Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Who's the new member on the 4th floor of the mansion?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37825points) June 14th, 2017

Round of applause for @tinyfaery for 40K!

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32 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Haha now we have two parties ~

Congrats on reaching 40k!

jca's avatar

Wow @tinyfaery! 40k is an awesome way to start summer of 2017!

Strauss's avatar

Whee! Now the 4th floor of the mansion is a faeryland!

Congrats, @tinyfaery!

Soubresaut's avatar

CONGRATS tinyfaery! What a BIG number to reach (especially for one so small)!

I heard rumors that mansion dwellers were busy upgrading the fourth floor to include tiny doors inset into the larger ones, and tiny furniture placed on the tables, and a tiny staircase connecting it to the third—I should have known it was to prepare for your moving up a floor!

I always appreciate the perspective you bring to any discussion. Much lurve!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Congratulations! On a stunning achievement in records of endurance.

janbb's avatar

Mazel tov, tiny! You wear a tough shell and have inside it a loving heart. So glad to have you as a Fluther friend! Some day I will make it down to LA and meet you.

chyna's avatar

Congratulations tiny! I’m glad you have stayed and have input all these years.

flutherother's avatar

40kongratulations @tinyfaery. That represents a pretty big input to this site. Well done!

Mariah's avatar

Well deserved. Congrats, diminutive winged one!

filmfann's avatar

Congo rats to my second favorite fairy!

I have a Tinkerbell porn addiction.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@tinyfaery Congrats on the 40k!!!
We tell people how they helped change minds and lives. But you have total proof. More than one jelly was so impressed with you that they changed their minds and became more open and inclusive. You changed opponents into supporters. Now THAT is influential. Not many people can say that! Congratulations!

marinelife's avatar

Love you, @tinyfaery! Your voice in this collective is totally unique. Congrats on the well-deserved 40k!

tinyfaery's avatar

Thanks all. I always told myself that at 40K I would leave fluther. I didn’t know it would take me over 2 years to get there from 35,000. But after all that has occurred over the last few months I think I’ll stay and try to help make fluther a better place. So many people have received so much from the site. We have grieved, we have laughed, we have learned and changed. I’ve known so many of you for about 9 years, much longer than I have known most people IRL.

I really appreciate that you all seem to really enjoy my input and it makes me feel useful that I have made a difference to some people. We have a unique little community here and I hope we stay together for a lot longer.

Let’s keep swimming everyone.

chyna's avatar

Dammit tinyfaery, you made me tear up. Must be hormonal today…

tinyfaery's avatar

^^Aww. I mean it.

cookieman's avatar

Ooh, I’m late…

Congratulations @tinyfaery!! You’re an amazing Jelly and, I suspect, a wonderful person. I’m so glad to know you in some small way.

I know I made this joke before, but…
At 40K, shouldn’t you be @jumbofaery?

tinyfaery's avatar

That just sounds wrong. Hahaha

syz's avatar

Wow, congrats!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@tinyfaery now we have Faery Dust on the Fourth Floor.

jonsblond's avatar

I love your spunk and I’m happy to call you a friend.

Aster's avatar

FORTY THOUSAND ?? NO WAY ! Congratulations and I hope you like this triple layer strawberry shortcake cake ! I made the whipped cream by hand.

kritiper's avatar

Whoa! Mondo feat of achievement, man! Way to go!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa… TINY achievement! Well done to a pleasant, polite and down-to- earth faery!

Fairy cakes for all!

tinyfaery's avatar

^^Wow. No one has ever called me polite or pleasant. Thanks.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well done!!!!!!!!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

* Y A * Y *

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, @tinyfaery! I’ll always lurve you. <3

tinyfaery's avatar

^^ Aww…you came to my party. Since you’re late you owe me cake.

Lurve you too.

tinyfaery's avatar

I forgot about that. Haha.

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