Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

"When that thing finally hits the floor, I don't want to be the last person who touched it." What is it for you?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) June 10th, 2017

A fragile treasure, an heirloom, somebody’s favorite dish or vase or ornament: whatever it is, you don’t want to be the one to break it.

In our house, it’s a large glass Pyrex mixing bowl that my husband has had since long before he knew me. It’s a bit heavy and very slippery when wet and soapy, and they don’t make ‘em like that any more. Every time I use it, I worry that I’m going to be the one to drop it. Terminally.

Is there something like that in your life?

Or are you philosophical enough to say “The cup is already broken” and not worry about it?

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8 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

If you’re going to worry about that then be assured you’ll be the one doing it..So stop worrying about it..) I don’t think there’s something like that in our house. I remember as a kid breaking an old watch of my uncle which was just repaired. So I know exactly how bad it feels.After that incident I hesitate to handle things which are precious / important to others.

CWOTUS's avatar

The US Dollar.

PullMyFinger's avatar

I keep dropping a hideously ugly painting (which I did years ago) out in the street on ‘garbage night’, but mystically the next day….there it is, up on the wall again.

Strange… very strange…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

The baby! And this is a true story. My youngest, my son, was a very fat baby. He didn’t grow into a fat adult but as a baby he had padding. When he was about 2 months old I came in from the car, but the car seat on the kitchen table and ran to the living room to take care of something else.
Suddenly I heard a “splat” sound from the kitchen. It just froze my blood, but I was moving in the next half instant, screaming in my head “No! NO WAY!! NO WAY!!!
Yes, way. He had managed to work himself from a reclining position, hauled himself up and out of the car seat. At two months! From there it was free fall from the kitchen table to the kitchen floor. OMG. Well, he was just there, on his fat, fat tummy, waving his arms around behind him like a beached seal. Wasn’t even crying. I got the impression he rather enjoyed it and would like to do it again.

If it’s Pyrex, that stuff is pretty sturdy, not delicate. If I did drop something like a vase or a bowl I would get over it pretty quick. Even if it was a kid who dropped it. I’d have to ask myself, “If it was so important why did I leave it in reach?”

imrainmaker's avatar

^^ You do have lot of stories to tell..But this one was bit scary..Must have had your heart in your mouth!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, it made me sick. He couldn’t sit up on his own! How could he have possibly done what he did????

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The SO purchased a sculpture (?) of The Last Supper long before we met. Why is a mystery, as he is an atheist.

Anyway, it now resides on an open shelf in the dining room sideboard cabinet. I didn’t put it there. I was content to have it all packed up and stored in the back of a cupboard.

Guess who responsible for the dusting? It is a set of what be about 50 pieces, and I’m deathly afraid to touch it out of fear of breaking any part of it. He knows that if he wants to keep it pristine, he needs to either dust it himself or pack it back up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s right!

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