickly, and I’m going to do it easily—and how am I going to do that? I’ll simply sit down with the noun, the verb… maybe even the adjective, because what are you going to do? You have to negotiate. I’m going to get the adverb the best deal. Incontrovertibly. Unequivocally. It’s going to be so sweet, inconceivably sweet, and I’ll just say, in the end: See? This reviving thing, I’ve really done it quite spectacularly, I’ve really done it quite strikingly.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Soubresaut There are not enough GAs for that answer. You wrote stupendously.

marinelife's avatar

The inconceivably silly name, Reality Winner, will undoubtedly go down in stranger-than-fiction history.

janbb's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^Too easily done.

janbb's avatar

Funnily enough it took a bitly of effort as I’m majorly jet-lagged.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Sleep soundly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Soubresaut for most amazingly amazing, awesomely awesome, president!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Double plus un-good

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^Sounds Orwellianly.

Zaku's avatar



Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I repeatedly think those terms as I read the news these days.

rojo's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay What is Wantakarous?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@rojo It is the adjective form of wankily. You’ve misspelled it.

rojo's avatar

Wanktankerous? Wanktankerously? Wanktankerdisestablishmentarianism?

rojo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Wow! Deja Vuly! It’s like 1984 all over againly!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

What is Wantakarous?

Wanktacious (adjective)

Root wank (masturbate)

1. Marked by a lack of self-awareness
2. Juvenile in nature, as one who engages in self-pleasuring rather than engaging others

Example(s) of wanktacious in a sentence:
“The solo was a wanktacious effort, uninteresting to everybody in the room except the guitarist.”

Zaku's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay What about the adverbial form?

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