Is coffee actually good for you?
Maybe I’m imagining things, but I think I saw an article in Time or some news magazine, that they have decided that several cups of plain black coffee each day is good for your health.
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25 Answers
Some studies say yes, others say not so much. I think i read, not long ago, it may help protect from colon cancer but I don’t care what “they” say. I am never giving up my morning coffee, never, until they pry my cold dread fingers away from my mug. I have to have a medical test Fri. that requires no caffeine for 6 hours prior.
I will get up at 5 so I can have my coffee until 7 and still meet the guidelines for the 1 p.m. test. haha
Just can’t go wrong with a hot cup of black Java!
I’d get sick if I drank “several cups” of coffee in the morning. I have less than 1 cup, watered down and feel icky afterward. All buzzy and nauseated. It wakes me up, though. I only have that because Rick is a coffee drinker. Before him, I didn’t even own a coffee maker.
I can drink half a pot or more. Morning ain’t morning without coffee.
Gag! My personal opinion is that it is not good. I don’t know if this is real, but it kind of feels real. Scroll down a bit. There is a side by side comparison.
@Dutchess_III Wow – thanks for the link, the spider was spaced out on caffeine more so than on weed or acid, it seems. Now I’m having second thoughts. If I get antsy in the morning, it’s all you fault. But looking at that crazy web… ugh!
Coffee makes me antsy! But if you quit you’re going to have headaches for a few days.
I drink about 5 cups every morning but only the first couple are strong, then I run more water through the pot and dilute it down some. I also drink tons of water every day. Yep, I am a coffee addict in the mornings but do not drink it any other time. I don;t get overly antsy at all. Must have a tolerance. Mmmmm my butterscotch toffee or french roast. I love you my darling. haha’s possible to drink too much water. I used to drink it all day, every day too. Then we discovered my sodium levels were too low because of it.
^ I wouldn’t say I drink too much, but plenty to stay hydrated. I also eat enough salty foods so pretty sure I’m good.
Well, I always had a 32 oz Styrofoam cup with me, filled with ice and water. I’d drink probably 3 a day. I cut wayyyy back to one a day. I read somewhere just drink when you’re thirsty. But it’s such a habit now. I get lost if I don’t have it in the car, even if I never drink it!
It is good for me in the sense that whenever I want to go smack our thoughtless, dimwit next-door neighbor Chuck around, I just go have another cup of coffee instead (thus keeping Chuck out of the hospital, and me out of jail….)
Coffee may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it sounds like it can be quite helpful for some people. You can read about some of coffee’s benefits Here
It’s generally thought now that coffee is actually beneficial for many reasons ranging from maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, providing some liver protection in those who drink alcohol, cutting colon cancer risk, lower risk of alzeimers…. I drink about four cups a day on average.
@Coloma is right, there have been pro and con studies. I’m a huge coffee drinker, so I’m interested in that. There have been studies that even suggest that it may delay and slow down Alzheimer’s symptoms. But, unless you actually study the protocols and results and the rationalization of the results of these trials, and understand what you’re reading, and can judge whether or not they were conducted properly, what you read in the newspapers or online written by journalists is often bullshit.
I have Alzheimers, organic brain disease, running in the maternal side of my family. My mother’s mother spent the last thirty years of her life basically staring at a wall—starting when she was about my age.
I’d really to hear Rarebear’s take on this subject.
Coffee does have some health benefits. But like all things we should consume it in moderation. I for one love my coffee, can’t live without it. But every so often I will cut back just a little. Too much of it is not very good for the heart. Which is why if we are ever taking other medication containing caffeine we should be mindful of our coffee consumption.
Coffee may have some benefits but it also has some disadvantages. It can give you heart palpitations and can make acid reflux worse. The best type of coffee is filtered. Unfiltered coffee can cause serum cholesterol to rise.
(disclaimer – I am a recent convert to caffeine free!)
Doesn’t caffeine free kind of ruin the whole point?
Yes, there is some rather poor data to suggest that coffee is beneficial. I don’t have any more information on it where I am right now, but it’s good enough that I drink coffee.
It’s important, though, that we’re not talking about double macchiato frappaccino with extra sugar.
@Dutchess_III I heard caffeine free can actually be more harmful than regular coffee.There are certain decaffeinating methods which use chemicals to remove the caffeine which may not be good for you. Depends what process is used. Plus decaf tends to have at least 3% of the caffeine still intact.
Authority Nutrition
@Dutchess_III I know, but I really like the taste of coffee and I like the social aspect of it as well but I don’t like getting heart palpitations or insomnia! So I switched to the decaf at home and if I buy from a coffee shop. I’ll have an occasional regular coffee if I am visiting a friend. I have decaf tea as well.
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